1 | 但我真的很担心明年韩圜上涨外加政府停止刺激措施后的情况。 | But I am really worried about the next year given the firmer won as well as the end of governments’ (stimulus) measures. | |
2 | 当涉及到接吻的生理时,我们却有着稍微坚实的基础。 | When it comes to the physiology of kissing we are on slightly firmer ground. | |
3 | 而且,不管他们是否会继续上大学还是社区学院,他们首先会职场打下牢固的基础。 | What’s more, they develop firmer roots in the job market, whether or not they go on to college or community college. | |
4 | 而且,消除了衬垫与箱体的配合误差,使被包装物的放置更牢靠; | furthermore, as mismatch error of the liner and the box body is eliminated, the arrangement of packaging articles is firmer ; | |
5 | 富时环球指数(FTSEAll-World)上涨0.6%,同时随着投资者调整对货币政策的预期,美国国债收益率更加坚挺。 | The FTSE All-World equity index is up 0. 6 per cent, while US Treasury yields are firmer as investors tweak monetary policy expectations. | |
6 | 更确凿的答案还要等到新一代强大的天文望远镜完成——它或许正处于建造中,或许还在设计阶段。 | A firmer answer will have to await a new generation of powerful telescopes that are under construction or still on the drawing board. | |
7 | 后来,科学家又尝试了疏水性的玻璃粉,但是加水的结果是使混合物更加粘稠。 | Then the scientists made the glass beads hydrophobic. But the addition of water still made the mixture firmer . | |
8 | 霍兰德的审计报告中总结说,芝加哥的区域交通署在预算和综合领域的手段需要更强硬些。 | The RTA, Mr Holland’s audit concluded, needs to wield a firmer hand, over budgets and in general. | |
9 | 将这根手指撬开需要更坚定地坚持真正的裁军,其坚持的力度要比美国、中国和其它国家最近所能表现出的更大。 | Prising it off will take firmer insistence on real disarmament than America, China and the rest have lately been able to muster. | |
10 | 她对CNN的记者说:“对于性情温柔,举止小气的女生,大家会告诉她你应该更加坚定,更加强势一些”。 | "For the women who are a little softer, a little gentler, everyone tells them, ’You have to be firmer , more aggressive, ’" she told CNN. | |
11 | 离婚,这个困扰了我好几个礼拜的念头看起来终于明朗了。 | The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer. | |
12 | 那么,请以更温柔的目光俯视我。已以更固执的手握紧我。以及个温暖的气息贴近我。 | Then, do oversee me with a gentler gaze. hold me firmer lean on me softer and warmer. . . | |
13 | 巧合的是,全球化支持者的理由比他们所担心的还要充分。 | As it happens, globalisation’s supporters are on firmer ground than they fear. | |
14 | 如果你预热了奶油并且保持温度的话,奶油将变硬速度会更快、更坚硬。 | The cream will set faster and firmer if you preheat it and keep it warm as you do the milk for yogurt. | |
15 | 世界迫切需要奥巴马更有力地控制本国局势,同时领导其它国家。 | The world desperately needs Mr Obama to take a firmer grip at home and lead abroad. | |
16 | 虽然数据未确定,但是基本可靠。 | That number is still uncertain but has a firmer basis in fact. | |
17 | 随着读者越来越多地从纸制读物转移到网络,他们不为电子形式的新闻掏腰包的决心似乎比任何时候都来得坚定。 | As readers migrate from paper to online, their determination not to pay for news in electronic form seems firmer than ever. | |
18 | 他和他的同事应采取“更强硬的态度”;该银行可能会因为合规行为松懈而被罚款。 | He and his colleagues should take a "firmer stand" ; the bank risked being fined for its lax compliance. | |
19 | 它希望对规则的执行力度要加大,但是作为私人使用的材料复制也应该得到更多宽容。 | It wants much firmer enforcement of the rules, but also says copying material for private use should be made easier. | |
20 | 为使这一理论更加可靠,Davila-Ross博士录制了超过800个声音样本,这些声音取自呵痒引发的猿类或者婴儿的笑声。 | To put the idea on a firmer footing, Dr Davila-Ross made more than 800 recordings of the tickle-induced laughter of the apes and infants. | |
21 | 未来数月内,都不会有结果,但是看来政治风要转向了,转向支持用更加坚决的行动以对抗气候变化。 | The outcome will not be known for months, but the political wind seems to be shifting in favour of firmer action to counter climate change. | |
22 | 相反,卡夫卡把人的境遇描述得越富有悲剧色彩,希望也就变得越坚定越具侵略性。 | On the contrary, the more tragic the condition described by Kafka, the firmer and more aggressive that hope becomes. | |
23 | 一项将于2012年完成的党派计划可能会让选民感受到自由民主的含义。 | A new party programme, due in 2012, may give supporters a firmer sense of what the FDP stands for. | |
24 | 印度、中国和其它发展中国家正面临压力,发达国家希望它们拿出更有力的减排计划。 | India, China, and other developing countries are under pressure to come up with firmer plans to reduce emissions. | |
25 | 印尼的民主根基看似更牢固,但你要认为民主制度已经完全建好,就大错特错了。 | Indonesian democracy seems to have firmer foundations, but it would be a serious mistake to assume that they are fully built. | |
26 | 运动胸衣的胸带“必须比日常胸罩更加牢靠,而且不能陷进你的肉里去”。 | The chest band should be "firmer than an everyday bra, but should not dig into your skin. " | |
27 | 在国会,布什同样拥有更加坚实的基础。 | Mr Bush also has a much firmer base in Congress. | |
28 | 这很合理,因为此结构能够在推压时创造更稳固的平台。 | That makes sense, as it creates a firmer platform to push against. | |
29 | 这些胶囊于1991年首次发售,用于促进皮肤紧致。 | First sold in 1991, these capsules are meant to promote a firmer appearance of the skin. | |
30 | 这些人使我对自己观念有较牢固的理解力,比较完满的快乐和满足。 | These men have given me a firmer grip on my ideas and a more complete enjoyment and possession of them. |