属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 终于来了好消息?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 最终难道是个好消息?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦巫术 激情犯罪
1 | 再论我国法社会学研究的结构性缺陷―从方法的角度 | Elaborate Structural Flaws in Chinese Sociology of Law: A Methodological Perspective | |
2 | 在汉堡大会上,我们都同意这50年来我们争取人权的记录中有至少三项缺点。 | At the Hamburg colloquium, we agreed that our record of achievements in the field of human rights, over the past 50 years, contained at least three flaws . | |
3 | 这给德国情报工作造成了两个致命的弱点,一个是缺乏效率,另一个是让一个疯子总管情报。 | This afflicted German intelligence with two fatal flaws : inefficiency, and subjugation to a madman | |
4 | 这花瓶底部没有那几个小斑点就十全十美了. | This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base. | |
5 | 这丝织品背面的瑕疵 | Flaws on the reverse of the silk | |
6 | 这些铝壶因为有些小毛病而减价百分之十。 | These aluminium kettles have been marked down ten percent because of minor flaws | |
7 | 这种互相伤害又带有孩子气的争吵清楚地说明了夫妻间可能是在互相挑毛病,而不是在寻找爱情。 | This hurtful, infantile argument illustrates how spouses, instead of looking for love, may look for flaws | |
8 | 真没想到,自我感觉不错的生活不但谈不上完美无缺,相反,竟然有这么多缺憾! | Can’t really believe that the pretty good feelings that I have about life, not only can’t be mentioned as perfect without flaws , on the contrary, still have a lot of regrettable flaws. | |
9 | 至于那些在产品设计﹐产品定位﹐质量管理等方面存在缺陷的厂家﹐ | As for those manufacturers with flaws in product design, product position, quality control, and other aspects | |
10 | 自我意识的畸形强化-谈新时期知青小说创作视角的缺憾 | The Distorted Reinforcement of Self-consciousness-On the flaws of the Creative Angels in the Educated Youth Novels | |
11 | ||1:但是在你把SUV开出去兜风以作庆祝之前,要记住这只是一项研究而已,并且——就如同所有这类研究一样——研究自身也有缺陷。||2:施密特纳博士承认,该研究采用的电脑模型的复杂程度一般。||3:这可能也是他的团队实验结果范围较窄的一个原因。||4:而且,尽管这项研究的地理覆盖范围是迄今为止同类中最大的,它仍有空白区域——尤其指澳洲,中亚,南美和北太平洋地区。||5:此外,一些怀疑论者对这些远古数据被用来构建一个不同的但是相关的气候学分支:所谓的"曲棍球棒模型"(认为气温自从工业革命以后就突然上升)满腹牢骚。||6:看看当远古数据支持这些怀疑论者的观点时,这些人是否还愿意以同等的怀疑态度对待,这一定会非常有趣。 | ||1:Before you take the SUV out for a celebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only one study, and, like all such, it has its flaws .||2:The computer model used is of only middling sophistication, Dr Schmittner admits.||3:That may be one reason for the narrow range of his team’s results.||4:And although the study’s geographical coverage is the most comprehensive so far for work of this type, there are still blank areas-notably in Australia, Central Asia, South America and the northern Pacific Ocean.||5:Moreover, some sceptics complain about the way ancient data of this type were used to construct a different but related piece of climate science: the so-called hockey-stick model, which suggests that temperatures have risen suddenly since the beginning of the industrial revolution.||6:It will be interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally sceptical about ancient data when they support their point of view. | |
12 | ||1:但是在你把SUV开出去兜风以作庆祝之前,要记住这只是一项研究而已,并且——就如同所有这类研究一样——研究自身也有缺陷。||2:施密特纳博士承认,该研究采用的电脑模型的复杂程度一般。||3:这可能也是他的团队实验结果范围较窄的一个原因。||4:而且,尽管这项研究的地理覆盖范围是迄今为止同类中最大的,它仍有空白区域——尤其指澳洲,中亚,南美和北太平洋地区。||5:此外,一些怀疑论者对这些远古数据被用来构建一个不同的但是相关的气候学分支:所谓的“曲棍球棒模型”(认为气温自从工业革命以后就突然上升)满腹牢骚。||6:看看当远古数据支持这些怀疑论者的观点时,这些人是否还愿意以同等的怀疑态度对待,这一定会非常有趣。 | ||1:Before you take the SUV out for a celebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only one study, and, like all such, it has its flaws .||2:The computer model used is of only middling sophistication, Dr Schmittner admits.||3:That may be one reason for the narrow range of his team’s results.||4:And although the study’s geographical coverage is the most comprehensive so far for work of this type, there are still blank areas—notably in Australia, Central Asia, South America and the northern Pacific Ocean.||5:Moreover, some sceptics complain about the way ancient data of this type were used to construct a different but related piece of climate science: the so-called hockey-stick model, which suggests that temperatures have risen suddenly since the beginning of the industrial revolution.||6:It will be interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally sceptical about ancient data when they support their point of view. | |
13 | ||1:当你正为此而兴奋地冲入你的SUV来一次飚车,或者诸如此类的行为,稍等片刻,你的大脑应该想一想,这个理论固然有它的瑕疵。||2:Schmittner博士承认,计算机模型的精度仅中等水平。||3:这也许是其团队结果具有的一个局限性。||4:另一个方面,尽管研究的区域覆盖范围在这一领域是最全面的,但仍然存在空白,特别是在澳大利亚,中亚,南美和北太平洋。||5:另外,气候科学界一些对此持怀疑态度的人质疑,所使用的这些年代久远的数据,是一堆一个本质上不同但貌似有关联的片段,一个俗称为的曲棍球模型的现象。||6:他们认为温度在工业革命初期,温度徒然升高。如果这些质疑者使用与怀疑那些年代久远的数据相同眼光审视他们支持的观点,这将会是一个非常有趣的现象。 | ||1:Before you take the SUV out for acelebratory spin, though, it is worth bearing in mind that this is only onestudy, and, like all such, it has its flaws .||2:The computer model used is of only middlingsophistication, Dr Schmittner admits.||3:That may be one reason for the narrowrange of his team’s results.||4:And although the study’s geographical coverage isthe most comprehensive so far for work of this type, there are still blankareas-notably in Australia, Central Asia, South America and the northernPacific Ocean.||5:Moreover, some sceptics complain about the way ancient data ofthis type were used to construct a different but related piece of climatescience: the so-called hockey-stick model, which suggests that temperatureshave risen suddenly since the beginning of the industrial revolution.||6:It willbe interesting to see if such sceptics are willing to be equally scepticalabout ancient data when they support their point of view. | |
14 | ||1:过去不明真相的外界责难维基百科,其内部也渐生自满情绪。||2:现在看来两种情况都有好转。||3:维基百科推广的概念,即任何人都可以给在线百科提供高质量东西越来越得到人们的认可。||4:维基百科的词条几乎都不是尽善尽美的,但是它们随时欢迎人们完善修改,这就大大地给它加分了。||5:维基百科也正在逐步摆脱极富个人魅力的威尔士先生的控制和对一小波讲英语爱好者的过度依赖。||6:对那些担心互联网越来越商业化、越来越孤立的人来说,维基百科逃过一劫继续扩大也是一种积极的信号。||7:它不仅仅是在整理知识,它也在制造新闻。 | ||1:Wikipedia has suffered in the past from ill-informed criticism from outside, and complacency on the inside.||2:Signs now are that both are diminishing.||3:The idea that an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit can provide high-quality content is increasingly established.||4:Wikipedia entries are rarely perfect, but their flaws are always open to instant remedy; that is a big plus.||5:The outfit also seems to be moving away from its dependence on the charismatic Mr Wales, and from its over-reliance on a narrow caste of Anglophone enthusiasts.||6:Wikipedia’s survival and expansion are also encouraging signs for those that worry the internet is in danger of becoming too commercial and closed off.||7:Wikipedia is not just collating knowledge: it is making news too. | |
15 | ||所以当知道英国当局不遗余力要解决这些犯罪时,是很振奋人心的,但在知道系统中的不足时又难免让人感到愤怒。例如,亚当一案中的一个重要证人在被正当地审问钱就被驱逐出境。||所以这是一本为文化理解提供了有力事实证据的书。 | ||It is heartening to read that the British authorities go to great lengths to solve these crimes, but infuriating to learn about the flaws in the system.|| An important witness to the Adam crime, for example, was deported before she could be properly questioned. An eye-opening book that makes a strong case for cultural understanding. | |
16 | ChristopherSoghoian喜欢寻找安全漏洞,然后让大组织修补之,令其蒙羞。 | Christopher Soghoian likes to find security flaws , and then shame big organizations into fixing them. | |
17 | Facebook最根本的缺陷之一是对社交关系交友概念的理解。 | One of Facebook’s most fundamental flaws is its notion of friending. | |
18 | Fez的设计师Fish表示,仅仅在3D技术上分层次也能够凸显一款游戏在视觉上的缺陷。 | But simply layering on 3-D technology can also highlight a game’s visual flaws , according to Fez designer Fish. | |
19 | Ounce的业务是测试应用程序的源码,目标是检测会威胁到安全和合规的缺陷。 | Ounce does testing on application source, aimed at detecting flaws that might compromise security and compliance. | |
20 | Whitley称,这些理论都有缺陷,它们并未解决亨利八世的生育难题。 | All of those theories have flaws , Whitely said, and none address the monarch’s reproductive woes. | |
21 | 不管正确与否,记者似乎对气象学家的人格缺陷比其数据力度更感兴趣。 | Rightly or wrongly, journalists seem more interested in flaws in climatologists’s characters than the strength of their data. | |
22 | 不过如果是更大型的企业,拥有数十名IT人员和几十乃至几百服务器的情形,sudo的权限很快就展露无遗。 | But for larger shops with dozens of IT staff and tens or hundreds of servers, sudo quickly starts to show its flaws . | |
23 | 不时的更新你的插件是明智的.此外,你可以查看你的应用找到更多的这样的漏洞。 | It is advisable to update your plug-ins from time to time. Moreover, you can review your application to find more flaws like this. | |
24 | 布鲁内尔提到,对自己坦诚并不意味着需要接受自己所有的缺点,也不努力对自己的生活进行任何积极的改进。 | Brunell said being true to yourself doesn’t mean that you should accept all of your flaws and not try to make positive changes in your life. | |
25 | 财产政策的回归不是因为它的缺点消失了,而是别的都不管用了。 | Fiscal policy has made a comeback, not because its flaws have disappeared, but because the alternatives don’t seem to be working. | |
26 | 超丝滑的吸油粉,吸收油光之余,又能遮盖瑕疵,打造出轻透又无瑕的妆效。 | Ultra-silky oil-absorbing powder to absorb shine apart, and can cover flaws , to create a transparent and flawless-looking light. | |
27 | 从表面上看,中国似乎也明白自身经济增长模式的缺陷和暗藏的危险。 | ON THE surface, China seems to understand the flaws and potential vulnerabilities of its growth model. | |
28 | 但是请对父母的缺陷给予宽宏大量,就像我们常希望他人如此对待我们一样。 | Instead, try being as magnanimous about their flaws as we hope others will be about our own. | |
29 | 但是这种错误是很小的,而且被这本耀眼的书中的众多优点盖过。 | But such flaws are minor, and are far outweighed by this ambitious book’s many strengths. | |
30 | 但我确实认为西方过度依赖激励机制的体系是存在弊端的。 | But I do think there are flaws in the Western system of relying so heavily on incentive systems. |