属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-烟雾氤氲 Wreathed in smoke
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-机器人帮助治疗人类肌肉损伤
1 | ||1: Parker Bilal(真名为Jamal Mahjoub)生于伦敦,曾居于苏丹和开罗,擅写小说,文笔优美。 ||2:他的犯罪小说字字璇玑,笔触细腻精妙,有如散文,甚为难得:一位老人“饱经风霜,脸上的皱纹交结在一起,如同一张收拢的渔网。”;建筑工地散乱的钢筋像“无数烧过的火柴棍儿”;灯泡没有灯罩,悬在花线末端,宛如“葡萄藤上奇异的水果”。||3:小说将故事背景设在“阿拉伯之春”前,鲜活地重现了当时的开罗:它的喧嚣,它的气味,全都跃然纸上,呼之欲出。||4:小说对角色的刻画细致入微,真实可信;Makana的同盟好友Okasha警官,对朋友忠诚友善的记者Sami都是如此。然而文章的中段有些拖沓——犯罪小说很难处理好这些地方——还有一些多余的“有意义”的会面,人从这头穿过氤氲的烟雾看着桌子的那头。||5:在文章最后,正义勉强算是得到了伸张。||6:一些行恶之人受到了惩罚,一些则在上头的保护下逍遥法外;如果真的是在开罗,最后结局大概也就是这样。||7:结尾的大转折在前文中埋有伏笔。||8:Makana心中也有自己的恶魔。||9:在旅途中,他学习着如何与它们一道生活;在这条路上,他与你相随。 | ||1: A London-born literary novelist, Parker Bilal (whose real name is Jamal Mahjoub) has also lived in Cairo and Sudan. ||2: His prose has a subtlety that is rarely found in crime novels: an old man “screwed up his face so that all the lines drew together, like a net being drawn in”; metal rods on a construction site are scattered like “enormous burned matchsticks”; naked light bulbs on an electrical flex resemble “strange fruits on a vine”. ||3: The novel is set in pre-Arab-spring Cairo and the city is vividly evoked, its smells and sounds almost seeping from the pages. ||4: Characters such as Okasha, a policeman who is Makana’s friend and ally, and Sami, a terrier-like reporter, are nuanced and believable though the story flags a little in the middle—always tricky territory for a crime novel—and there are perhaps one too many meaningful meetings with long looks across the table wreathed in cigarette smoke. ||5: In the end there is justice, of a sort. ||6: Some evildoers are punished, others walk free protected by higher authorities, just as they probably would in real-life Cairo. ||7: The twist at the end is subtly signalled. ||8: Makana, too, has his demons. ||9: His journey, as he learns to live with them, stays with you. | |
2 | ||1:当病情发展到某个特定阶段,甚至是肌张力都没有看到之时。||2:但是这些信号在我们的机器中可以看到。||3:月神能够探测到。||4:而在此基础上,当大脑给肌肉发出弯曲信号,即使我们看不到,月神还是能够探测到。||5:它能探测这种信号,并引起肢体运动,就像这些运动是在自然地进行。” | ||1:We reach a certain stage of disease development...when the muscle tension is not even visible.||2:But these signals can still be seen on our machines.||3:Luna is still able to detect them.||4:And based on that, when the brain sends a signal to the muscle to flex , even though we don’t see it, Luna is still able to detect it.||5:It detects these signals and causes the movement of the limb, as if it were performed naturally. | |
3 | ||1:沙特的干预行动始于王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Muhammad bin Salman)的一项政绩工程,他试图在对手伊朗面前大展拳脚。||2:但是,胡塞组织立场强硬,什叶派盟友伊朗意识到时机到来,就增加了对叛军的支持。||3:穆罕默德亲王现在面对着,在石油收入暴跌之际转移资源的困境。||4:胡塞组织对沙特的袭击威胁到其局势稳定的声誉,那些导弹袭击了石油管道,还瞄准了首都利雅得。 | ||1:The Saudi intervention began as a vanity project for Muhammad bin Salman, the crown prince, who sought to flex his muscles in the face of rival Iran.||2:But the Houthis stood tough and Shia Iran, sensing an opportunity, increased its support for the rebels.||3:Prince Muhammad is now looking at a quagmire that is diverting resources at a time of plummeting oil revenues.||4:Houthi attacks on the kingdom threaten its reputation for stability.Their missiles have struck oil pipelines and targeted the capital, Riyadh. | |
4 | 当TED崭露头角的时候,创意行业的市场已然饱和。 | The ideas business was already overcrowded when it began to flex its muscles. | |
5 | 亚马逊上出售的一些Fitbit产品包括“Fitbit Flex 2”、“Fitbit Charge 2”和“Fitbit Alta”。 | Some of the Fitbits for sale on Amazon include the Fitbit Flex 2, the Fitbit Charge 2, and the Fitbit Alta. | |
6 | Adobe同样提供工具集和IDE以帮助开发者和设计者创建Flex应用,这包括FlashBuilder和FlashCatalyst。 | Adobe also offers tools and IDEs to help developers and designers build Flex apps, including Flash Builder and Flash Catalyst. | |
7 | Adobe为开发Flex应用程序提供了很多不同的工具。 | Adobe provides various tools for developing Flex applications. | |
8 | Flex3在2008年2月底发布,在AdobeFlexWeb站点(参见参考资料)可以更多地了解Flex3的有关特性。 | Flex 3 was released at the end February 2008, and you can learn more about Flex 3 features from the Adobe Flex Web site. (See Resources. ) | |
9 | FlexBuilder——基于Eclipse的IDE,包括FlexSDK和其他开发工具如调试器、可视化设计器 | Flex Builder - The Eclipse-based IDE which includes the Flex SDK and other development tools like a debugger and visual designer. | |
10 | FlexBuilder将会编译这个应用程序并显示如下页面,如图4所示。 | Flex Builder will compile this application and show the below pages, as in Figure 4. | |
11 | FlexCharting(Flex图表开发工具)——一个交互式图表组件库,用于绑定来自Flex应用程序的数据 | Flex Charting - A library of interactive charting components that can be bound to data from your Flex applications. | |
12 | FlexVersion3内一个有趣的特性是您能像编译一个SWF文件一样编译一个CSS文件,并在运行时加载它。 | An interesting feature in Flex Version 3 is that you can compile a CSS file as an SWF file and load it at run time. | |
13 | Flex定义了一个默认的应用程序容器,您可以通过它为应用程序添加内容,而不需显式地定义其他容器。 | Flex defines a default application container that lets you add content to your application without explicitly defining another container. | |
14 | Flex具有一个非常有用的宏YY_INPUT,它负责为符号解释读入数据。 | Flex has the useful macro YY_INPUT, which reads data for token interpretation. | |
15 | Flex甚至支持从客户机到服务器的开放二进制套接字,从而实现“真正的”数据发送。 | Flex even supports opening binary sockets from client-to-server, which enables you to achieve "real" data push. | |
16 | Flex提供了一个专门的服务构想,用来移动这些声明的某些标记到flex-config.xml文档的专门块中。 | Flex provides a named service construct that moves some of this declaration to a specific block in the flex-config. xml document. | |
17 | 按照本发明,每个齿都位于所述弹性突耳的连接端和所述盖的前壁之间。 | According to the invention, each tooth is situated between said attachment end of the flex tab and said front wall of the cover. | |
18 | 把乙醇掺入普通汽油之中,或者直接用在特殊的“乙醇燃料”引擎中,可以减低温室效应—废气排放。 | And blending ethanol into ordinary petrol, or burning it directly in special "flex -fuel" engines, reduces greenhouse-gas emissions. | |
19 | 不选择弹性办公方式,捷蓝公司就永远不会招来相同才能的雇员。 | Without the flex -time option, JetBlue could never have attracted the same caliber of employee. | |
20 | 采用弹性周末制的非全日制MBA学生中,有45%拥有高等学位,其中27%拥有博士或医学博士学位。 | Forty-five per cent of the school’s part-time, flex weekend MBA students hold advanced degrees, 27 per cent are PhDs or MDs. | |
21 | 出色的(但还远远没有完成)的CSS兼容性的Flex允许一个CSS文本文件来定义样式属性。 | The excellent (but far from complete) CSS compatibility in Flex allows for one CSS text file to define the styling attributes. | |
22 | 此程序适用于伟创力计算机产品业务所有项目。 | This procedure is only applied to Flex -computing PCBA all products. | |
23 | 但弹性工作的时代指日可待。 | But the age of flex -time may indeed be at hand. | |
24 | 但如果你带着一张全国通用的卡,你可以在欧洲时避免这种收费,就不会有额外的收费了。 | But you can avoid these charges in Europe if you take out a Nationwide Flex debit card as there are no extra charges. | |
25 | 但是,要实现更高级的图表,还要考虑实现更成熟的引擎,比如AdobeFlex中的那些引擎。 | However, for more advanced chart implementations, consider implementing more mature charting engines such as those found in Adobe Flex . | |
26 | 但是,这个妈咪喂养的条件,已经缓慢地变成了中立性质的弹性时间,反映了工作间的变化。 | But the term mommy track is slowly morphing into the gender-neutral flex time, reflecting changes in the workforce. | |
27 | 当Flex应用程序启动后会弹出一个安全侵害提示(请看图11)。 | A security violation notice comes up when the Flex application is started (see Figure 11). | |
28 | 当导管受力从阻塞段移动至流动段时,曲梁向外弯曲允许导管通过。 | As a tube is forced from the occluding section to the flow section the curved beams flex outwardly permitting the tube to pass. | |
29 | 当地震和台风来袭时,这个“心柱”像暴风雨中的“马祖”松的松干一样弯曲和摇摆。 | When struck by an earthquake or typhoon, this was thought to flex and sway like the trunk of a pine tree in a storm. | |
30 | 迪斯凯尔认为,不停软化那些硬化基质的工作耗尽了细胞的精力。 | The constant work of trying to flex the stiffer matrix wears the cells out, Discher thinks. |