属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
1 | 欧洲最具权威的分娩专家认为事实上这是一个很糟的观点。 | Europe’s foremost childbirth guru believes it a very bad idea indeed | |
2 | 浅谈“以人为本”与高校图书馆 | A Brief Talk on "People Foremost " and Libraries in Colleges and Universities | |
3 | 首先,硅谷有着世界最大最密集的优秀电脑专才群体、最佳的后援服务体系,并紧密联系着斯坦福大学等世界一流的研究机构,而后者正源源不断地培育出电脑业赖以发展的明日天才。 | First and foremost , it has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting services in the world, and easy access to world-class research institutions, like Stanford University, which continually nurtures would-be geniuses, which the industry needs in order to move forward. | |
4 | 首先,他是一位学者。 | He was first and foremost a scholar. | |
5 | 首先,我们得不断提升我们的艺术创作、艺术工作者的创意和表演水平、以及幕后行政和技术人员的效率。 | First and foremost , we must continually strive to raise the standards of our art works, the creative and performing capabilities of our artistes and the efficiency of our administrative and technical support personnel. | |
6 | 首先,也是最重要的,必须强调对下面内容足够重视是非常重要的。php4.1.0支持旧的输入机制。老的应用程序仍然可以运行,不用修改。 | First and foremost , it’s important to stress that regardless of anything you may read in the following lines, PHP 4.1.0 *supports* the old input mechanisms from older versions. Old applications should go on working fine without modification! | |
7 | 首先要认识目前问题的严重性,认识改变思想战线的领导软弱涣散状况的迫切必要性。 | First and foremost , they should recognize the seriousness of the problems and the urgent need to overcome weakness and laxity in leadership in this area. | |
8 | 首相是政界的首要人物。 | The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics | |
9 | 谁晋级加薪排在最前面? | Who is foremost in line for a promotion raise? | |
10 | 苏东坡(1037~1101),是宋嘉皊年间进士,著名的文学家和书画家,为唐宋八大家之一。 | Su Dongpo, a jinshi or third-degree scholar, was one of the foremost men of letters and painter-calligraphers of his time. He is included among the Eight Literary Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties | |
11 | 随着韩进的成长与进步,公司的主要目标是以加强综合营运能力、采取有效方法提高服务质量满足于客户的需求使韩进海运成为最值得客户信赖的承运人。 | "As we continue to grow and progress, our foremost target is to strengthen our capability to provide the highest performance level with cost-effective measures in order to meet growing demands of customers. This will help us to achieve our goal of becoming the "world’s most trusted carrier"." | |
12 | 他被认为是化学最高权威。 | He was regarded as the foremost authority on chemistry. | |
13 | 他跌了一跤,头向前栽了下去. | He stumbled and fell head foremost . | |
14 | 他是该时期最杰出的画家. | He was the foremost painter of his period. | |
15 | 他是我们的重要领导人。 | He is our foremost leader. | |
16 | 他写过许多不同性质的东西,但他首先是位小说家。 | He’s written many different kinds of things, but he’s first and foremost a novelist. | |
17 | 他也写一些文章,但他主要是个教师. | He does a bit of writing,but first and foremost he’s a teacher. | |
18 | 他直到倒数第二圈还紧紧地跟住领先的那个赛跑运动员。 | He stayed with the foremost runner till the last lap but one | |
19 | 他走在最前面,象是在炫耀他的产业,并且论说着他正在筹划着的种种改进方案。 | He walked foremost , and appeared to be showing off his estate, and expatiating on his projected improvements. | |
20 | 它将绿色的空间和北京最美丽的皇家园林建筑与英国最伟大的艺术家的灵感完美地结合在一起 | It combines the green space and magnificent architecture of one of beijing’s foremost historical sites with the inspiration of one of Britain’s greatest artists | |
21 | 体育课程与教学改革中人本化教育趋向的思考 | Discussion of the People Foremost Trend in Physical Education Reform | |
22 | 同时,该公司还得说服这些转卖商不要在冰柜中储存其他产品,并且不要为了省电而在夜间拔去冰柜插座。 | Foremost also had to convince these resellers not to store other products in the freezers and not to unplug freezer units at night to save electricity. | |
23 | 为了使泰国的中间商销售其乳制品,Foremost公司运用租赁和有条件销售合同以一美元的价格向那些零售小商店和饭店提供冰柜,条件是要满足合同条款。 | In order to get Thai middlemen to carry Foremost ’s dairy products, the company used leasing and conditional sales contracts to provide small retail outlets and restaurants with freezers for $1 if contract terms were met. | |
24 | 我还要强调指出的是,中国全面建设小康社会,实现2020年比2000年GDP翻两番,这首先意味着中国市场的规模和总需求翻两番。 | Another point I want to emphasize is a well-off Chinese society and its quadrupled GDP by 2020 based on the level of 2000, first and foremost , means that China’s marketplace is to be quadrupled in size and total demand | |
25 | 我们坚持社会主义,要建设对资本主义具有优越性的社会主义,首先必须摆脱贫穷。 | To uphold socialism, a socialism that is to be superior to capitalism, it is imperative first and foremost to eliminate poverty. | |
26 | 我们聚集在这里,从一般意义来说,首先而且最重要的是因为我们是美国公民,我们决心要得到完整意义的公民权利。 | We’re here in a general sense because first and foremost , we are American citizens, and we are determined to acquire our citizenship to the fullness of its meaning | |
27 | 我认为说服的三个首要协助因素是谦恭、集中和兴趣 | Three foremost aids to persuasion which occur to me are humility, concentration, and gusto | |
28 | 我认为说服的三个首要协助因素是谦恭、集中和兴趣(玛丽安娜·穆尔) | Three foremost aids to persuasion which occur to me are humility,concentration,and gusto(Marianne Moore) | |
29 | 系谱学权威罗香林教授语带悲伤地说,中国几千年所累积的文化遗产,就在那丧心病狂的几个月中毁于一旦。 | Prof Luo Xianglin, a foremost authority on genealogy, lamented that China’s cultural accumulation over several millennia was reduced substantially to ruins in a few months of unmitigated madness. | |
30 | 先驱者占有最前位置的人 | Those occupying a foremost position. |