1 | 耐折度:量度纸张对经常重复屈折的损坏程度。 | Folding endurance: Measure of deterioration of paper along a constantly repeated fold. | |
2 | 拍卖品包括传说中一个遇难者的救生衣,一份头等舱宴会的菜单和一把折叠式帆布躺椅。 | The lots include the purported lifejacket of one victim, a first-class dinner menu and a folding deckchair | |
3 | 片基与胶片耐折度的测定方法 | Method for determining the folding endurance of photographic film and film base | |
4 | 平行折:纸张的一折和前一折平行的折法。 | Parallel fold: Folding a sheet with all the folds parallel to each other. | |
5 | 屏风画是用水墨或水彩作于不镶边修饰或镶边修饰的纸和丝绸上。画卷画和屏风画都具有表现活力和表现氛围的抒情意境的作用。 | Folding screen paintings are in ink or gouache on plain or gilded paper or silk. They are remarkable for their vitality, the lyrical representation or atmospheric space. Their vivid rendering of animals, birds, and flowers and their atmospheric landscapes brought nature indoors. | |
6 | 其起源无人知晓,大概是源于更早的折布艺术。 | Its early history is unknown, but it seems to have developed from the older art of folding cloth. | |
7 | 其它新类型门包括转门、折叠门、推拉门(灵感来自日本的障子)、卷帘门和荷兰门(分成上下两截,可以各自开启)等。 | Other types include the revolving door, folding door, sliding door (inspired by the Japanese shoji), rolling door, and Dutch door (divided horizontally so that the lower or upper part can be opened separately). | |
8 | 祈祷椅礼拜着跪着祈祷时使用的一种可折叠的小凳子,尤指英格兰国王举行加冕礼时使用的 | A folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray,especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation. | |
9 | 绕纸式给纸器:一些折纸机用的给纸器。它把纸张绕成环形而连续不断的给纸,有别于惯用的平纸堆给纸器。 | Round-pile feeder: A feeder used by some folding machines. It is a continuous feeding device which feeds from a rounded pile as distinct from a conventional feeder which feeds from a flat-pile. | |
10 | 融线装:用可以融化的线,把个别书帖及检集后各帖连接一起的装订方法。线是有粘性的,放于折纸机上。 | Thread sealing: Binding method using meltable threads as "stitches" to secure individual and gathered sections. The thread, of adhesive nature, are place on the folding machine. | |
11 | 扇:装饰艺术中,自古以来世界各地全都使用一种硬扇或手折扇,它用于纳凉、通风或典礼,以及作为裁缝的附属品。 | Fan: Rigid or folding handheld device used for cooling, air circulation, or ceremony or as a sartorial accessory throughout the world from ancient times. | |
12 | 设法为突然出现的人群找到一些折椅 | Managed to scare up some folding chairs for the unexpected crowd. | |
13 | 收拢不需要的省道,使肩到胸点这条线起皱痕,然后朝箭头标出的方向折这条痕迹线。省道将在开衩线上放开。 | Close up the dart that is not required (in this case the neck dart)by creasing the line from the shoulder to the bust point and then folding the creased line in the arrowed direction. A dart will open up at the slashed line. | |
14 | 顺纹:描述纸的方向特性的术语;常用于折纸方面,指纸的折向和纸纹平行.顺纹折纸,亦较为容易. | With the grain: A term used to describe the directional character of paper, often applied to the folding of a sheet of paper parallel to the grain. Paper folds more easily with the grain. | |
15 | 宿营用凳一种轻便可折叠的凳子 | A light folding stool. | |
16 | 它不太厚(通常不超过三毫米)的小册子的经济和常用方法。 | The pages are bound together by thread or wire inserted through the spine, or folding line, and into the cintre spread where they are clinched. | |
17 | 檀香折扇香气淡雅清郁,真正贵妇享受。 | Sandalwood folding fans with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance give ladies real enjoyment. | |
18 | 头枕(5个),包括驾驶员和前座乘客座椅的碰撞回应式颈部保护头枕(NECK-PRO);后排座椅头枕可电动折叠 | Head restraints (5), incl. crash-responsive NECK-PRO head restraints for driver and front passenger seats, rear-seat head restraints electrically folding | |
19 | 吞噬体细胞中发现的一种膜结构囊状物,通过细胞膜向内折回,再经吞噬作用将外物捕入细胞内 | A membrane-bound vesicle found in a cell by an inward folding of the cell membrane to hold foreign matter taken into the cell by phagocytosis. | |
20 | 弯曲、成形工具作用于工件,并通过弯曲、折叠、扭曲、偏移等方法使已冲裁好的工件成形,或者对坯料的一部分或整块坯料进行成形加工,一般不进行“引伸”或改变金属材料的厚度。 | Bending and forming tools act upon the workpiece and shape a previously blanked piece by some method of bending, folding , twisting, offsetting, or otherwise reforming a portion or the whole of the blank usually without "drawing" or materially changing the thickness of the metal. | |
21 | 完成加工:一份印件在印刷后所需的操作,使它成为付货要求的成品。一般操作包括裁边,折纸,装订和包装。 | Finishing: Operations performed after a job has been printed so as to bring it to its final form ready for despatch.Common operations are cutting or trimming,folding ,binding and packing. | |
22 | 我们发现可折叠的桌子使用非常方便。 | We find our folding table a great convenience. | |
23 | 掀背式行李箱配合 6/4 分离可折叠式后座,创造出最大 1190L 的极致弹性空间。 | The hatch rear compartment combined with the 6/4 split-folding rear seats is capable of creating an extremely flexible space up to 1,190L.” | |
24 | 相对一个中心、核心或轴的转动、卷缠或折叠的动作. | an act of turning, coiling, or folding about a center, a core, or an axis. | |
25 | 橡皮船或可拆卸的船,用于娱乐或运动 | folding or disassembling boat for pleasure or sports | |
26 | 鞋面、皮革折边机 | Edge Folding M/C For Vamps & Leathers | |
27 | 修枝刀,不管能否折叠 | pruning knife, whether or not folding | |
28 | 压折机:用机械方式,在纸上压上凹下的线条,方便屈折。 | Scoring: To mechanically indent a line on paper to facilitate folding . Also called Creating. | |
29 | 芽接刀或切接切,可折叠 | budding or grafting folding knife | |
30 | 要采用那个方式,可考虑印刷数量、装订方法、可供使用的印刷机及折纸机的类别和大小,然后决定。 | To decide which scheme to use, consideration must be given to the print quantity, binding method, printing and folding machine type, size and availability. |