属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 城市的黑暗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马恒达呀马恒达 最适的运动型多功能车
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健身产业 降低成本运作
1 | 贬义更强的词是 | More insulting are flabby , which suggests loose flesh,and podgy,used especially of fingers and hands. | |
2 | 薄弱的意志(性格). | a flabby will (character) | |
3 | 粗劣的食物,吃得不定时,而且吃起来又是狼吞虎咽,严重地损害了他们骨骼和肌肉。他们全都面色苍白、皮肉松弛,眼眶凹陷、胸脯扁平,但眼睛却闪闪发亮,而且相形之下,嘴唇红得像是在发烧。 | Miserable food, ill-timed and greedily eaten, had played havoc with bone and muscle. They were all pale, flabby , sunken-eyed, hollow-chested, with eyes that glinted and shone and lips that were a sickly red by contrast. | |
4 | 但是这一吻却带有肥皂泡沫,而且地发现那嘴唇松弛,缺乏应有的迅速有力的接触。 | But this kiss had tasted soapsuds, and the lips, he had noticed, were flabby .There had been no quick, vigorous lip-pressure such as should accompany any kiss | |
5 | 多亏了平日饮食有节,这张脸并没有变得痴肥。 | Thanks to abstemious habits, he had not grown fat and flabby | |
6 | 隔着地窖的格子窗飘出走了气的黑啤酒味儿。 | From the cellar grating floated up the flabby gush of porter | |
7 | 孤傲、软弱、残缺的天使―浅谈张爱玲女性形象的某些特征 | The Angles’ Aloof and Arrogant, Fragmentary and Flabby -Some Characteristics of the Women Portrayed by ZhangAiling | |
8 | 李玉亭的话不得不又半途停止;他听得赵伯韬一声干笑,又看见他仰脸喷一口雪茄烟,他那三角脸上浮胖胖的肌肉轻轻一下跳动。 | Li Yu-ting broke off helplessly here, for Chao Po-tao suddenly gave a derisive laugh; he tilted back his head and blew a cloud of cigar smoke, his flabby face wrinkling with amusement | |
9 | 每个儿童都天生赋有一种活泼的想象力。但是,正如肌肉会因为长久不运用而变为松软一样,儿童的灵敏想象力如果不继续予以运用,在以后的岁月中便逐渐呆钝。--迪斯尼 | Every child is born blessed with vivid imagination. But just as a muscle grows flabby with disuse so the bright imagination of a child pales in later years if he ceases to exercise it.-- Walt Disney | |
10 | 松软的肌肉. | flabby muscles | |
11 | 他闭了眼睛,当面就浮现出何慎庵那浮胖的圆脸和怪样的微笑;这笑,现在看去是很有讽刺的意味了!-- | When he closed his eyes, he could see Ho Shen-an’s flabby round face with its leering smile---a smile which he now realized to be one of mockery ... | |
12 | 他不光是肥胖,而且肌肉松弛。 | He isn’t just fat; he’s flabby . | |
13 | 他不只是有点儿胖,而且肌肉松弛。 | He isn’t just fat, he’s flabby | |
14 | 他惯于在饭桌上狼吞虎咽,这叫他变得肝火很旺,眼睛模糊,脸颊松驰。 | He gorged himself habitually at table, which made him bilious, and gave him a dim and bleared eye with flabby cheeks | |
15 | 他因为缺少锻炼 | He’ s getting fat and flabby because he doesn’ t have enough exercise | |
16 | 他因为缺少锻炼而日见肥胖肌肉松弛. | He’s getting fat and flabby because he doesn’t have enough exercise. | |
17 | 停止了经常踢球之后,我的肌肉变得相当松弛了。 | I became rather flabby after I stopped playing football regularly. | |
18 | 停止了经常运动后,我的肌肉变得相当松弛了。 | I became rather flabby after I stopped doing exercises regularly. | |
19 | 腰部变得松垂 | Getting flabby around the waist. | |
20 | 饮食中蛋白太少会使你的肌肉松驰。 | Too little protein in your diet makes your muscle soft and flabby . | |
21 | 永不运动的人肌肉会松软. | A man who never takes exercise is likely to have flabby muscles. | |
22 | 这种锻炼能使松弛的大腿结实起来。 | This exercise will help to firm up those flabby thighs | |
23 | ||1:兰彻斯特并不是第一位思考伦敦人及其金钱的后危机小说家。||2:这类书还有贾斯廷·卡特赖特的《别人的钱》,写得非常有趣,以及塞巴斯蒂安·福克斯的《12月的一个星期》。||3:《首府》试图比这些书少些娱乐性和肤浅,同时也写得篇幅长些。||4:松散而重复的写作手法让本书的篇幅过长。||5:书中还有很多懒惰的比喻,把一个人物的崩溃比做“冰山开裂或一大块玻璃碎成片片”。 | ||1: Mr Lanchester is not the first post-crisis novelist to consider Londoners and their money. ||2: There was Justin Cartwright’s very funny “Other People’s Money” and Sebastian Faulks’s “A Week in December”. ||3: “Capital” manages to be both less entertaining and shallower than these books, while also running quite a bit longer. ||4: Flabby and repetitive writing explains some of this heft. ||5: There is also plenty of lazy imagery, which compares one character’s breakdown to “an iceberg cracking or a huge sheet of glass shattering into fragments”. | |
24 | 1991年印度独立时,马欣德拉像其他许多同龄人一样,漫无目的,性情疲软。 | When India liberalised in 1991 Mahindra was sprawling and flabby like many of its peers—making everything from jeeps to lifts. | |
25 | 从网上课程到低成本的移动健身应用程序,使用其他廉价方式来保持身材的方法现在也十分流行。花哨的健身房-----在那里一个单独的课程的花费可以超过廉价健身房每月的会员费---生意也同样蒸蒸日上。这种单独课程的花费只不过是健身零碎花费的集中体现。翻译 周晓婷 校对 崔梦雪 | Other cheap ways to keep fit are thriving too, from online classes to low-cost mobile fitness apps. Fancy gyms—where single classes can cost more than a monthly budget gym membership–are also flourishing. It is just the flabby middle that is being squeezed. | |
26 | 上世纪八十年代的那些恶意收购者通过给臃肿的企业集团瘦身攫取了大量利益,人们本以为企业铺张浪费的习气和管理人员过剩的问题已经在那时被终结了。 | The raiders of the 1980s, who made fortunes by seizing and shaping up flabby conglomerates, were supposed to have put an end to corporate extravagance and administrative bloat. | |
27 | “软弱,还是软弱!”,保守党在1992年如此形容工党的迁就犯罪政策。 | "SOFT and flabby " was how the Conservatives described Labour’s approach to crime in 1992. | |
28 | “证明我的爱”真的很前卫,曾经一度,这个词在疲软的艺术世界失去了意义。 | "Justify My Love" is truly avantgarde, at a time when that word has lost its meaning in the flabby art world. | |
29 | 饱和土松弛实验曲线模拟与试验验证 | The Flabby Model of Saturated Soil Establishment and Verification | |
30 | 对于疲弱的石油巨头来说,这可能是一个良机。但对于所有其他人而言,其影响将令人忧虑。 | For flabby oil majors this could be a great opportunity. For everyone else, the implications are disconcerting. |