属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蜣螂如何导航 眼里有星辰
1 | 同心式(扁平股)钢丝绳 | concentric (flattened strand)wire rope | |
2 | 豚鼻鱼,帆鳍鱼:一种鲷属的海生鱼,有扁平的身体,鼻突出,颜色鲜红。 | boarfish:any of several marine fishes of the genus antigonia, having a deep, flattened body, a projecting snout, and bright red coloring. | |
3 | 惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。 | The only sound was a murmur, like flattened thunder, far up the glacier | |
4 | 惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。博士不时停下来仔细聆听这种声音。 | The only sound was a murmur, like flattened thunder,far up the glacier.Every now and then John paused and listened to it. | |
5 | 我把身子紧贴着墙. | I flattened myself against the wall. | |
6 | 菥?一种长有小而扁平的豆荚且其边缘如翼状的菥?属植物,尤指从欧亚移植到北美大陆的草菥? | Any of several plants of the genus Thlaspi,having small,flattened seed pods with winglike margins,especially the Eurasian species T.arvense,a weed naturalized throughout North America. | |
7 | 细胞扁平,内有含黄色、褐色或绿色色素的色素体。壳(甲鞘)由许多具花纹的板片组成,这些纹板组成一个前角和通常两个后角 | The cell is flattened horizontally and contains yellow, brown, or green pigments. Ceratium species are covered by a theca, or armour, composed of many textured plates that form one horn in the front and usually two in the back; | |
8 | 燕麦饼烤燕麦片扁蛋糕 | A flattened cake of baked oatmeal. | |
9 | 叶状柄起叶子作用的扁平叶柄,如洋槐的叶柄 | A flattened leafstalk that functions as a leaf,as in an acacia. | |
10 | 叶子连接在茎上的结构,通常是绿色、扁平且侧生,在多数植物中是光合作用和呼吸的主要器官 | A usually green,flattened ,lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants. | |
11 | 一朵瓣儿已经压瘪了的黄花。 | A yellow flower with flattened petals | |
12 | 一棵正在开花的树被吹倒了,一些小灌木也被吹毁了。 | A flowering tree blew down and some small shrubs were flattened . | |
13 | 以专业技术、观念、绩效及人本为中心的领导模式,从组织运作、人力资源、策略联盟、专业职之升迁系统、整体组织扁平化等做起 | The leader mode is mainly based on concept, achievement and humanity, which has started up from organization operation, human resource, strategic affiliation, promotion system of professional position and flattened overall organization | |
14 | 因暴风雨而倒伏的一片小麦 | A field of wheat flattened by storms | |
15 | 因为,在她还是婴儿时,乔不小心把她掉进煤筐里,把鼻子摔扁了,造成了永久的破相。 | For, when she was a baby Jo had accidentally dropped her into the coal-hod and permanently flattened that feature | |
16 | 因为,在她还是婴儿时,乔不小心把她掉进煤筐里,把鼻子摔扁了,造成了永久的破相。尽管可怜的艾米在睡觉时用一只特制的衣服夹子夹住它,也无法达到她所要求的高鼻子的目的。 | For, when she was a baby Jo had accidentally dropped her into the coal-hod and permanently flattened that feature, and though poor Amy slept with a patent clothespin pinching it, she couldn’t attain the Grecian effect she so much desired | |
17 | 在动物中的圆形而扁平的盘状结构,如椎间盘. | a round, flattened , platelike structure in an animal, such as an intervertebral disk. | |
18 | 增益平坦的多波长泵浦宽带拉曼光纤放大器 | Broadband gain-flattened Multiwavelength Pumped Raman Fiber Amplifier | |
19 | 这场雨砸倒了玉米苗. | The rain flattened the corn. | |
20 | 这肿块差不多消失了。 | The lump had almost flattened out. | |
21 | 这种船高尾、船首伸出,安装多达五根船桅,桅上装几面用竹片夹平的亚麻布或席片做的横帆。 | High-sterned, with a projecting bow, the junk carries up to five masts on which are set square sails consisting of panels of linen or matting flattened by bamboo strips. | |
22 | 正交异性材料平台巴西圆盘试样的位移公式及其应用 | A Displacement Formula for Flattened Brazilian Disc Specimen of Orthotropic Material and Its Application | |
23 | 直线透视法在西方绘画中持续到19世纪末,直到塞尚将文艺复兴传统的画面空间平面化为止。立体派和20世纪的其它画家都放弃了这种三度空间的画法。 | Linear perspective dominated Western painting until the late 19th century, when Paul Cézanne flattened the conventional picture plane. The Cubists and other 20th-century painters abandoned depiction of three-dimensional space altogether. | |
24 | 植物细胞叶绿体的结构是扁平的,平均长约7微米,宽3~4微米。 | The chloroplasts of plant cells are flattened structures averaging some 7 m in length and 3-4 m in width | |
25 | ||1:哈夫塔认为,利比亚的稳定只能靠一个铁腕人物(当然是他自己)。||2:一些外国势力似乎也同意这一观点。||3:法国、俄罗斯和阿联酋都支持他。||4:美国已经向他示好。||5:但他们的打算是有缺陷的。||6:哈夫塔花了三年时间才拿下班加西,班加西是利比亚第二大城市,在他的努力下,班加西被夷为平地。||7:四月,利比亚国家通讯社曾表示,夺取的黎波里需要几天的时间,但今天,它仍在战斗,并在节节败退。||8:米苏拉塔的民兵是更强大的敌人,他们埋伏在那里等待他。||9:哈夫塔非但没有稳定利比亚局势,反而在制造更多的混乱。 | ||1:Mr Haftar believes that Libya can be stabilised only by a strongman (himself, naturally).||2:Some foreign powers seem to agree.||3:Egypt, France, Russia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have supported him.||4:America has flirted with him.||5:But their calculus is flawed.||6:Mr Haftar needed three years just to take Benghazi, the country’s second city, which he flattened in the attempt.||7:In April the LNA said that it would take days to capture Tripoli, but today it is still fighting—and losing ground.||8:The militias of Misrata, who are stronger foes, lie in wait for him.||9:Far from stabilising Libya, Mr Haftar is sowing more chaos. | |
26 | 美国经济火热,美联储正在提高其比率,但是在其他各地的增长已持平。 | America’s economy is sizzling and the Federal Reserve is raising rates, but growth has flattened off elsewhere. | |
27 | 其他人认为,短期的菲利普斯曲线已经随着通胀预期变得愈发稳固地锚定不动而走平了。 | Others say that the short-term Phillips curve has flattened as inflation expectations have become ever more firmly anchored. | |
28 | 这些蜣螂和它们的粪球都被放在了一个平铺着沙子圆形场地的中央,场地的围墙也没有什么特别之处。 | The beetles and their dung balls were then released in the centre of a circular arena made of flattened sand and enclosed by a featureless circular wall. | |
29 | 这一要求遭到拒绝,于是施工人员先是被威胁,接着被殴打,一群暴民还扫荡了施工场地。 | This was refused, so the builders were threatened, then beaten, and a mob flattened the construction site. | |
30 | (二)压平宽度不超过30厘米的圆筒机织物;以及 | (b)Tubular woven fabrics of a flattened width not ex-ceeding 30cm; and |