属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-韩国现代汽车公司在瑞士测试氢动力卡车
1 | 我不是开玩笑,我是当真的。 | I was not fooling , I was serious. | |
2 | 我给你开玩笑 | I’m just playing around with you(joking around with you,no fooling ). | |
3 | 我没有把你当作一个爱玩乐的人,否则我们两个早就到人群里去找快活,借着圣乔瓦尼的名义干一些开心的傻事了。 | There is no counting on you for a frolic, else we might have gone in search of adventures together in the crowd, and had some pleasant fooling in honour of San Givoanni | |
4 | 我说把你的钥匙丢了,只是逗你玩的。 | I was only fooling when I said I’d lost your keys. | |
5 | 小鬼,我听说你们学校的学生里有吸毒的现象。我希望你坚持正道,坚决抵制这种恶习! | Pumpkin, I hear that some of the students at your school are fooling around with drugs. But I hope, young woman that you stick to your guns and keep saying no! | |
6 | 辛楣乘孙小姐没留意,狠狠地在鸿渐背上打一下道:“这位方先生最爱撒谎,把童话里的故事来哄你。” | Hsin-mei took the opportunity, while Miss Sun wasn’t paying attention, to give Hung-chien a hefty punch in the back, saying, "Mr. Fang here loves to tell lies.He’s fooling you with fairy tales." | |
7 | 一个人最容易被愚弄时是在他以为自己在愚弄别人的时候。--罗什福科 | One is never so easily fooled as when one thinks one is fooling others.--La Rochefoucauld | |
8 | 依我的话,你竟顽你的去是正理.仔细站脏了我这地,靠脏了我的门! | All you’re fit for, in my opinion, is to go on fooling about. Your presence here contaminates this place and contaminates my door. | |
9 | 这是在自欺欺人。难道他们没有认识到失去公众信誉的真正问题在于他们所做的,而不是所说的 | They are only fooling themselves. Do they realize that the real problem for their loss of public respect is what they have been doing, not what they have been saying about themselves? | |
10 | 目前,现代汽车依赖于政府对燃料电池卡车的补贴。弗雷米勒表示:“我们并非自欺欺人,它最初是一种有补贴的商业模式。” | For now, Hyundai is depending on government assistance for fuel cell trucks. "We are not fooling ourselves, it is initially a subsidized business model," said Mark Freymueller. | |
11 | “不过不知道男性有没有都说实话,没准他们会想反正没人会去核实我到底是不是单身。” | "I wonder if men are fooling themselves, thinking, well there’s no one to prove whether I’m single or not. " | |
12 | “看!我是两位漂亮女儿的父亲!”然后他给出了坚定的眼神,接着问:“你有没有作出对不起我的事?” | "Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered! " Then he gave her a stern look and asked, "Have you been fooling around on me? " | |
13 | “那么是谁愚弄谁了?”他的眼睛冲她眨着,这次是她转过了脸去。 | "Then who’s fooling who? " His eyes flickered to hers, and this time it was she who turned away. | |
14 | “虽然你这样莽撞,不过总算安全了,谢天谢地!”她说,脸上都是激动的神情。 | Safe, thank God, in spite of your fooling ! ’ said she, her face on fire. | |
15 | “这么说你是准备去瞎胡闹,呃?” | "So you’ll just be fooling around, eh? " | |
16 | 别再开玩笑了(别扯太远了),我们需要选一瓶葡萄酒。 | Stop fooling around. We need to pick out a bottle of wine. | |
17 | 不要摆弄那把刀,会伤人的。 | Stop fooling about with that knife of someone will get hurt. | |
18 | 不要到处游手好闲,像我嘱咐的那样去整理你的房间。 | Stop fooling around and clean your room as I told you. | |
19 | 但是,当她发现自己总在琢磨跟一个爱嚼烟草的人接吻会是什么感觉时,才明白自己以前的感觉只不过是自欺欺人罢了。 | But when she found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss a guy who chewed tobacco she began to think she was fooling herself. | |
20 | 但是他们是在糊弄他们自己吗? | But are they fooling themselves? | |
21 | 德国队门将承认欺骗了裁判,但是球员不应该因为是在绿茵场上而逃避道德的批判。 | Germany’s goalkeeper admitted fooling the referee, but players shouldn’t be exempt from ethical criticism for actions on the pitch | |
22 | 对她隐瞒实情让我觉得有些愧疚,每当这时候,我总是凭空想象出我的声音在贯穿天际的钢丝上独舞的画面。 | I felt a bit guilty about fooling my ma, but whenever a pang hit, I conjured up the vision of my voice dancing along wires in the sky. | |
23 | 很多软件工程师在可交付产品和他们可能的影响方面开始欺骗他们自己和他们的上司。 | Many software engineers start off by fooling themselves and their supervisors about deliverables and their possible impacts. | |
24 | 很有可能凯特只是自欺欺人罢了,或者这孩子真是有毛病。 | It’s equally possible that Kate is just fooling herself, and something is actually wrong. | |
25 | 简而言之,那些认为我们的前途将是阳光明媚、一天比一天更美好的人,不过是在自欺欺人。 | In short, those who think we are now looking at the sunlit uplands are fooling themselves. | |
26 | 她看见她的丈夫与一只漂亮的小牝牛坐在河旁。这是不可能骗得了希拉的。她怀疑那只牝牛是不是真的牝牛。 | She saw her husband sitting by the river with a beautiful young cow. There was no fooling Hera. She doubted that the cow was really a cow. | |
27 | 她一直自欺欺人地以为自己能不为所动。 | She had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain indifferent. | |
28 | 尽管他们具备我所没有的一心二用能力,但我想他们实在愚弄自己。 | Although they may have a gift in multitasking I wasn’t born with, I think it is more likely that they are fooling themselves. | |
29 | 看来只是我自欺欺人。 | I guess I was fooling myself. | |
30 | 那儿有一架竖式钢琴,他们就开始摆弄起它来了。 | There was an old upright piano, and they started fooling around with it. |