属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反对派调查 电子版发奸擿伏
1 | 向企业和个人集资建设公路,必须根据需要与可能,坚持自愿原则,不得强行摊派,并符合国务院的有关规定。 | Raising funds for highway roads construction from enterprises or individuals should be undertaken under the principle of voluntariness and in accordance with true needs and possibilities and relevant regulations of the State Council. No forcible apportion is permitted. | |
2 | 削减人口如通过疾病、战争或强制性移民等急剧地减少人口 | To reduce sharply the population of,as by disease,war,or forcible relocation. | |
3 | 要清理和禁止多头开户,对有偷逃税行为的业户,各金融单位要按照国家法律规定积极协助税务机关检查其存款帐户,提供有关情况,并依法及时采取税收保全措施和强制执行措施。 | they should clear up and prohibit multiple opening of accounts. With respect to the business households that commit acts of tax evasion, all financial units should, pursuant to the provisions of the state laws, actively assist tax organs in the inspection of their deposit accounts, provide relevant information and take timely measures to secure the taxation and enforce measures of forcible execution according to law. | |
4 | 银行强行收回贷款 | banks’s forcible withdrawal of money | |
5 | 印度尼西亚实行强制同化华人政策的原因探析 | A Preliminary Study on the Causes of the Forcible Assimilation Policy towards the Ethnic Chinese by the Indonesian Government | |
6 | 有第一款第二项所列行为的,还应当责令其限期恢复原状或者赔偿损失;对逾期不恢复原状的,应当强制拆除或者清除、所需费用由违法行为人承担。 | Those who have the conduct listed in item 2 of Clause 1, shall be further ordered to make restoration or compensate the losses within a time limit; for those who do not make the restoration after the time limit, a forcible execution will be carried out on the dismantle or cleaning up at the expense of the person(s)with illegal conduct. | |
7 | 有关公民持有该项财物或者票证的,人民法院通知其交出。拒不交出的,强制执行。 | The people’s court shall notify the citizen concerned who holds the said belongings or notes to hand them over. a forcible execution shall be enacted where he refuses to hand them over. | |
8 | 逾期不清除的,由防汛指挥机构组织强行清除,所需费用由设障者承担。 | If obstacles have not yet been removed within the time limit, the flood control headquarters shall organize a forcible removal at the expense of the person who placed the obstacles. | |
9 | 这正是红字在注定要佩戴它的人四周所形成的一种强制性的精神上的孤立 | It was a forcible type of the moral solitude in which the scarlet letter enveloped its fated wearer | |
10 | 中华人民共和国涉外仲裁机构作出的发生法律效力的仲裁裁决,当事人请求执行的 | Where the applicant requests forcible execution of a legally effective verdict rendered by an arbitration organization in charge of foreign affairs and the party concerned | |
11 | 这招确实奏效,它曾制作了一部密苏里共和党议员候选人都德阿金的视频,视频中他使用了“合情理强奸”一词,后来他说它是指“强制性强奸”不是“合情理”,但这种错误还是造成其落选。 | It worked. Bridge circulated a video of Todd Akin, a Missouri Republican running for the Senate, using the phrase “legitimate rape”. Mr Akin later said he meant “forcible ”, not “legitimate”, but the gaffe probably cost him the election. | |
12 | 1991年,他为前苏联曾武力吞并爱沙尼亚一事向该国致歉。 | In 1991 he apologised to Estonia for its forcible annexation by the Soviet Union. | |
13 | 暴力拧锁案件的工具分析和痕迹检验 | Tools Analysis and Mark Verification in Forcible Lock Twisting-Off Case | |
14 | 朝鲜方面已经表示,强行登船搜查的行为将被视为是战争的信号。 | North Korea has said a forcible search would be regarded as an act of war. | |
15 | 储能式可强制解卡油管锚定工具 | Development of energy-storage forcible releasing tubing anchoring tool | |
16 | 东欧人回想起了共产主义时代的强制性社会融合。 | East Europeans recall communist-era forcible social integration. | |
17 | 二要取消政府的行政裁决权和强制拆迁权; | administrative adjudication and forcible demolition must be banned; | |
18 | 卡恩的律师只是声明说“没有用暴力强迫的成分”。 | Mr Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers have stated only that there was "no element of forcible compulsion" . | |
19 | 论人身强制执行制度 | On System of Personal Forcible Execution | |
20 | 男性暴力型人群中医辨证与性激素水平关系探讨 | Probe into Relationship between TCM Syndrome Differentiation and Sexual Hormone Level in Male Forcible Crowd | |
21 | 山达基叛教者们多得是被迫骨肉分离的故事,但山达基几乎一律否认。 | Scientology defectors are full of tales of forcible family separations, which the church almost uniformly denies. | |
22 | 试论法官对强制侦查的监控权 | On Judiciary Right of Supervision and Control on Forcible Investigation | |
23 | 他们公开宣布:他们的目的只有用暴力推翻全部现存的社会制度才能达到。 | They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. | |
24 | 谈“多次抢夺”应构成犯罪的必要性 | On Necessity Of Constituting A Crime For "Repeated Forcible Seizure" | |
25 | 消防行政即时强制补偿问题初探 | On the System of Fire Administrative Instant Forcible Compensation | |
26 | 研究和治理行业强迫交易行为,是市场经济发展的必然要求,是构建社会主义和谐社会的前提。 | it is a necessary request with the market-economy development to study and manage forcible dealings. | |
27 | 以下若干行文字足以说明了解巴尔塔沙.葛拉西安和他的著作是多么必要。 | The lines sum up in sufficiently forcible Latin all that need be known of Balthasar Gracian and his works. | |
28 | 正直的言语力量何其大。但你们责备是责备什么呢。 | How forcible are right words! but what doth your arguing reprove? |