1 | 他们可利用浏览器向服务器端的巴比塔主库索要目标翻译文本,也可将(发来的自动翻译)句对进行修订然后送回到巴比塔主库中 | They can use the browser interface to request the target text from Babel MasterDB on the server or return the pair of sentences to MasterDB after finishing the translation of the sentence. | |
2 | 他以激动的语调结束了他的故事。 | He finishing off his story in an exciting tone | |
3 | 填料一种混合物,尤指在干燥过程中变硬的半液体状物质,用于在完工前将木头、塑料或其它建筑表面填入孔、裂缝或洞 | A composition,especially a semisolid that hardens on drying,used to fill pores,cracks,or holes in wood,plaster,or other construction surfaces before finishing . | |
4 | 涂料机,给纸张或纸板上光用(不包括压光机) | coating machine,for finishing paper or paperboard (excl. calendars) | |
5 | 退休后,他去了洛杉矶,在完成这座桥的工程后不到一年就去世了。 | Unfortunately, Joseph Strauss never got a chance to bask in the glory of his achievement, for he retired to Los Angeles and died less than a year after finishing work on the bridge | |
6 | 完成这项工作我有困难。 | I’ve had problems finishing off the job | |
7 | 我就要做完了,一会儿就来。 | I’m just finishing . I’ll be with you in a minute. | |
8 | 我开始读这本书时想读完它,可是我从来就没把它读完。 | I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, But I never did. | |
9 | 我们的记者拿到这个故事的第一手数据来做报导。 | Our journalist had a firsthand finishing account of the story to report. | |
10 | 我们上岸后,在昨天下午碰到了头一件险事,差点断送了冒失鬼勃鲁吉的性命。 | About the first adventure we had yesterday afternoon after landing here, came near finishing that heedless blucher | |
11 | 我想邀请一些朋友过来聚聚,庆祝我完成了学位论文。 | I want to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate finishing my dissertation. | |
12 | 我丈夫有一个做完饭就把厨房打扫干净的好习惯。 | My husband has a good habit of clearing up the kitchen after finishing his cooking | |
13 | 洗涤、漂白、染色、印花、整理及包装机械 | Washing,Bleaching,Dyeing,Printing,Finishing and Make-up Machinery | |
14 | 新公司结合了两所公司的长处及竞争力,积极扩展业务,包括一般及商用的摄影器材及工业仪器、证件相片、喷墨相纸及其它不同的器材,为用家提供更多元化的产品。 | This newly established company expands her business including all consumer and commercial photographic equipments and industrial instruments, photo finishing service, inkjet media and other related equipments with the maximization of integration effects and synergy. | |
15 | 选择加工处理缝份毛边的方法根据面料的类型、衣服的款式(运动装、童装、夜礼服等)以及装饰格调的需要而定。 | The method selected for finishing the raw edge of seam depends upon the kind of fabric used, the type of garment (sportswear, children’s wear, evening wear, etc.), and the need for a decorative touch. | |
16 | 要加工一个工件,通常需要一个或多个粗加工刀具和一个精加工刀具。由冷压钢或不锈钢制成的刀具耐磨效果最佳。 | One or more roughing tools and a finishing tool are usually required for each job. Tools made of cold-rolled steel or stainless steel provide the best wear ratios. | |
17 | 一名主持打捞行动的俄罗斯海军官员表示,试图将一百一十八名士兵的尸体从沉没的库尔斯克核子潜舰中拖出的潜水人员们,周二已经快要完成在潜舰外壳上凿洞的工作。这个洞口的大小约可让一个人通过。 | divers trying to raise the bodies of 118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said | |
18 | 以前,日光是主要的漂白剂,到1774年,瑞典化学家舍勒发现氯气,1785年法国化学家贝托莱证明氯的漂白性能。在织物精加工中,漂白过程用于生产白布、为其它成品制备纤维品或除去污点。氯、次氯酸钠、次氯酸钙和过氧化氢通常用作漂白剂。 | Sunlight was the chief bleaching agent up to the discovery of chlorine in 1774 by Karl Wilhelm Scheele and the demonstration of its bleaching properties in 1785 by Claude-Louis Berthollet. In textile finishing , the bleaching process is used to produce white cloth, to prepare fabrics for other finishes, or to remove discoloration. Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, and hydrogen peroxide are commonly used as bleaches. | |
19 | 因此,尽管先烧毛比较经济,但在某些情况下还是修改或变更处理工序的先后顺序。 | So, even though it is more economical to singe first, in some cases it is advantageous to modify or reverse the sequence of these finishing operations. | |
20 | 印刷技术术语印后加工术语 | Terminology of printing technology-Terms for post-press finishing | |
21 | 由于特殊整理通常会提高产品的价格,对于顾客来说,熟悉各种织物的整理方法是十分重要的,这样就能在产品价格和性能上作出合理的判断。 | Since special finishing generally adds to the cost of an item, it is important for consumers to be familiar with the many types of finishes that may be applied to cloth, in order to make rational decisions regarding price and performance properties. | |
22 | 再来一轴线我就可以完成这幅刺绣了。 | I need one more spool of thread before finishing the embroidery. | |
23 | 在后续的整理过程中,特别是在张力下烘干织物,可能会在整理后的织物中形成新的屈曲平衡。 | Subsequent finishing processes, especially drying under tension, may again produce an artificial balance of crimp in the finished fabric. | |
24 | 在进入消费市场之前,织物至少要经过一个(通常为几个)整理工序。 | Before reaching the consumer market, cloth must undergo at least one and usually several finishing processes. | |
25 | 在生产过程中漂白的目的是得到白的织物,或为整理工序(例如染整和印花)做好准备。 | The main purpose of bleaching in the manufacturing process is to obtain white cloth or to prepare the cloth for further finishing processes such as dyeing or printing. | |
26 | 在耶鲁,很多中国本科生像我一样满足于完成作业,并利用其他时间放松或娱乐。 | At Yale, plenty of Chinese students are like me, content with finishing their homework and using the rest of the time for relaxation and recreation | |
27 | 这幅画尚欠润色。 | This painting lacks the finishing touches. | |
28 | 这个男孩只能在工作做完后晚上自修。 | The boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work. | |
29 | 这个贫穷的孩子不得不在晚上干完活后自修。 | The poor boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work | |
30 | 这时,斐利亚?福克正打完了今天的第三十三局牌,他跟自己的配手,因为大胆地做了一手好牌,竟拿了十三副,这次航行,也随着这一局牌的大获全胜而告一段落。 | Phileas Fogg was in the act of finishing the thirty-third rubber of the voyage, and his partner and himself having, by a bold stroke, captured all thirteen of the tricks, concluded this fine campaign with a brilliant victory |