属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铭记于心 西班牙内战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济学人 优秀文章:强生公司走出困境了吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-强生公司 走出困境了吗?
1 | 对于某事作出更肯定的承诺 | make a firmer commitment on sth | |
2 | 而且,只要轻触一下按键,驾驶员就可以选择运动程序,这时,悬挂和减振器的刚性提高,动感更强。 | Furthermore, at the touch of a button the driver can choose the Sports program, making the suspension and dampers much firmer and more dynamic. | |
3 | 更加刚性的M运动型悬架,为狂热的运动者提供了更加个性的选择。 | For the purists, M sports suspension with firmer settings is available as an option. | |
4 | 尚祈友谊坚如磐石,与日月同在。 | I hope your friendship will grow firmer as the years come and go. | |
5 | 我仍然觉得自己象是地球表面上的一个流浪者;可是,对于我自己和自己的力量我感到有了更坚定的信心。 | I still felt as a wanderer on the face of the earth, but I experienced firmer trust in myself and my own power | |
6 | 席尔瓦说,最近前智利独裁者皮诺切特因种族灭绝屠杀等指控而可能被引渡到西班牙一事,更增强了他引渡苏哈多的决心。 | Silva said the possible extradition of Pinochet, former Chilean dictator, to Spain for charges such as genocides had made him firmer on the extradition of Suharto | |
7 | 新胶水粘得牢。 | This new glue makes a firmer bond | |
8 | 亚太经合组织应在尊重多样性的基础上,向实现茂物目标迈出更加坚实的步伐。继续秉承“开放的地区主义”原则,为促进多边贸易体制的发展作出贡献。 | APEC should take firmer steps toward the Bogor Goals on the basis of respect for diversity and, at the same time, help develop the multilateral trading system in line with the principle of " open regionalism" | |
9 | 在国会,布什同样拥有更加坚实的基础。大选前,共和党在众议院已稳坐多数席位,大选后,共和党在众议院又增加了至少四个席位。 | Mr Bush also has a much firmer base in Congress. The Republicans added at least four more seats to their comfortable majority in the House of Representatives. | |
10 | 在小平同志诞辰100周年之际,缅怀小平同志的丰功伟绩,重温小平同志对外开放思想,我们将更加坚定对外开放的信念。 | On the occasion of the centenary of comrade Xiaoping′s birthday, a recall of his great achievements and a review of his thought of opening up will make our faith in opening up even firmer . | |
11 | 这种胶水是我们的新产品,粘结力很强。 | This glue is our new product and makes a firmer bond | |
12 | 作为篮星电子公司的一名实习生,我直接地了解到了公司的管理,对于人事管理对公司整体目标的贡献有了更清楚的认识。 | As an intern with the B. S. E., I learned about the management of a company at first hand and gained a firmer grasp of the contribution personnel management makes to the overall objectives of the company. | |
13 | 作为一个坚固的、合理的落脚点,他的钯和铂络合物是平面四方体排布的构想是基于这样一个事实:分子式为MA2B2的化合物的两个异构体是孤立的,在这一点上他也是对的。 | And on a firmer logical footing, in his assignment of square planar geometries to the complexes of palladium and platinum from the fact that two isomers have been isolated from compounds of the formula MA2B2. | |
14 | ||1:保罗·普雷斯顿一书中并没有回避他对叛乱分子的厌恶和对左翼共和党的同情。||2:保罗·普雷斯顿以令人印象深刻的细节描述有利论证了民族党派的镇压很大程度上是有计划且被制度化的,然而,共和党的暴力更多是自发地出于抵御先进的武器装备和佛朗哥特训过的部队。||3:其他学者称这样的评论过于简单化了。||4:本书作者在新的领域里审查苏联秘密警察组织(NKVD)所扮演的角色,尤其是1936年,在马德里Paracuellos在内务部的掺和下,共和派对佛朗哥同情者的镇压。||5:圣地亚哥·卡里略是当时的一位共产党领袖,如今唯一活着的战争领导人,现总是声称他与屠杀无关,从来也没有被控罪。||6:然而保罗·普雷斯顿认为他和那个NKVD内务部特工有联系。 | ||1:Mr Preston does not hide his loathing of the rebels and empathy for the left.||2:He argues with impressive detail that the repression by the Nationalists was largely planned and institutionalised, whereas the Republicans’ violence was more spontaneous and mainly in defence against the better armed and trained Francoist forces.||3:Other scholars say that this view is too simplistic.||4:The author is on new and firmer ground in his examination of the role played by the NKVD, the Soviet secret police, particularly in the massacre of hundreds of Franco supporters at Paracuellos in 1936.||5:Santiago Carrillo, a communist leader at the time and the only war protagonist alive today, has always claimed he had nothing to do with the killings, and has never been charged.||6:Yet Mr Preston argues otherwise, citing his ties with Josif Grigulevich, a sinister NKVD agent. | |
15 | ||1:过去几年,强生官司不断,毒药丸、假臀缺陷等丑闻频出,公司步履艰难。||2:在新掌门的领导下,公司有望重拾信心,大踏步向更高的目标迈进。||3:4月26日,1988年就进入强生从事销售工作的公司高管亚历克斯?高斯基走马上任。||4:但令人担忧的是,公司境遇依然艰难。||5:美国司法部想要高斯基先生为公司的欺诈指控作证。||6:强生方面表示,高斯基先生与该案无关。 | ||1:FOR the past few years Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has stumbled clumsily through the legal and reputational swamps of contaminated pills and faulty fake hips.||2:Under a new chief executive, it is supposed to be taking a confident stride onto firmer terrain.||3:On April 26th Alex Gorsky, a senior manager who joined the company as a salesman in 1988, was due to take charge.||4:Yet the ground is still worryingly soft.||5:America’s Justice Department wants Mr Gorsky to testify about alleged fraud.||6: J&J says he has nothing to do with the case. | |
16 | ||调查数据显示中产阶级比工人阶级更为保守。截至当前,今年由ICM发起的7场调查活动中,中产阶级反独率高达19%,而工人阶级仅4%。同时,调查还发现富裕群体立场比较坚定。近数月来,其立场变化远没有工人阶级明显。|| | Middle-class voters turn out to be more conservative than working-class ones. In the seven polls taken so far this year by ICM, the “no” camp has led by 19 points among the former but by four among the latter.|| The well-to-do are also firmer in their views, vacillating much less than working-class voters over the past few months.|| | |
17 | 欧洲前竞争委员会专员阿尔穆尼亚,今年促成了一系列内容的解决,要求谷歌在竞争对手的购物和地图服务方面提供更多的显著内容,并将其内容一并放入自己的搜索结果中。不过,欧洲议会议员希望他的继任者玛格丽特采取更加坚定的策略。因此呼吁分割公司。 | Europe’s former competition commissioner, Joaquín Almunia, brokered a series of settlements this year requiring Google to give more prominence to rivals’ shopping and map services alongside its own in search results.|| But MEPs want his successor, Margrethe Vestager, to take a firmer line. Hence the calls to dismember the company.|| | |
18 | 在新掌门的领导下,公司有望重拾信心,大踏步向更高的目标迈进。 | Under a new chief executive, it is supposed to be taking a confident stride onto firmer terrain. | |
19 | “不。”她重复说,这次语气较前坚决。 | ‘No,’ she repeated, her voice firmer this time. | |
20 | “该地区某些国家政府在财政政策方面将有足够回旋余地来继续维持财政刺激,直至复苏站稳脚跟,”他表示。 | "Some governments in the region will have the fiscal space to sustain fiscal stimulus until recovery is on a firmer footing, " he said. | |
21 | 2012伦敦奥组委主席科勋爵(LordCoe)的承诺更可靠一些,他称奥运会将鼓舞国民。 | Lord Coe, chairman of the London 2012 organising committee, is on firmer ground in promising that the Olympics will inspire the nation. | |
22 | JP摩根经济学家哈西卜•艾哈迈德(HaseebAhmed)表示:“强劲的全球增长环境表明,未来几个月美国的出口将更加坚挺。” | Haseeb Ahmed, an economist at the bank, said: "Strong global growth conditions suggest exports will be much firmer in the coming months. " | |
23 | Meyers称,原油价格走坚和美元走软,帮助铜价在略低的水准稳定下来。 | Support from firmer crude oil prices and weaker U. S. dollar helps copper stabilize at slightly lower levels - Meyers. | |
24 | Roche股票以149瑞士法郎收盘上涨约1.4%,超过了DJStoxx欧洲药品指数0. | Roche stock closed up 1. 4 percent at 149 Swiss francs, outperforming a 0. 7 percent firmer DJ Stoxx European drugs index. | |
25 | 阿富汗政府相对牢固的控制着楠格哈尔的局面。 | The Afghan government has a comparatively firmer grip on the situation in Nangarhar. | |
26 | 奥巴马总统及其团队似乎比去年找到了更加坚定的落脚点。 | President Obama and his team seem to have found a firmer footing than last year. | |
27 | 必须制定更坚决的对华政策,但不得无视这样一种风险:即这会开启新一轮报复,并给双方都带来更大的伤害。 | Firmer policy towards China is needed, but the risk of starting a cycle of retaliation and far greater mutual harm should not be dismissed. | |
28 | 不管怎么样,法官们似乎已经将政府逼上更为坚固的底线。 | If anything, the judges seem to have prodded the government into a firmer line. | |
29 | 不过,里根先生也对外交路线做出一些更为坚定的承诺,这建立在他良好的顾问机构基础上。 | But Mr Reagan also holds out the promise of a firmer line abroad, based on a sounder structure of advice. | |
30 | 测量表明她们的胸部更为结实和坚挺,并且更有弹性。 | The measurements showed firmer , more elevated and perkier breasts. |