1 | 不知孩于和往常一样想要调皮,还是受到一个邪恶的精灵的指使,她举起她小小的食指,去摸那红字。 | Whether moved only by her ordinary freakishness, or because an evil spirit prompted her, she put up her small forefinger , and touched the scarlet letter. | |
2 | 此时在小溪中又一次看到殊儿温怒的身影:头戴花冠,腰缠花带,脚下使劲地跺着,身子狂暴地扭着,同时那小小的食指也始终指着海丝特的胸口! | Seen in the brook, once more, was the shadowy wraith of Pearl’s image, crowned and girdled with flowers, but stamping its foot, wildly gesticulating, and, in the midst of all, still pointing its small forefinger at Hester’s bosom! | |
3 | 大姆指可与食指相对。 | The thumb is opposable to the forefinger . | |
4 | 大拇指与食指并列 | the apposition of thumb and forefinger | |
5 | 弹玻璃弹子拇指在弯曲的食指上方射出(弹子) | To shoot(a marble)with the thumb over the bent forefinger . | |
6 | 划然停止了,吴荪甫“义形于色”地举起左手的食指在桌子边上猛击一下。 | Wu Sun-fu stopped abruptly, bringing his forefinger down with a crack on the table to emphasize his point, his face beaming self-righteously | |
7 | 还有,美国人通常用大拇指及食指环绕起一个圆圈表示"没问题"。 | Also, Americans often indicate "OK" with their thumb and forefinger touching to form a circle | |
8 | 她叉开拇指和食指抹掉了一条胳膊上的肥皂沫,又抹了另一条。 | With thumb and forefinger she swept the dripping suds first from one arm and then from the other | |
9 | 她的手,枯而黑,生满了斑点,食指上的粗皮满是针痕, | Her hands were sunburnt and all dotted with freckles, her forefinger was hardened and lacerated with the needle | |
10 | 她在镇上四处走动,珠儿也始终都在她身边;起初是她怀中的婴儿,后来又成了她的小伙伴,满把握着她的一根食指,得蹦蹦跳跳地用三四步才赶上海丝特的一步。 | In all her walks about the town, Pearl, too, was there; first as the babe in arms, and afterwards as the little girl, small companion of her mother, holding a forefinger with her whole grasp, and tripping along at the rate of three or four footsteps to one of Hester’s. | |
11 | 你把一切敌手都远远抛在后面,不久就能用你的食指触着天了。 | You distance all rivals, and may soon touch the sky with your forefinger | |
12 | 他把手伸进兜里,一只食指摸索到信封的口盖,分几截把信扯开了。 | His hand went into his pocket and a forefinger felt its way under the flap of the envelope, ripping it open in jerks | |
13 | 他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立刻火烧火燎地象是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。 | As he spoke, he laid his long forefinger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester’s breast, as if it had been red-hot. | |
14 | 他用大拇指和食指尖拿着它。 | He hold it between the tips of his thumb and forefinger . | |
15 | 他用食指轻轻地敲了敲我的肩膀。 | He tapped me on the shoulder with his forefinger | |
16 | 他用他大拇指和食指尖拿着它。 | He held it between the tips of his thumb and forefinger . | |
17 | 他又插上食指合上书,还没转过身就为第一个崭新的印象所激动。并非因为那姑娘,而是因为她哥哥的话。 | The book was closed on his forefinger , and before he turned he was thrilling to the first new impression, which was not of the girl, but of her brother’s words | |
18 | 我厂领班李明先生在7月6日遇到意外,李先生开动机器时食指被压。 | Our foreman, Mr. Li Ming, met an accident on July6. He crushed his forefinger when operating a machine. | |
19 | 我用大拇指碰了碰壁炉上的非洲雕塑,进行示范。 | I demonstrated the technique by touching my forefinger to the African sculpture on the mantle | |
20 | 小孩用大拇指和食指捏住她的耳朵,拉着玩。 | The little child take her ear between her thumb and forefinger and tug it playfully. | |
21 | 小孩用大拇指和食指捏住她的耳朵,拉着玩。 | The little child took her ear between her thumb and forefinger and tugged it playfully. | |
22 | 在她脚下,映在镜面般的溪水中的那个戴着花环、浴满阳光的小珠儿的影象,也指点着她的小小的食指。 | And beneath, in the mirror of the brook, there was the flower-girdled and sunny image of little Pearl, pointing her small forefinger too. | |
23 | 站在他前面的一个人,下巴像拳击选手一样凶狠,嘴巴细成一道缝,他把橡皮棍夹在大拇指和食指之间,端量着温斯顿。 | A man with a smooth prizefighter’s jowl in which the mouth was only a slit paused opposite him balancing his truncheon meditatively between thumb and forefinger | |
24 | 珠儿依旧用她的食指指点着;眉间渐渐皱起;由于这姿态表情来自一个满脸稚气、甚至象婴儿般面孔的孩子,就给人印象尤深。 | Pearl still pointed with her forefinger ; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish, the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it. | |
25 | 最后,珠儿作出一副独特的不容置辩的神情,伸出她小小的食指,显然是指着她母亲的胸部。 | At length, assuming a singular air of authority, Pearl stretched out her hand, with the small forefinger extended, and pointing evidently towards her mother’s breast. | |
26 | 3例食指动脉栓塞行局部加压动脉血管内溶栓的护理 | Nursing care of 3 patients with forefinger arterial embolism undergoing local squeeze thrombolytic therapy | |
27 | 把绒线绕过你的大拇指和食指。 | Wrap yarn around the back of your thumb and forefinger . | |
28 | 车夫停下来,挤着一只眼,把左手伸向马吕斯,对他轻轻搓着大拇指和食指。 | The driver halted, winked, and held out his left hand to Marius, rubbing his forefinger gently with his thumb. | |
29 | 额头前臂食指最初的,最重要的预知 | fore ? ? ? ? ? forehead forearm forefinger foremost foresee ? | |
30 | 合上食指,将打火机的底部与瓶盖的边缘紧紧握在一起,如上图所示。 | Close your forefinger to grasp the bottom edge of the lighter against the bottom edge of the cap, as pictured above. |