1 | 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林,虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力; | Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear , The sapless foliage of the ocean, know | |
2 | 北京市部分地区土壤和植物中多环芳烃的分布 | Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil and Foliage in Beijing | |
3 | 变叶木一种产于东半球的热带常绿灌木(变叶木属变叶木),因其有光泽的、色彩多样的叶子而被作为室内盆栽植物广泛培植 | An Old World tropical evergreen shrub(Codiaeum variegatum)widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy,multicolored foliage . | |
4 | 宾州杨梅北美洲东部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅杨梅属),具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛 | A deciduous,eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica)having aromatic foliage and small,globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles. | |
5 | 玻璃叶饰,灯工或小商品 | glass foliage ,lamp-worked or smallwares | |
6 | 玻璃叶饰,浇铸或模制的 | foliage of glass,cast or moulded | |
7 | 不过他觉得这一群人走过时是不会发现他们的,因为树林中密密的枝叶已把他们完全遮住了。 | but he evidently thought that the procession of the faithful would pass without perceiving them amid the thick foliage , in which they were wholly concealed | |
8 | 茶树荧旋光性绿斑病叶细胞中的晶体研究 | Studies on the Crystals in the Cells of Tea Foliage Suffering Fluorescent Green Spot Disease | |
9 | 长颈鹿获得遗传的特征长脖子是由于它们世世代代啮食树上部的树叶的原故。 | A giraffe acquired the genetic specification for a long neck through generations of browsing upon the upper foliage of trees | |
10 | 常绿的,常青的:具终年保持常绿的叶. | Evergreen:Having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year. | |
11 | 常绿植物:具有终年常绿叶的树木、灌木或植物. | evergreen:a tree, shrub, or plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year. | |
12 | 超临界CO2萃取毛竹叶中的叶绿素 | Extraction of Chlorophyll from Phyllostachys Pubescens Foliage with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide | |
13 | 刺绣用叶子或花的图案为(某物)刺绣 | To embroider(something)with a design of foliage or flowers. | |
14 | 大院中的宋代巨柏,高达25米,树势雄伟,枝叶葱翠,古老苍劲。 | The cypress, rising to a height of 25 metres, looks tall and stately with luxuriant foliage and age seems only to have brought it strength and venerability | |
15 | 蛾对叶子有害。 | Gypsy moths harm foliage . | |
16 | 福山阔叶林四树种绿叶的分解及氮动态变化 | Green Foliage Decomposition and Its Nitrogen Dynamics of 4 Tree Species of the Fushan Forest | |
17 | 根外追肥对南方红荳杉一年生苗木生长的影响 | Effect of Foliage Top Dressing on 1-year-old Taxus chinensis Seedling Growth | |
18 | 宫前有数株榕树,盘根错节,枝繁叶茂,为游人休憩佳处。 | Before the palace are some giant banyan trees whose entangled foliage and intertwined roots provide a good resting place for visitors | |
19 | 蒿属植物一种菊科蒿属的带香味的植物,有绿或浅灰色叶子,常有许多盘状花,包括艾蒿,三齿蒿,龙蒿和除虫草 | Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia in the composite family,having green or grayish foliage and usually numerous small discoid flower heads and including the mugwort,sagebrush,tarragon,and wormweed. | |
20 | 忽信步至一山环水旋,茂林深竹之处,隐隐的有座庙宇 | He came to luxuriant woods and bamboo groves set among hills and interlaced by streams, with a temple half hidden among the foliage . | |
21 | 花叶形装饰带有雕刻或绘制的叶子的装饰物 | Decoration with sculpted or painted foliage . | |
22 | 花园是个长方形的,中间有一片光滑的草坪,四角有枝叶茂密的树丛,树丛中夹杂着矮树和花草。 | a stretch of smooth turf extended down the middle, and at the corners were clumps of trees with thick and massy foliage , that made a background for the shrubs and flowers | |
23 | 黄春菊,果香菊一种菊科芳香型多年生草本植物(果香菊果香菊属),原产于欧洲和地中海地区,有带毛的叶子和带有舌状白花和黄色花心的头状花序 | An aromatic perennial herb(Chamaemelum nobile)in the composite family,native to Europe and the Mediterranean region,having feathery foliage and flower heads with white rays and yellow centers. | |
24 | 她性格中一切轻松优雅的绿叶,全都因那火红的徽记而枯萎,并且早已落得精光,只剩下了光秃秃的粗糙的轮廓,如果说她还有朋友和伙伴的话,恐怕也早就为此而规避了。 | All the light and graceful foliage of her character had been withered up by this red-hot brand, and had long ago fallen away, leaving a bare and harsh outline, which might have been repulsive, had she possessed friends or companions to be repelled by it. | |
25 | 她腰缠嫩枝编的花带,使她的美貌绚丽如画,比本人还要精美,更象仙女。 | With all the brilliant picturesqueness of her beauty, in its adornment of flowers and wreathed foliage , but more refined and spiritualised than the reality. | |
26 | 她以自己的闪烁不定的光辉,使忧郁的人群欢快起来,就象是一只长着光彩夺目的羽毛的鸟儿跳来跳去,在幽暗的时簇中时隐时现,把一棵树的枝枝叶叶全都照亮了。 | She made the sombre crowd cheerful by her erratic and glistening ray; even as a bird of bright plumage illuminates a whole tree of dusty foliage , by darting to and fro, half seen and half concealed amid the twilight of the clustering leaves. | |
27 | 她在一间小小的客厅里接待他。小小的房间一尘不染,室内装饰着用皱纸做成的飘逸的枝叶。 | She received him in a little parlor: a small unspeckled bower, ornamented with a desultory foliage of tissue paper | |
28 | 金银花专用叶面肥施用效果试验 | Test on Application Effects of Special Foliage Fertilizer in Lonicera japonica Thunb | |
29 | 井边有两株古银杏,主干挺秀、枝叶繁茂,当地人说这是李白亲手栽种的。 | Towering over the well are two ancient gingko trees standing tall and erect with luxuriant foliage . These, the local people say, were planted by Li Bai himself | |
30 | 具有终年常绿叶的树木、灌木或植物. | a tree, shrub, or plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year. |