属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-赫尔穆特施密特 烟与火
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-学习语言 再大声一点
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-技术移民 六级与分裂(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 推行新城市主义?白人群飞现象频发(上)
1 | 他现在把变量叫做流,变量的变化率叫做流数。 | He now called a variable quantity a fluent and its rate of change, the fluxion | |
2 | 王师傅侃侃而谈,博得了大家的喝彩。 | Master Wang’s few easy and fluent talks won cheers from all the people. | |
3 | 我毕业于华东理工大学,获得学士学位,英语也通过大学四年级和六级,能够流利地说和写英文。另外,我对电脑也很熟悉。 | I graduated from the East China University of Technology, holding a bachelor degree. Having obtained certificates of CET-4 and CET-6, I find myself fluent in both spoken and written English, In addition, I am also quite familiar with computer skills. | |
4 | 我的学习成绩优秀,有很多工作经历,英语相当流利。因此,我相信自己能够帮助你们策划并教好这门课。 | I am a fluent English speaker, and my university studies and work experiences have furthered my already strong knowledge of the English language-therefore, I could certainly help with planning and teaching this curriculum. | |
5 | 我在英语会话,以及读写方面都很流利。 | I am fluent in English speaking, reading and writing. | |
6 | 叙致华妍,韵情朗畅-论《宋书》记事载言的特色 | The Narrative Temperament is Elegant and Gorgeous and the Implicit Emotion is Bright and Fluent -On the Narrative of Song Shu (Books of the Song Dynasty) | |
7 | 也正是因为我一直努力的寻找能够讲华语的机会,今天才能以华语流利表达我的所思所想。 | And it is precisely because I’ve been trying hard to find opportunities to speak Mandarin that today I’m able to express my thoughts in fluent Mandarin | |
8 | 一曲婉转流动的乐歌-论小说《伤逝》的音乐特质 | A Sweet and Fluent Song-On Musical Quality of Novel Regret for the Past | |
9 | 一条修长而曲线流畅的游艇 | A yacht with long,fluent curves. | |
10 | 银行家的话滔滔不绝,但也烦琐冗杂。 | The banker’s speech was fluent , but it was also copious | |
11 | 英语:精通(说写流利),日语:一般(能日常会话),1999年5月TEM-4英语专业四级证书,2001年1月高级口译合格证书 | Proficient in English (fluent speaking and writing),Average in Japanese (daily conversation), May 1999 TEM-4 (Test of English Major Band 4), Jan 2001 Certificate of Advanced Interpretation | |
12 | 英语流利,熟悉办公软件操作 | Fluent in English and proficient with MS Office operation | |
13 | 优秀的英文听说写能力,电脑操作熟练; | Fluent English, be proficient in computer office software; | |
14 | 语言艺术家流利而多产的作家,尤指专业写作的人 | A fluent and prolific writer,especially one who writes professionally. | |
15 | 原来他是一个神采奕奕,口齿流利的东印度人。 | He turned out to be a personable and fluent East Indian | |
16 | 这个小孩口齿伶俐,活泼好动。 | The child is fluent and lively. | |
17 | 助理必须是合适的合格人员,有能力履行这些职责以及行使这种权力,并且能够流利地使用第1.4款(法律和语言)中规定的语言进行交流。 | Assistants shall be suitably qualified persons, who are competent to carry out these duties and exercise this authority, and who are fluent in the language for communications defined in Sub-Clause 1.4 (Law and Language). | |
18 | 资格:英语流畅,工作一丝不苟,大学学士学位,兼有财会经验 | Qualifications include: Fluent in English, Meticulous in work, Bachelor degree required. Accounting experience a plus | |
19 | ||1:那个人其实也并不伟大,起码在最初是这样。||2:皇室在一位勇敢的英国官员的帮助下逃离了奥地利,这个动荡的、日益缩小的共和国已没有了旧时的优雅品位。||3:而另一个王国,匈牙利,则由摄政者(在一个内陆国家,荒谬地落实典型的海军将领作风)统治,成为了一个君主制的空壳。||4:他们一家被一个又旧又小的西班牙法庭宣判驱逐出境。那会儿小奥托还被教育着要成为帝国继承人,他能讲一口流利的克罗地亚语、英语、法语、德语、匈牙利语和西班牙语。||5:当然还有拉丁语——他也许是欧洲最后一个能用拉丁语办事的政治家。 | ||1:Not that people were grateful, especially at first.||2:A gallant British officer helped the royals escape from Austria, a turbulent and shrunken republic with no taste for the finery of the past.||3:The other realm, Hungary, was nominally a monarchy but run by a regent (who, absurdly in a land-locked country, was styled admiral).||4:Exiled in Spain at a threadbare and tiny court, the young Otto was schooled for the empty throne: he was fluent in Croatian, English, French, German, Hungarian and Spanish.||5:And Latin, too—he was perhaps the last politician in Europe able to conduct business in that language. | |
20 | ||1:他在西方正在承受油价冲击、恐怖主义和美国在越南失败之苦的1974年,取代了(东德间谍行动的一位受害者)维利·勃兰特。||2:他同他的朋友吉斯卡尔·德斯坦德(另一位能够流利地讲英语的人)首倡了以峰会治理来应对全球经济困境的思想。||3:那时的G7会议,议题简明,气氛随便,有着真正的对话和真正的决策的,不像今天这样净管些不该管的琐事。||4:当时签订的各种协议为当代欧洲联盟打下了基础。 | ||1:He replaced Willy Brandt (the victim of an East German espionage operation) in 1974, at a time when the West was reeling from the oil-price shock, terrorism and America’s humiliation in Vietnam.||2:With his friend Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (another fluent English-speaker), he launched the idea of summit governance to deal with the world’s economic woes.||3: G7 meetings in those days were brief, informal affairs with real conversations and real decisions, not the micromanaged showpieces of today.||4:Agreements made then laid the foundations for the modern European Union. | |
21 | ||1:最后一次为自己的海外销售团队招聘,Sarah Grain聘用了一位可讲俄语、波兰语和德语的立陶宛人。||2:她为艺利磁铁—位于南威尔士的一家制造工业设备的公司—先前两次聘用的人分别是会讲法语的意大利人和会讲西班牙语与葡萄牙语的委内瑞拉人。||3:而他们都能说流利的英文。Sarah表示,“没有符合必备语言技能的英国求职者。” | ||1:THE last time she was recruiting for her export-sales team, Sarah Grain hired a Lithuanian who speaks Russian, Polish and German.||2:Her two previous hires for Eriez Magnetics, which makes industrial equipment in South Wales, were an Italian who also speaks French, and a Venezuelan who speaks Spanish and Portuguese.||3:All of them speak fluent English. “There were no British applicants who had the requisite language skills,” she says. | |
22 | 1967年,加拿大成为第一个把积分系统引入移民政策的国家;如今加拿大与澳大利亚都把学历、工作经验与英语流利程度(以及在加拿大的法语)作为预备移民的优选项。 | In 1967 Canada became the first country to introduce a points system for immigration; Canada and Australia now both give priority to would-be migrants with degrees, work experience and fluent English (and, in Canada, French). | |
23 | 通用首席执行官杰夫·伊梅尔特表示,“我们要处于共享诉求的生态系统中心。”还补充道,波士顿吸引了大量的多方面技术型人才。 | Jeff Immelt, GE’s Chief executive, says that “we want to be at the centre of an ecosystem that shares our aspiration”, and notes that Boston attracts “a diverse, technologically fluent workforce”. | |
24 | “科学和数学课本都是英文的,因此我儿子就必须熟练掌握这门语言。” | "Science and maths are all written in English so it’s essential for my son to be fluent in the language, " she says. | |
25 | “你知道,这是一部阴郁的电影,是黑白片,不是娱乐片。”他用流利的英语说。 | "You know, it’s a dark movie, it’s black and white, it’s not entertaining, " he said in fluent English. | |
26 | “三语”即英语、当地语言及职业语言,这样的人才在低成本属于稀缺资源。 | A "trilingual" speaks fluent English, a local language and the language of a profession. These are rare commodities in low cost countries. | |
27 | “特殊技能:剑术?”芬兰语流利? | "Special skills: Fencing" ? Fluent in Finnish? | |
28 | “我们必须离开隔离墙,”杰柯伯说,很有幸他能明白无误地理解警报的意思。 | "We must move away from the wall, " says Jakob, who fortunately speaks fluent siren. | |
29 | Jain先生现在在伦敦,它将会是第一个不是纯正的德国人来接管的过的最大的银行。 | Mr Jain, who is currently based in London, will be the first person not fluent in German in charge at Germany’s biggest bank. | |
30 | OfficeFluent用户界面是否可进行扩展? | Is the Office Fluent user interface extensible? |