1 | 本农贸菜场灵活经营,价格随行就市。 | The prices in this farm products market fluctuate according to supply and demand and business is done in a flexible way. | |
2 | 股票收盘价波动数学模型及其应用分析 | The Mathematic Model of Fluctuate Stock Price and Its Application Analysis | |
3 | 忽喜忽忧. | fluctuate between hope and fear | |
4 | 汇率是必须要考虑的因素。当汇率波动时,世界范围的通货膨胀速度不一致。 | Monetary exchange rates must be considered. While exchange rates fluctuate , inflation around the world advances at varying speeds. | |
5 | 例如,英国英镑在1949和1967年两度贬值。即使是固定汇率也允许平价两边在1%的波幅内波动。 | For example, Britain devalued sterling in 1949 and again in 1967. and even a fixed rate was allowed to fluctuate within a band of 1% on either side of its parity. | |
6 | 棉花:涨落不定。在英国利物浦市场上,棉花指数涨落不大。 | Cotton:irregular,the cotton index fluctuate narrowly on the liverpool(england)market. | |
7 | 拿出你的看法来,不要在两种意见之间摇摆不定。 | Give us your opinion. Don’t fluctuate between the two opinions | |
8 | 镍:较坚稳。伦敦五金交易所前半周的价格波动趋跌。 | Nickel:slightly steadier.Value fluctuate lower during the first half of the week on the London. | |
9 | 农作物产量和产值的变化如果引致收入波动,这对农民来说就可能是有害无益,因为稳定了价格可能稳定不了收入。 | Farmers can lose rather than gain if incomes fluctuate because of variations in crop yields and outputs-stable prices can then destabilize incomes | |
10 | 徘徊于希望与失望之间,忽喜忽忧 | Fluctuate between hopes and fears | |
11 | 四、改进棉花供应办法,允许价格浮动百分之六, | fourthly, to improve cotton supply methods, and to allow prices to fluctuate 6%, and for exporting products using Xinjiang cotton to replace imported cotton, a zero tax rate will be implemented | |
12 | 随行上市、上下浮动 | fluctuate in line with market conditions;fluctuate according to supply and demand relations at the market;fluctuate along with market changes | |
13 | 跳蚤市场,价格随行就市,买卖灵活。 | In a flea market, prices fluctuate according to demand and supply, and therefore the business is flexible. | |
14 | 物价年年波动。 | Prices fluctuate from year to year. | |
15 | 因此,可转换债券的市价会随等值的普通股的市价波动而波动。 | Thus, the market value of a convertible bond tends to fluctuate with the market value of an equivalent number of shares of common stock. | |
16 | 银:清淡。由于受最近交易低潮的影响,银和其他贵重金属一样,期货和现货市场的价格下降。 | Silver:quiet.Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. | |
17 | 银行间外汇市场人民币对美元买卖价可以在基准汇率上下 O.3%的幅度内浮动,对港币和日元的买卖可以在基准汇率上下 1%的幅度内浮动。外汇指定银行可按议定汇率,对客户买卖外汇。 | The buying and selling rates of RMB against the US dollar on the inter-bank forex market could fluctuate within 0.3 per cent of the reference rate. For the HK dollar and Japanese yen, the permitted range was 1 per cent. Designated forex banks could deal with their clients at an agreed rate. " | |
18 | 银行间外汇市场人民币对美元买卖价可以在基准汇率上下O.3%的幅度内浮动,对港币和日元的买卖可以在基准汇率上下1%的幅度内浮动。 | The buying and selling rates of RMB against the US dollar on the inter-bank forex market could fluctuate within 0.3 percent of the reference rate; and for the HK dollar and Japanese yen, the permitted range was 1 per cent | |
19 | 犹豫选择时来回摆动;摆动 | To fluctuate or waver in making choices;vacillate. | |
20 | 预计经济增长将会在一个较高的平台上波动,增长速度约为百分之七点二到八点零,即比今年增速减缓。 | It is estimated that the economic growth will fluctuate on a higher platform, the growth rate is about 7.2% to 8.0, Namely the acceleration rate slows down than this year. | |
21 | 这种相同的马虎的道德使接受不与业绩挂钩的高薪水的经理们丧失了给其员工适当的工资和奖金的基本理解力。 | This same sloppy morality causes managers who receive high salaries that do not fluctuate with their performance to lose a basic understanding of appropriate wages and bonuses for their staffs. | |
22 | 自行定价、随行上市、上下浮动 | prices fluctuate in line with market conditions | |
23 | ||1:生物学也可能会使市场的动荡局势恶化。||2:身体在应付长期承受的压力时,会增加皮质醇(激素)的分泌。这种激素掌管的是对付危机的资源。||3:科茨先生果然得出交易员体内的皮质醇含量会与股市一同波动,甚至是与衍生产品的价格有明显的相互关联。 | ||1:Biology may also be responsible for worsening market sentiment in bad times.||2:The body’s response to prolonged periods of stress is to secrete increasing amounts of cortisol, a hormone that marshals resources to cope with crises.||3:Sure enough, Mr Coates finds that cortisol levels in traders’ bodies fluctuate in line with market volatility, even displaying a striking correlation with the prices of derivatives. | |
24 | 多尔西解释道,关注者数量波动是因为该平台在处理虚假账户,甚至在垃圾邮件清理期间,他也失去了关注者。 | Dorsey explained that follower counts fluctuate as the platform targets fake accounts that even he has lost followers during spam purges. | |
25 | Smithers先生认为市场的“有效是不完美的,”换句话说,其价值围绕公允价值上下波动。 | Mr Smithers prefers the idea that markets are "imperfectly efficient" , in other words, that they fluctuate around their fair value. | |
26 | 鞍山市大多数环境污染物排放量的波动下降趋势明显,但仍维持在较高水平上; | The volumes of most kinds of pollutants represent significantly fluctuate declining, but are still at higher levels. | |
27 | 不同的期货合约有不同的保证金要求,由交易所制定,随时间变化而变动。 | Different futures contracts have different margin requirements that are set by the exchanges and may fluctuate from time to | |
28 | 春天的温带地区,气温每天都变化不定,但是日照长度却以一个可预知的数量稳步增加。 | In the temperate zone in spring, temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day, but day length increases steadily by a predictable amount. | |
29 | 此举导致国际稀土价格出现剧烈波动,市场也担心供应会出现问题。 | That has caused global rare earths prices to fluctuate wildly and prompted concerns over supply. | |
30 | 但事实并非如此:租金和抵押贷款都不会随着季节的更替而变动。 | But no: neither rents nor mortgages fluctuate with the seasons. |