属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 11842-1985
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 13140-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF U02-011-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 13140-2000
1 | [美] 安于自己的命运; 负起自己的责任 | walk up to the trough, fodder or no fodder | |
2 | [美] 管自己的事, 做好自己的工作 | cut one’s own fodder | |
3 | 1972年将研究发展独立,成立研究部,并设立试验课、研究课、服务课等三课,从事面粉、饲料、油脂、速食面、乳品、饮料等产品之开发研究。 | In 1972, the R&D was independent from other departments to establish the Research Department. There were test division, research division and service division, etc. Three divisions that were engaged in the research and development of flour, fodder , oil & grease, instant noodles, dairy products, beverage, etc. | |
4 | AFS法测定植物饲料组织中的痕量Se | Determination of Trace Selenium in Plant Fodder Organism by AFS | |
5 | 巴西和阿根廷饲料工业的发展经验及其启示 | Experience and Enlightment of Fodder Industry Development in Brazil and Argentina | |
6 | 兵马未到,粮草先行 | Food and fodder are on the way before the army sets out | |
7 | 兵马未动,粮草先行 | food and fodder should go before troops and horses; proper preparations should be made in advance | |
8 | 兵马未动,粮草先行。 | Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses. | |
9 | 菠萝皮渣混合酵母粉制成饲料饼以饲养鸡只试验 | A Study on the Pineapple Bran Mixed with Fodder Yeast as Feed for Hens | |
10 | 不管怎么讲,我有这样的印象,那些该死的英国人利用澳新军团当炮灰,把他们送到敌人的枪口下,放到他们不想浪费他们自己的宝贵军队的地方去。 | And anyway, it strikes me that the blasted English use Anaxacs as fodder for the enemy gums, putting them into places where they don’t want to waste their own precious troop | |
11 | 不同栽培法对饲用稻氮代谢关键酶活性的影响 | Effects of Different Cultivations on Activities of Nitrogen Metabolisms Key Enzymes of Fodder Rice | |
12 | 草料切碎的用作饲料的稻草或干草 | Finely cut straw or hay used as fodder . | |
13 | 耕牛死亡主要原因不在合作社,而是由于水灾,牛皮价格过高,饲料不够,还有一些是老了,应当杀了。 | The chief cause of the loss of oxen is to be found not in the co-operatives but in floods, in the high price of ox hides and in the shortage of fodder while some oxen are too old and have to be slaughtered | |
14 | 海南岛野生牧草种质资源考察 | A Survey Report on Indigenous Fodder Germplasm in Hainan Island | |
15 | 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定饲料中镍 | FAAS Determination of Micro Amounts of Nickel in Fodder | |
16 | 接着,他就把老管家带进屋,卸了骆驼并喂以草料,还备了水给老管家和他的随从们洗脚。 | So he brought the man into the house , unloaded the camels and provided straw and fodder for them , and water for him and all his men to wash their feet | |
17 | 她回答:“我是拿鹤和密迦的儿子彼土利的女子。我们家有充足的粮草饲料、也有地方让你们过夜。” | She answered , ’Ian the daughter of Bethuel , the son of Nahor and Milcah ; and we daughter of Bethuel, the won of Nahor and Milcah; and we have plenty of straw and fodder and alsoroom for you to spend the night . ’ | |
18 | 类型甚多的蔬菜和饲料植物,均被认为是见于英国及欧洲大陆海岸的野生甘蓝(Brassica oleracea)经长期种植而驯化的品系。 | The term cabbage also refers more generally to a vegetable and fodder plant of various horticultural forms developed by long cultivation from the wild, or sea, cabbage (B. oleracea)found near the seacoast in England and continental Europe. | |
19 | 冷季补饲对幼年耗牛瘤胃发酵和血液指标的影响 | Effects of Supplementary Concentrated Fodder and Oat Hay on Rumen Fermentation and Blood Indexes of the Young Yaks in the Cold Season | |
20 | 利用稻草作为饲料. | utilize straw as fodder | |
21 | 利用猪粪液为菌源体外发酵产气法评价牧草纤维品质 | Studies on Evaluation of Fiber Quality of Fodder Grass | |
22 | 磷钾肥对饲用稻产量和蛋白质含量的影响及其机理研究 | Effects of P and K Fertilizers on Yield and Protein Content in Fodder Rice and Their Mechanisms | |
23 | 牧草与饲料作物新品种 | New Cultivars of Forage and Fodder Crop | |
24 | 那些牛靠充足的饲料吃得膘肥体壮。 | The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder | |
25 | 农业(棉花、水稻、玉米、豆类、青饲料等)收获机械及农机具 | Agricultural harvesters, farm machinery and tools (for cotton, paddy, corn, beans and green fodder , etc.) | |
26 | 农业机械.干饲料贮仓.出料口的连接尺寸 | Agricultural machinery; dry fodder silos; connecting dimensions for the discharge outlet | |
27 | 农业机械.糖用甜菜和饲料用甜菜收割设备.安全性 | Agricultural machinery-Sugar beet and fodder beet harvesting equipment-Safety; | |
28 | 农业用机械.糖用甜菜和饲料用甜菜收割机.安全 | Agricultural machinery-Sugar beet and fodder beet harvesting equipment-Safety. | |
29 | 农用机械.制糖甜菜和饲料甜菜收割设备.安全性 | Agricultural machinery-Sugar beet and fodder beet harvesting equipment-Safety | |
30 | 农用幼枝、绿篱、青贮米、茎蒿、干草或饲料切割机 | cutting machine for slips,hedges,silage,straw,hay or fodder ,farm-type |