1 | 那些请得起男管家的人,与那些只是为了来这买一个古驰手袋的人之间,仿佛隔了一条很大的鸿沟。 | There is a big gap between those who can afford a butler and those whose only foray into the market is to buy a Gucci handbag. | |
2 | 你的人生对于无因而生且必将完结的地球来说,只是一位不速之客的短暂打扰而已。 | Your life is a brief foray on Earth that started one day for no reason and will inevitably end. | |
3 | 皮克斯公司由一只简单的手开始首次涉足电脑绘图。 | Pixar’s first foray into computer graphics was, however, a simple hand. | |
4 | 去年12月,长江基建首次进军加拿大,完成了以6.29亿加元(合6.3亿美元)收购TransAltaPower公司的交易。 | In December, the company completed the C$629m (US$630m) takeover of Trans Alta Power in its first foray into Canada. | |
5 | 日本电子制造商索尼公司开始了进军平板电脑市场的第一次尝试,推出了两款产品。 | The Japanese electronics maker Sony has announced its first foray into the popular tablet PC market, unveiling two new devices. | |
6 | 事实上,沃尔玛应该庆幸其时尚战略没有获得效果,因为这将损害到它的平价声誉。 | Actually, Walmart was lucky its fashion foray didn’t work. That would have hurt its low-cost reputation. | |
7 | 随着谷歌进军浏览器领域,目前看来微软与谷歌的竞争极有可能逐步升级。 | The tensions between Microsoft and Google now seem likely to escalate with Google’s foray into Web browsing. | |
8 | 所以,麦当劳向冰冻咖啡领域的侵袭将可能给星巴克的销售带来重大不利影响。 | So McDonald’s’ foray into frozen coffee may have a greater negative impact on Starbucks’ sales. | |
9 | 我们也许会偶尔杀进一座公园,但这不过只是再次提醒自己:我们正是一群囚禁中的动物。 | We might make the occasional foray into a park, which only reminds us that we are animals in captivity. | |
10 | 下个月,我们将继续探索J2EE技术,对Web应用程序安全体系结构进行分析。 | Next month, we’ll continue our exploration of J2EE technology with a foray into J2EE’s Web application security architecture. | |
11 | 现实点说,这一天在奥巴马六天的欧洲访问中是最轻松的。 | In practical terms, this was the lightest of the Obamas’ six-day European foray . | |
12 | 现在我们看到诺基亚公司的突袭进入上网笔记本市场作为一个很好的练习在它的宽泛的业务背景下。 | At present we see Nokia’s foray into the netbook market as a niche exercise in the context of its broader business. | |
13 | 小肥羊已经节制了在海外的攻势,限制在6个市场中的17家饭店。 | Little Sheep has limited its foray abroad to about 17 restaurants in six markets. | |
14 | 小企业贷款公司CIT集团(CITGroup)是快速反应的绝佳例子。他们不合时宜地进入次贷市场,迷失了方向。 | CIT Group, the small-business lender that lost its way in an ill-timed foray into subprime, is a perfect example of those quick reflexes. | |
15 | 谢女士承认有一些分散投资,例如对保险的投入,收入是微不足道的。 | Ms Xie admits that some of its diversifications, such as a foray into insurance, make little sense. | |
16 | 新闻集团去年进入互联网业似乎是个冒险的举动。很多人幸灾乐祸地预测这一举措的失败。 | News Corp. ’s foray into the Internet seemed like a dicey proposition last year, and many people were happy to predict its failure. | |
17 | 亚马逊――全球最大在线零售商,害怕被Google超越,已经公布了它进攻电子书大市场的计划。 | Not to be outdone, Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has unveiled plans for its own foray into the mass e-book market. | |
18 | 一次对专业化工领域的昂贵的冒险尝试使它背负了太多的债务。 | An expensive foray into speciality chemicals loaded it with too much debt. | |
19 | 易趣公司在去年六月收购条码扫描移动应用软件RedLaser,这标志着其首次融入当地的商业舞台。 | EBay’s first foray into the local commerce arena was though the acquisition of barcode scanning mobile app RedLaser last June. | |
20 | 在六月,他在旧金山站上了讲台,谈论关于iCloud的一些想法,这是苹果最新的基于云计算出击的一款概念。 | In June, he was on stage in San Francisco to talk about iCloud, Apple’s latest foray into cloud-based computing. | |
21 | 在那次十一月的突然造访期间,我曾经听到一群美国大学生的谈话,他们那时正在里亚托桥(Rialto)附近蹓跶。 | On that November foray , I had listened to a group of American college students talking as they wandered around near the Rialto Bridge. | |
22 | 在所提供的文档里没有描绘出Sprout如何进军社交媒体会影响的技术水平。 | Details on how Sprout’s foray into social media campaigns will work on a technical level are not outlined in the provided documentation. | |
23 | 在投资美国对冲基金时,中投公司目前倾向于借助那些自己已经了解的公司。 | In its foray into U. S. hedge-fund investing, CIC has so far favored firms it already knows well. | |
24 | 詹森说,六月份发布的iPhone,是苹果公司第一次进军手机市场,同样也带来了新客户。 | The iPhone, launched in June as Apple’s first foray in the cell phone market, has also brought newcomers, Johnson said. | |
25 | 这不是Google进军图书业的首次尝试,但是,它以往许多计划结果都备受争议。 | It is not the first foray into the book world for Google, however, with many of its previous schemes proving highly controversial. | |
26 | 这不太重要,因为这是我的第一次创作作品的尝试。 | This will be nothing too major, since this is just my first foray into product creation and design. | |
27 | 中国进军非洲的主要动力在于寻求“能源安全”。 | China’s foray into Africa is largely driven by its own search for "energy security" . | |
28 | 中国也很关注美国对于缅甸——这个资源丰富的盟友和南部邻居——的突然访问。 | China is also likely to be concerned by a dramatic US foray into Myanmar, its resource-rich ally and southern neighbour. | |
29 | 总部位于英国伯明翰的工程技术集团IMI计划在华成立一家新合资公司。这是该公司今年深入新兴市场的第二步。 | IMI is to enter into a new joint venture in China in its second foray to increase exposure to emerging markets this year. | |
30 | 最初是针对记者以及在科技相关领域工作的人们设计的。 | The search firm’s latest foray into social networking was initially offered to journalists and people working in technology related fields. |