属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 10233-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS L 163-1978
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 15086-1977
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-12岁儿童以身作则打击肥胖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 呈钟形曲线变化的天气
属类:经济金融-Arts & Culture 文化艺术-恐怖小丑让一些美国人担忧
1 | 4130X钢压扁试验裂纹分析 | Crack Analysis of 4130X Steel in Flattening Test | |
2 | 扁平化管理与商业银行组织结构的创新 | Flattening Management and the Historical Structure Innovation of Commercial Bank | |
3 | 不正常的紧贴或生长在一起的花椰菜的茎. | an abnormal flattening or coalescence of stems, as in broccoli. | |
4 | 布绒玩具带有省道的曲面展开算法 | Research on Flattening Algorithm for Stuffed Toys with Fold | |
5 | 动物角,不仅仅进行清洗,且简单切割或矫直加工 | animal hron worked beyond cleaning,simple cutting, flattening | |
6 | 基于弹性模型的三角网格曲面优化展开 | Optimal Flattening of Triangulated Surfaces Based on Elastic Model | |
7 | 基于啁啾光纤光栅的增益平坦滤波器 | Study on Gain Flattening Filters Based on Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings | |
8 | 基于织物机械性能的服装曲面展开方法研究 | Surface Flattening Based on Fabric Mechanical Properties | |
9 | 级联M-Z型掺铒光纤放大器增益平坦滤波器的设计 | Design of EDFA Gain Flattening Filter Using Cascaded M-Z Interferometer | |
10 | 她的肉体的坚定而下奔的曲线,本应成熟下去的,现在它却平板起来,而且变成有点粗糙了,仿佛这身体是欠缺着阳光和热力,它有点苍白面无生气了。 | Instead of ripening its firm, down-running curves, her body was flattening and going a little harsh. It was as if it had not had enough sun and warmth; it was a little greyish and sapless. | |
11 | 金属材料.管材.环形折曲试验 | Metallic materials; tube; flattening test; | |
12 | 铝涂层铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.8)-锰(0.8)合金薄板材和带材规范(溶液处理,冷作压平和室温时效) | Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated, cold worked for flattening and aged at room temperature)(Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si | |
13 | 论组织改革的新方向―扁平化管理 | Flattening Management: A New Direction in the Organizational Reforms | |
14 | 起重机.有滚柱轴承的轨道轮.内轴套端的小平面 | Crane; crane rail wheels with roller bearings, flattening of axle bushes | |
15 | 四辊轧机辊系压扁的有限元分析 | FEM Analysis for Roll Flattening in Thin Strip Rolling | |
16 | 弯管扁平化的平面应力分析及相对弯曲半径 | Plane-stress Analysis of the bended-tube Flattening and Relative bending-radius | |
17 | 系统网络按三层考虑 | Plant-floor architectures are flattening into three layers | |
18 | 压平:装订前,把折叠的书贴压实平服的操作。 | Pressing: Flattening folded sections before binding. | |
19 | 遥感成像中的胶片展平 | Film Flattening in Image Remote Sensing | |
20 | 一种用来拉平钢条的模板,如用于生产手表发条的模板. | a die plate for flattening metal into strips, as in the manufacture of watch springs. | |
21 | 有限元法修正冷轧带钢工作辊接触压扁公式 | FEM Fitting of Contact Flattening Equation of Working Rolls in Cold Strip Steel Rolling | |
22 | 右心房缘变平亦见于缩窄性心包炎。 | Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis | |
23 | ||1:每三个孩子中就有一个肥胖或是超重。||2:一些研究表明,这可能是第一代寿命超不过他们父母的一代人。||3:所以这是一种流行病。我们现在看到该趋势开始变平缓的一些迹象。||4:但是特定人群中的肥胖发病率仍然非常高。非裔美国人和拉美裔美国人受到肥胖问题的影响尤其严重。 | ||1:One in three children (is) overweight or obese.||2:Some research out there suggests that this could be the first generation that doesn’t outlive their parents.||3:So it’s an epidemic. We’re seeing some signs of the trends flattening .||4:But there still is extremely high prevalence of obesity in specific populations, so African American and Hispanics are disproportionally impacted by obesity issue. | |
24 | ||1:中国的第二个教训是政府可以减缓疾病的传播。||2:使疫情高峰趋于平缓意味着卫生系统不再那么不堪重负,从而挽救更多生命。||3:如果这种病毒像流感一样是季节性的,那么有些病例可能会推迟到明年冬天,那时医生们将更好地了解如何应对。||4:届时,可能会有新的疫苗和抗病毒药物。 | ||1:China’s second lesson is that governments can slow the spread of the disease.||2:Flattening the spike of the epidemic means that health systems are less overwhelmed, which saves lives.||3:If, like flu, the virus turns out to be seasonal, some cases could be delayed until next winter, by which time doctors will understand better how to cope with it.||4:By then, new vaccines and antiviral drugs may be available. | |
25 | 29岁的维卡斯·塔库尔是执政党印度人民党的社交媒体战士,也是一名有抱负的宪兵,吹嘘自己在大学的时候就“消灭了敌人”。 | Vikas Thakur, a 29-year-old social-media warrior for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and an aspiring MP, boasts about "flattening his enemies" when he was at college. | |
26 | 如果每一条曲线的平均值相同,那么这种平滑过程也就意味着地球上的寒冷期和炎热期的出现次数都会增加。 | If the mean of each curve were the same, such flattening would imply both more cold periods and more hot ones. | |
27 | 一些新闻机构正在报道小丑袭击的新闻。在纽约市,一位身着小丑服装的男子把一个人赶出了火车站。在俄克拉荷马州,警察指控一个小丑击倒了一名遛狗的男子。 | Some news organizations are reporting stories of clown attacks. In New York City, a man in a clown costume chased a person out of a train station. In Oklahoma, police accused a clown of flattening a man as he walked his dog. | |
28 | ERW焊管压扁试验性能的评价与提高 | Property Appraisal and Improvement of Flattening Test for ERW Pipe | |
29 | WDM用增益平坦的高增益低噪声双段级联掺铒光纤放大器 | Two-stage Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier for WDM with Gain Flattening High Gain and Low Noise Figure | |
30 | 本文描述了一种基于鞋楦三维面型离散数据的底样轮廓提取和得到的底样的三维到二维的展平处理方法。 | This paper discusses the method of shoe last bottom edge extraction based on 3-D surface discrete data and the flattening of bottom surface. |