属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日笛悠悠 比尔·米林
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-比特币在中国 美梦破碎
1 | 小姑娘不把功课做完,她母亲就禁止她走出屋子。 | Her mother forbade the little girl to leave the house before she finished her homework | |
2 | 一个禁止在晚饭桌上谈论钱和生意,另一个则鼓励在吃饭时谈论这些话题。 | One encouraged talking about money and business at the dinner table. The other forbade the subject of money to be discussed over a meal. | |
3 | 医生禁止他的病人吃饭。 | The doctor forbade his patient rice. | |
4 | 这是一封“绝情信”,写给迈克尔的,发信人因她母亲的阻拦再不能见他。 | It was a “Dear John”letter that told the recipient,whose name appeared to be Michael, that the writer could not see him any more because her mother forbade it. | |
5 | 这种天气使我们根本无法去野餐。 | The weather forbade all idea of a picnic. | |
6 | 政府查禁赌博。 | The government forbade gambling. | |
7 | ||1:令人震惊的话已经改变了。||2:1606年的英国法律禁止在舞台上亵渎上帝、耶稣基督和圣灵。||3:如今,这样的咒骂几乎不会引起人们的注意(尽管在俄罗斯等地,一些大张旗鼓的亵渎事件仍然激怒了虔诚的信徒)。||4:之后,与性和身体有关的词汇是最容易有冒犯的意思。||5:1914年,在伦敦举行的萧伯纳的《卖花女》首映式上,“血腥的bloody”一词引发了一阵狂笑。||6:现在它几乎不值得评论了。 | ||1:The words that shock have changed.||2:An English law of 1606 forbade profane references on stage to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.||3:Today such imprecations cause barely a batted eyelash (even if high-profile cases of perceived blasphemy still rile the devout in places such as Russia).||4:Later, words related to sex and the body were the most likely to offend.||5:The word “bloody” set off a gale of laughter at the London premiere of George Bernard Shaw’s “Pygmalion” in 1914.||6:Now it is hardly worth remarking upon. | |
8 | ||1:米林吹奏风笛是战斗计划的一部分。||2:在威廉堡附近的特攻队训练时,他与英军第一突击旅指挥官洛瓦特(Lovat)勋爵建立起了友谊。||3:在很大程度上,他俩并没有多少共同点。||4:米林身材五短、面庞宽大冷漠,是一位格拉斯哥警察的儿子;他最刻骨铭心的童年记忆就是“贫穷”,1925年随家人从加拿大回苏格兰时,穷得睡在甲板上。||5:而洛瓦特身材颀长,英俊无比且富于浪漫情怀;他有一座耸立于因弗内斯附近比尤利河岸之上的城堡。||6:他要米林先生作他的私人风笛手:不是个人需要而是出于军事安排。||7:伦敦陆军部当时禁止风笛手在战斗中吹奏。但同为苏格兰人的米林先生和洛瓦特勋爵密谋不受陆军部禁令约束。||8:在这场“历史上最伟大的登陆战”中,洛瓦特要让风笛声为胜利指明方向。 | ||1: His playing had been planned as part of the operation. ||2: On commando training near Fort William he had struck up a friendship with Lord Lovat, the officer in charge of the 1st Special Service Brigade. ||3: Not that they had much in common. ||4: Mr Millin was short, with a broad cheeky face, the son of a Glasgow policeman; his sharpest childhood memory was of being one of the “poor”, sleeping on deck, on the family’s return in 1925 from Canada to Scotland. ||5: Lovat was tall, lanky, outrageously handsome and romantic, with a castle towering above the river at Beauly, near Inverness. ||6: He had asked Mr Millin to be his personal piper: not a feudal but a military arrangement. ||7: The War Office in London now forbade pipers to play in battle, but Mr Millin and Lord Lovat, as Scots, plotted rebellion. ||8: In this “greatest invasion in history”, Lovat wanted pipes to lead the way. | |
9 | ||1:去年12月初,中国央行宣告比特币不是货币。||2:这减缓了比特币增速,但仍有狂热者并不为之所动,坚称央行的此项声明远未达到有些人所畏惧的全面禁止比特币的程度。||3:但紧随其后,监管机构关停那些与比特币交易平台合作,充当商家和信用卡网络交易“中间人”角色的第三方公司,则是对其更严重的打击。||4:然而,交易平台运营商们还是找到了绕过禁令的方式。 | ||1:In early December China’s central bank declared that Bitcoin was not a currency.||2:This slowed its rise, but enthusiasts remained unbowed as the declaration fell far short of the outright ban some had feared.||3:Then regulators forbade the firms that act as middlemen between businesses and credit-card networks from working with the exchanges.||4:That was a more serious blow, but exchange operators found ways round the ban. | |
10 | ||1:由于政治上对它带来后果的种种不安,该项目最终泡了汤。||2:(更确切地说,后来的模型表明,从地球表面发射一枚中等大小的火箭,每发射一次,大约会造成10人死亡。)||3:1963年的《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止了核爆炸,除非在地下进行。||4:弗里曼也参与其中,在美国参议院,他以家乡县清脆快速的语调,为该禁令辩护。||5:因为他们放权把物理学家猛地推向了高层,弗里曼还成为了政府科学和大战略的顾问。 | ||1:The project was scuppered in the end by a mix of political queasiness over the fallout.||2:(rather literally—later modelling suggested that each launch of a modestly-sized rocket from Earth’s surface would kill about ten people)||3:And the partial test ban treaty of 1963, which forbade nuclear explosions except underground.||4:He was involved in that too, arguing in favour of the ban, in his clipped home-counties tones, in front of America’s Senate.||5:Since the power they had unleashed thrust physicists into high places, he also became a government adviser on science and grand strategy. | |
11 | 1610年,阿姆斯特丹监管者禁止卖空,指责这种行为导致荷兰东印度公司市值下跌。 | In 1610 regulators in Amsterdam forbade short-selling, blaming it for a fall in the value of the Dutch East India Company. | |
12 | 1906年法律禁止掺假冒牌食品药品在州内和国外市场流通。 | The 1906 law forbade interstate and foreign commerce in adulterated and misbranded food and drugs. | |
13 | 2009年通过的一项法律禁止卡车在晚上8点后进入市区范围。 | A law was passed in 2009 that forbade trucks from entering city limits after 8 p. m. | |
14 | 当被问及投资诀窍时他就变得暴躁起来,而且他还禁止投资者与其讨论他们之间的商谈。 | He grew testy when quizzed about his methods and forbade investors from discussing their conversations with him. | |
15 | 当时美国禁止各州之间开展银行业务,也不允许形成美元的国际交易市场。 | The US forbade interstate banking and discouraged an international market in the dollar. | |
16 | 德鲁伊教团员本质上是被看作非罗马人;奥古斯都命令罗马居民禁止履行德鲁伊教仪式。 | Druids were seen as essentially non-Roman: a prescript of Augustus forbade Roman citizens to practise druidical rites. | |
17 | 第一批企业家阔步前进时,当时的法律体系禁止累积财富。 | The legal system in place when the first entrepreneurs were making headway forbade the accumulation of wealth. | |
18 | 而一千年后阿拉伯的《古兰经》也禁止在战争中使用毒药。 | A millennium later, regulations on the conduct of war drawn from the Koran by the Saracens forbade poisoning. | |
19 | 公告禁止殖民者定居印第安领地,要求该地域已有定居者撤出,并严格限制未来的定居。 | It forbade settlement on Indian territory, ordered those settlers already there to withdraw, and strictly limited future settlement. | |
20 | 哈恩的父母严禁儿子再进行核物理方面的探索,愤怒的年轻人被秘密压制了。 | When Hahn’s parents forbade his atomic endeavors, the angry teenager pressed on in secret. | |
21 | 例如,路加和马可福音说耶稣直截了当地禁止离婚,马太福音则说配偶通奸情况下可以例外。 | For instance, while Luke and Mark report that Jesus categorically forbade divorce, Matthew says he made an exception in cases of adultery. | |
22 | 路德教的牧师却改变萨米族人禁止吟唱这种歌曲,称之为罪恶的音乐。 | The Lutheran pastors who converted the Sami forbade yoiking, calling it devil’s music. | |
23 | 伦敦陆军部当时禁止风笛手在战斗中吹奏。但同为苏格兰人的米林先生和洛瓦特勋爵密谋不受陆军部禁令约束。 | The War Office in London now forbade pipers to play in battle, but Mr Millin and Lord Lovat, as Scots, plotted rebellion. | |
24 | 欧盟禁用肉骨粉、全球豆粕价更坚 | The price of soybean meal in the world is rising after EU forbade meat meal tankage | |
25 | 他不许她拍照,和其他男友一起参加聚会,尽管他本人有很多一流名模的女友。 | He forbade her to do photo shoots or party with male friends, even though he had a stable of other top model girlfriends. | |
26 | 它也禁止“汇率操纵”,但这个术语从未得到过一致的定义,相关条款成为一纸空文。 | It also forbade "exchange rate manipulation" but the term was never coherently defined and the relevant provision became a dead letter. | |
27 | 同时,他们也不让小乔丹向外泄露例如家庭住址等这样的个人信息。 | They forbade him from giving out personal information like his home address. | |
28 | 同样,PrimeSense也在其封闭展台举行了仅含受邀者的展示,并禁止对其产品拍照或摄像。 | Similarly, PrimeSense held invitation-only sessions at its tiny, walled-off booth and forbade any photos or videos of its products. | |
29 | 写信人娟秀的字迹告诉一个叫迈克尔的收信人,她的母亲禁止她再和他见面。 | The writer, in a delicate script, told the recipient, whose name was Michael, that her mother forbade her to see him again. | |
30 | 拥有地产的女性拥有较高的社会地位,因为斯巴达的法律禁止分割原属于家庭的土地。 | Spartan women with property enjoyed good social states, because Spartan law forbade dividing the land originally allotted to a family. |