属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:Messenger 隐藏篮球游戏
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第195期:说话时怎么能不再每隔一个单词就加
1 | 故事情节发生在《星球大战四:新希望》之前。有些影院,比如IMAX已经张贴广告,如果影迷购买一些特别片段的电影票,会有特殊随赠品。尽管人们对这部电影期望很高,但是它的走向及热度并不会同《原力觉醒》一样。 | It takes place before the events in Star Wars IV: A New Hope. Some theaters, such as IMAX, have advertised special giveaways if fans buy tickets for specific showings. While expectations for the movie are high, the flick is not tracking the same way and at the same frenzied pace as ’The Force Awakens." | |
2 | 华纳兄弟的下一部动作电影大片《信条》暂定于7月17日首映。 | The next big-budget premiere, "Tenet", an action flick from Warner Bros, is tentatively down for July 17th. | |
3 | 轻击篮球入网,创造最高纪录。 | Just flick the ball toward the hoop to get a point, and try to beat your high score. | |
4 | 找一个能压制这个习惯的亲密朋友。让他们在你每次说like或um之类的口头语时打你或弹你一下。 | Find a close friend who you know will, like, stay on top of this. And tell them that every single time that you say "like" or "um" or whatever, have them, like, punch you or flick you. | |
5 | Neal惊呆了:数百只各种形状颜色的蝴蝶在我们周围振翅轻舞。 | Neal is in awe: hundreds of butterflies in all shapes and colors flick and flutter around us. | |
6 | 伴随一个开关的轻轻跳动,全市收看凤凰卫视的信号被切断。 | And with the flick of a switch, the city’s access to Phoenix TV was cut. | |
7 | 北京希望本月上映的国产动画影片《兔侠传奇》能与好莱坞影片相媲美。 | Beijing is hoping to counter Hollywood’s success with the release this month of its own animated action flick . | |
8 | 程序让你沉迷在这样一个画面——你从中心的太阳向外拉直线,避开周围其他的环绕太阳的星球,好把直线画出来。 | The app let’s you indulge in this image -- you pull strings out of a central sun and flick planets around to pluck the strings. | |
9 | 触摸屏可以让你通过在屏幕上划动手指来控制鼠标运动。 | The Touch screen allows you to control mouse movements with the flick of a finger across the screen. | |
10 | 触摸屏手机大行其道,意味着对于手机来说,手指的滑动、轻叩或者机身的晃动这些操作在这些年已经变得如点击鼠标一般自然。 | THE popularity of touch-screens on mobile phones means that a swipe, tap or a flick comes as naturally these days as the click of a mouse. | |
11 | 掸一下香烟就说你在“乱丢垃圾”;穿错上衣颜色就说你在向帮会宣示效忠; | Flick a cigarette and you’re "littering" ; wear the wrong color T-shirt and you’re displaying gang allegiance. | |
12 | 但是,当记忆之门被某种药物重新打开后之后,大脑存储信息的能力会得到极大的改善。 | But when a drug is used to flick the switch back on, the brain’s ability to store information dramatically improves. | |
13 | 但是在干旱的年份,水资源的紧缺以及更少量的食物使得它们更早的出来活动。 | But in dry years, water stress and fewer insects make the bats come out earlier, says Flick . | |
14 | 当你有空闲时间时,你可以简单地点开你的RSS阅读器,阅读最新消息。 | When you get a few spare minutes, you can simply flick over to your RSS reader and read what’s new. | |
15 | 底线是别和你的父母一起看色情片。 | The bottom line is this: Don’t see a porno flick with your parents. | |
16 | 第一个进球是一个轻巧的弹射,第二个又是挑衅般地盘过了整条惊恐的后卫线。 | The first a delicate, almost dainty flick , and the second another defiant dribble through a terrified backline. | |
17 | 对于女士来说,你或许可以租所谓的“肥皂剧”碟片,然后邀请其他女士共享一晚上的电影盛宴。 | For ladies, you might rent what is considered a "chick flick " and invite other ladies over for a movie night. | |
18 | 仿佛我们能在朦胧中看到一个穿着落满灰尘的店员长袍的男人,一边轻弹着他的羽毛笔一边笑着。 | Somewhere, faintly, a man in a dusty clerk’s robe would flick his quill and laugh. | |
19 | 弗里克美术收藏馆发言人海蒂·罗西瑙(HeidiRosenau)说,比起损坏的毕加索,他们那儿可没发生过与之旗鼓相当的事故。 | At the Flick Collection, there has been "no apples-to-apples incident" comparable to the damaged Picasso, said Heidi Rosenau, a spokeswoman. | |
20 | 弗里克说:“很多人能够问它大量不同的问题,它将真正开拓一个领域。” | "It’s a tool that can be used by lots of people to ask a variety of different questions, " says Flick . "It will really open up the field. " | |
21 | 拂去历史的尘埃--给人类文明史一种新的诠释 | Flick the Dust of History--to Make a New Interpretation of Human Civilization | |
22 | 鬼片可不行,我爸妈会关我禁闭的! | Not to a slasher flick . I’d get grounded by mom and dad. | |
23 | 亨利·克莱福瑞克,一个富有的纽约人,于1919年去世,留给他的房子来……选修六 | Henry Clay Flick , a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house . . . to . . . | |
24 | 滑动打开那个开关,然后用USB把iPhone连上你的笔记本电脑。 | Flick on the switch and connect your iPhone to your notebook with a USB cable. | |
25 | 即使他们轻轻开动“杀死开关”,你所得到的也就是一些博客谈论的技术。 | Even if they flick the kill switch, all you will get are a few techs blogging about it. | |
26 | 她同时也出现在了僵尸片《新丧尸出笼》和颇具争议的电影《车祸惊魂》。 | Suvari also appeared in zombie flick "Day of the Dead and controversial film " Stuck. | |
27 | 那是在过去,还没有到开关一响就有电的时代。 | That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch . | |
28 | 你可能会屏住呼吸、或者打消看电影的念头,改成回家像老巫婆麦克白夫人那样想要洗净罪孽一样用力搓手。 | Maybe you hold your breath, or maybe you decide to skip the flick and go home to scrub your hands like you’re Lady Macbeth. | |
29 | 你跨步向前,手臂猛甩,手腕轻弹,飞镖“嗖”的一声飞向前方。 | You throw by stepping forward and basically flinging the dart forward with the arm and a flick of the wrist. | |
30 | 您只要随便招呼一声就能得到您要的。 | Anything you need is only a flick of your tail away. |