1 | 他的讲话永远鼓舞我们奋勇前进。 | His words will forever inspire us to forge ahead courageously. | |
2 | 他们试图建立同盟。 | They tried to forge an alliance. | |
3 | 他听到他自己答应要说谎、盗窃、伪造、杀人、鼓励吸毒和卖淫、散布梅毒、向孩子脸上浇镪水。 | He heard himself promising to lie, to steal, to forge , to murder, to encourage drug-taking and prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases, to throw vitriol in a child’s face | |
4 | 天地为炉兮,造化为工;阴阳为炭兮,万物为铜! | Heav’n and earth are a-mighty forge Where hidden forces flame,And all things in the Universe From Nature’s anvil came | |
5 | 铁匠从工场出来安装马蹄铁。 | The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horse shoe. | |
6 | 铁匠从铁工厂出来安装马蹄铁。 | The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horseshoe. | |
7 | 为了要惩罚她,宙斯把她嫁给赫斐斯塔司(即罗马神话中的伏尔甘),他是个又瘸又丑的锻冶之神。 | To punish her, Zeus gave her to hephaestus (Vulcan in Roman mythology), the lame and ugly god of the forge | |
8 | 伪造、变造、买卖、出租、出借许可证或者药品批准证明文件的,没收违法所得, | Those who forge , alter, trade, lease or lend licenses or pharmaceutical approval certificates, shall have their unlawful income confiscated | |
9 | 伪造、变造、买卖或者盗窃、抢夺武装部队公文、证件、印章的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利 | Those who forge , alter, buy or sell, steal or rob documents, certificates and seals of armed units are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention, control or deprivation of political rights. | |
10 | 伪造、盗用、倒卖强制检定印、证的,没收其非法检定印、证和全部违法所得,可并处二千元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | If any units or individuals forge , usurp or traffic in seals or certificates for compulsory examination and determination, the seals and certificates and the total amount of the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a fine of 2,000 yuan or less may be imposed simultaneously. If crimes are committed in the course, the persons concerned shall be investigated for criminal liabilities according to law | |
11 | 伪造、买卖、冒用免验证书的,按《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》予以处罚。 | Those who forge , sell or buy exemption certificates or use the exemption certificates of others shall be penalized in accordance with the stipulations of the Law of the PRC on Inspection of Import and Export Commodities | |
12 | 伪造支票(钞票,签字). | forge a cheque (a banknote,a signature) | |
13 | 稳步进入领先地位(逐步超越某人). | Forge into the lead,ie gradually overtake sb | |
14 | 我们必须继续围绕在新的历史条件下建设一个什么样的党和怎样建设党这个基本问题, | We must continue to forge ahead with the new great project of Party building centering round the basic issue of what kind of Party to build and how under the new historical conditions | |
15 | 我们就有可能协助在冲突的熔炉中铸造出一个和平的结构。 | We might help forge in the crucible of conflict a structure of peace | |
16 | 我希望这些努力能够消除新加坡人之间可能存在的误解,并促进彼此的认识。 | Hopefully, these will help to clear up misconceptions that Singaporeans may have about each other and forge better understanding. | |
17 | 我学会了如何假冒他人的签名。 | I learnt how to forge someone else’s signature | |
18 | 携手共进,开创未来 | Forge Ahead Hand-in-Hand to Open a New Prospect | |
19 | 蓄热式烧嘴在锻造加热炉上的应用 | Application for Regenerative Burner in Forge Heating Furnace | |
20 | 学如逆水行舟,不进则退;心如平原跑马,易放难收 | To learn is like sailing upstream against the current, one has to forge ahead or he will be driven back. The mind goes like riding on horseback on a great plain, once let go , it is difficult to rein in . | |
21 | 一切新东西都是从艰苦斗争中锻炼出来的。 | Everything new comes from the forge of hard and bitter struggle. | |
22 | 一些不法分子私印私售、伪造变造、倒买倒卖发票,利用发票骗取出口退税、走私贩私、侵吞国家财产的违法犯罪活动猖獗。 | some lawless elements print and sell invoices without authorization, forge , alter and illegally traffic in invoices, they engage in rampant illegal criminal activities by exploiting invoices to cheat export tax reimbursement;smuggle and traffic in smuggled goods and appropriate state property. | |
23 | 应当激发世界青年的创造性、理想和勇气,以结成全球伙伴性关系,从而实现可持续发展, 并保证全人类更加美好的未来。 | The creativity, ideals and courage of the youth of the world should be mobilized to forge a global partnership in order to achieve sustainable development and ensure a better future for all. | |
24 | 犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。 | Like a boat sailing against the current, we must forge ahead or be swept downstream. | |
25 | 有些人伪造公文。 | Some people forge official documents. | |
26 | 在任何电子邮件或其它张贴中冒充任何个人或单位,以任何方式谎报或以其它形式捏造您的身份或所属单位,或假造、删除或篡改TCP/IP包头信息中的任何部分; | Impersonate any individual or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation in any way, or forge , delete or alter any part of TCP/IP packet header information in any e-mail or other posting; | |
27 | 在铁匠铺或铁匠店工作 | To work at a forge or smithy. | |
28 | 张扬媒体优势 打造活动品牌 | Enhance Media Superiority and Forge Program Brands | |
29 | 这次会议为两国进一步加强持续的经济联系奠定了坚实的基础。 | This meeting laid a sound foundation for the two countries to forge enduring/lasting and constant/continuous economic ties. | |
30 | 证券交易所、证券公司的从业人员,证券业协会或者证券管理部门的工作人员,故意提供虚假信息或者伪造、变造、销毁交易记录,诱骗投资者买卖证券,造成严重后果的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 | Employees of securities exchanges, securities companies, securities associations, or securities management departments shall be sentenced to not more than five years in prison or criminal detention if they intentionally provide false information; forge , alter, or destroy trading records; or trick investors into buying or selling securities, giving rise to serious consequences. |