1 | 口服雌激素替代疗法与安慰剂治疗潮热的比较 | Oral Oestrogen Replacement Therapy versus Placebo for Hot Flushes | |
2 | 栓皮栎发叶早,当常绿树上的幼菌虫还处在孵化阶段时,栓皮栎上的已成了蛹。 | Suber flushes early and pupas are already found at a time when the caterpillars on ilex are just hatching | |
3 | 尤其汽车在多尘的道路上行驶时,情况确实如此。更换机油便可排除灰尘,使其不能损坏发动机。 | This is particularly true when the car operates in dusty areas, changing oil flushes this dust out so that it cannot harm the engine. | |
4 | 在商用建筑结构中,采用冲水阀替代马桶水箱,其优势是显而易见,无法否认:节水,日常维护少,相对较少破损和故意损坏,在相继两次冲水之间几乎不需要等待时间。 | The benefits of using Flushometers instead of toilet tanks in commercial structures were considerable and undeniable: a saving of water, much less maintenance; a relative freedom from breakage and vandalism, and virtually no recycling time between flushes . | |
5 | 这小湾潮水涌不过来。 | No tide flushes through this narrow inlet | |
6 | ||1:全球每年约有4700万女性达到更年期年龄。||2:在大多数研究已经开始进行的西方国家,高达80%的人会出现潮热、盗汗、抑郁、失眠、焦虑和失忆等症状。||3:症状可持续长达12年。||4:根据发达国家的研究,大约有四分之一的女性在经历更年期时感到非常痛苦,以至于生活质量变差了。||5:在英国,几乎一半的女性表示,工作因此受到影响。 | ||1:About 47m women around the world reach the age of menopause each year.||2:In Western countries, where most research has been conducted, up to 80% will experience symptoms such as hot flushes , night sweats, depression, insomnia, anxiety and memory loss.||3:Symptoms can last up to 12 years.||4:Around a quarter of women going through menopause feel so wretched that their quality of life is dimmed, according to studies in rich countries.||5:Almost half of British women experiencing it say that their work suffers as a result. | |
7 | “它不如激素,”这位医师说,“不过它能减少40%至60%的潮热症状,能使你昏昏欲睡。” | "It’s not as good as estrogen, " adds the physician, "but it reduces hot flushes by 40 to 60 percent and will make you drowsy. " | |
8 | 当用户将新行滚入视图中时,代码从缓存请求新的数据,并且可选择将旧数据从内存删除。 | When the user scrolls new rows into view, your code requests new data from the cache and optionally flushes old data from memory. | |
9 | 对于每个通知,它所能刷新的事件最多为100个。如果事件的频率骤然增加,它所能缓冲的事件最多为1000个。 | It flushes up to 100 events per notification, and buffers up to 1000 events in case of a sudden rise in the frequency of events. | |
10 | 海床冲淤模型中长周期动力代表数据输入的概化研究 | The sea bed flushes in the silt model the long period power to melt the research generally on behalf of the data feeds | |
11 | 函数会把缓冲的输出和其他缓冲的数据刷新到Web浏览器。 | Function flushes output buffered and any other buffered data to the Web browser. | |
12 | 后,都刷新其所有的内部状态,编码器状态除外。 | Flushes all its internal state except the encoder state after every call to. | |
13 | 降低温度会暗示你的身体,该睡觉了,它们能减少潮热造成的干扰。 | Lower temperatures signal your body that it’s time to sleep, and they make hot flushes less disruptive. | |
14 | 她能想象的到如果医生坚持说她的潮红症状都是她想出来的那将会是一件多么令人恼怒的事情。 | She could only imagine how infuriating it would be if a doctor insisted her hot flushes were "all in her head" . | |
15 | 你刚刚开始洗澡,家里就有人在楼下冲水,立马让你享受“变温沐浴”。 | You’ve just stepped into the shower when some family member flushes the toilet downstairs and makes you a victim of shower shock. | |
16 | 你妈是个丑八怪,她一走过洗手间,马桶自动把水冲。 | Yo momma’s so ugly, when she walk by the bathroom the toilet flushes . | |
17 | 疲劳渐渐变成了精疲力竭,还伴随着头痛和潮热。 | Fatigue turned to exhaustion, joined by headaches and hot flushes . | |
18 | 平均每个美国人每天冲五次厕所,作者写道,用掉18.5加仑的水。 | The average American flushes the toilet five times a day, the author says, using 18. 5 gallons of water. | |
19 | 水冲走毒素和废物,它帮助你身体机能正常运行。 | Water helps keep your body operating at its best because it flushes toxins and waste materials from your system. | |
20 | 我的抽水泵内的水流忽大忽小,发出砰砰砰的声音。我是不是要通过止逆阀等器件来让它停住? | When my sump pump flushes , it makes a loud banging sound. Do I need a check valve or something else to make this stop? | |
21 | 写操作完成之后,它刷新文件缓冲区并解除文件锁。 | On completion of the writing, it flushes the file buffers and unlocks the file. | |
22 | 阴道有自身的清洁系统,排出细菌,你不需要添加任何化学试剂来帮忙。 | Your vagina has its own natural cleaning system that flushes out bacteria, so you don’t need to add any chemicals to help it. | |
23 | 在Stream上调用Close将刷新所有经过缓冲处理的数据,本质上是为您调用了Flush。 | Calling Close on a Stream flushes any buffered data, essentially calling Flush for you. | |
24 | 在关机过程中,MicrosoftExchangeInformationStore服务将把所有页刷新到磁盘。 | During the shutdown process, the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service flushes all pages to disk. | |
25 | 在这种情况下,即便应用程序刷新数据,也仍然会由服务器缓存,以实现优化。 | In this case, even if the application flushes the data, it may still be buffered by the server for optimization. | |
26 | 振冲挤密碎石桩施工技术总结 | Inspires flushes pushes the dense garrulous stone marker construction technology summary | |
27 | 整洁干净,冲洗设备工作无漏泄,地板砖状况良好。 | Toilets are neat and clean , that flushes are working and no leaking and floor tiles are in good order. | |
28 | 指示写入日志文件流时是否刷新缓冲区。 | Indicates whether or not the writing to the log file stream flushes the buffer. | |
29 | 中国湖北:强盗把到手的钻石冲下马桶 | Hubei province, China: Robber flushes diamond rings down the toilet. |