1 | 我是一个贫穷,倒运,走投无路的苦力,只会拖累你。 | I’m a poor, miserable, forlorn drudge; I shall only drag you down with me | |
2 | 我是一个贫穷,倒运,走投无路的苦力,只会拖累你。 | I’m a poor,miserable,forlorn drudge;I shall only drag you down with me. | |
3 | 在心底里,她认为这种生活极其凄凉,因为在她想来,这种生活是如此缺乏爱情,如此可怜。 | In her heart she deemed the life deeply dreary because it was so loveless-to her ideas, so forlorn | |
4 | 在一连串的失意以后,一阵绝望的冲动突然攫住了她。这是人在连受挫折,思想一片混乱时萌生的最后一个念头。 | One of those forlorn impulses which often grow out of a fixed sense of defeat, the last sprouting of a baffled and uprooted growth of ideas, seized upon her. | |
5 | 这个园子虽然荒芜,却也富有野趣。 | The garden, in its neglected and forlorn state, has a rustic charm of its own. | |
6 | 这是大战中佐费来男爵伐木以供战壕之用的一个地方,在马路的右边渐次隆起的圆丘,一片光溜溜,怪荒芜的。 | This was one of the places that Sir Geoffrey had cut during the war for trench timber. The whole knoll, which rose softly on the right of the riding, was denuded and strangely forlorn . | |
7 | 这是一个肮脏而又荒凉的工业小镇。 | This is a grimy, forlorn industrial town | |
8 | 自从一个月前佐伊发现了这个孤零零的孩子坐在她花园的台阶上那天起,她就给了这个几乎像孤儿一样的孩子以许多关照。 | The almost-waif had been befriended by Zoe from the day she had found the forlorn child sitting on her garden step a month earlier. | |
9 | 坐在街角没人照顾的孩子. | A forlorn child sitting on the street corner | |
10 | ||1:娜布其的贡献是对博物馆本身的映射。||2:北戴河是北京政客精英的避暑胜地,也是深受国内游客欢迎的海滨度假胜地。||3:沙丘美术馆后面都是起重机,由中国开发商阿兰亚监督施工,该公司也出资建造了这座博物馆。||4:尽管沙丘美术馆很想吸引游客,但大量移民涌入可能会威胁到其可持续发展的愿景:就像那块被遗弃的广告牌,一个完美无瑕的理想可能会被消费的双刃剑所侵蚀。 | ||1:Ms Na’s contribution is a wry commentary on the museum itself.||2:Its location, Beidaihe, is well-established as both a summer retreat for Beijing’s political elite and a popular beach resort for domestic tourists.||3:Cranes crowd behind the dunes, supervising construction work by Aranya, a Chinese developer that also funded and built the museum.||4:Much as the Dune wants to attract visitors, a big influx might threaten its sustainable vision: like that forlorn billboard, a picture-perfect ideal risks being compromised by the double-edged forces of consumption. | |
11 | 在这个孤立无助的经济体中,何种利率会占上风呢? | In this forlorn economy, what rate of interest would prevail? | |
12 | [font=SimSun]这看起来希望渺茫。 | That looks a forlorn hope. | |
13 | “谁知道我怎么才能获得数据?”一个新来的非政府组织工作人员无助地问。 | "Does anyone know where I can access the data? " asks a forlorn , newly arrived NGO worker. | |
14 | Sebald一般的人物,一位擅长抒情的德国作家,带着同样的凄凉欲从湮没中打捞出生活和文化。 | Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion. | |
15 | 北京施加的影响与日本政府争夺地区领导力的无望尝试形成了鲜明对比。 | The sort of sway Beijing exerts contrasts markedly with Tokyo’s rather forlorn attempts at regional leadership. | |
16 | 村里的人在星期二晚上各自休息,大家都感到悲伤和绝望。 | The village went to its rest on Tuesday night, sad and forlorn . | |
17 | 大部分女性是不是都在承担这样的角色,给病人送鸡汤、给老人做蛋糕等等,甚至还要向孤单者提供性爱? | Women, for the most part, are the ones who take chicken soup to the sick, home-made cake to the elderly and. . . sex to the forlorn ? | |
18 | 但交易员们表示,雷曼和华盛顿互惠银行的债务要多于现金,这说明它们毫无股权价值可言,购买其股票的行为是一种绝望之举。 | But traders say Lehman and WaMu have more debt than cash, meaning they have no equity value and that buying their shares is a forlorn cause. | |
19 | 而这样的期待,就目前看来,不现实。 | Such hopes are, for the time being, forlorn . | |
20 | 非洲希望非盟对摩加迪沙的委任管理权由联合国接管,这显得非常渺茫。西方政府和阿拉伯国家都不愿发兵。 | African hopes that the AU mandate in Mogadishu be turned over to the UN look forlorn ; no Western or Arab country wants to send troops. | |
21 | 杰克.科劳奥克(JackKerouac)把这张照片描述为“一条通向广袤无垠的夜路”。 | Jack Kerouac described the image as a "long shot of night road arrowing forlorn into immensities. " | |
22 | 她说话时候的那种惨淡笑容很感动了他,以至泪水从他的眼里落下。 | The forlorn smile with which she said it, so touched him, that tears started from his eyes. | |
23 | 她站在公共汽车站,看上去孤苦伶仃。 | She looked a forlorn figure standing at the bus stop. | |
24 | 连犯下严重过错的可怜人物乔•凯勒似乎都意识到了这一点。 | Even the flawed and forlorn figure of Joe Keller seems to realise that. | |
25 | 每个人都大笑起来,甚至埃文斯也笑了,虽然他看起来那么孤独而凄凉,迷失在这个全新的结尾处,迷失在这个仍未探究的暗示里。 | Everybody laughed, even Evans, though he looked rather forlorn , lost in the as yet unexplored implications of this new ending. | |
26 | 门口的小院中央有棵老枫树,草坪秃如瘌痢头,上面满是污泥和落枝。 | A forlorn -looking maple tree stood in the center of a yard of patchy grass, mud, and twigs. | |
27 | 如果青春的时光在闲散中度过,那么回忆岁月将是一场凄凉的悲剧。不会 | If we idle our youth away , our memories of life will be a forlorn tradegy | |
28 | 如果尤克斯的那些被遗忘的少数股东们能够上法庭做证,西方投资者也将能从财产权和正派的俄罗斯法院那里受益。 | As forlorn minority shareholders in Yukos can attest, western investors would also benefit from property rights and decent courts in Russia. | |
29 | 书店巨头BORDERS的故事已经进入了一凄凉的新篇章。 | THE saga of the Borders bookstore chain has entered a forlorn new chapter. | |
30 | 他们看起来孤独,甚至有点茫然,但在其他方面似乎受到合理的对待。 | They look forlorn , even somewhat dazed, but otherwise seem to be being correctly treated. |