1 | 他们看起来很孤独凄凉的旅程清晰的说明了资本主义在图们江朝鲜一边将走向灭亡。 | Their forlorn -looking journey made it clear that capitalism reaches a dead end on the North Korean side of the Tumen river. | |
2 | 同时,这些形只影单的官邸也表明着,像槟榔屿这样几度挥霍着自己竞争优势的地区,可以重新拥有曾经的繁荣。 | Still, those forlorn mansions also show how a place that squandered its competitive advantage, as Penang did several times, can regain it. | |
3 | 我常常想,同自己的亲人离别,真是再难受不过的事;他们走了,我好象失去了归宿。 | I often think, " said she, " that there is nothing so bad as parting with one’s friends. One seems so forlorn without them. | |
4 | 现今世界最繁忙的港口坐落于新加坡——在40年前它还只是英国人驻军的遥远哨所。 | FORTY years ago Singapore, now home to the world’s busiest port, was a forlorn outpost still garrisoned by the British. | |
5 | 想象一下一位不能解答谜题的难过的孩子。 | Imagine seeing a child looking forlorn because she cannot figure out the puzzle she is working on. | |
6 | 已被摈弃的禁止代理的努力是由二十世纪八十年代中期国大党政府总理拉杰夫·甘地(RajivGandhi)提出的。 | The forlorn bid to ban agents was introduced by the late Rajiv Gandhi, a Congress prime minister in the mid-1980s. | |
7 | 应尼泊尔政府的请求,特派团将再次延期6个月,带着最渺茫的希望,期待僵局能够打破。 | It will, again, at the request of the Nepali government, be extended for six months, in the forlorn hope that the deadlock can be broken. | |
8 | 由此可见近两、三周内在他们之间进行沟通的希望渺茫。 | Thus we may have a forlorn hope of making a bridge between them in the next two or three weeks. | |
9 | 在7月26日,我与这对夫妇花了半小时一起驾车走过了这个被遗弃的小镇。 | On July 26 I spent half an hour with the couple during a day of driving and walking through the forlorn town. | |
10 | 在勐海荒凉的“茶城”后面,ChenLi被他在茶市崩溃前购买的茶叶包围着,据称价值58万美元。 | Back at Menghai’s forlorn "tea city, " Chen Li was surrounded by what he said was $580, 000 worth of product he bought before the crash. | |
11 | 这里没人会抱哪怕是渺茫的希望,认为像我们这种孩子能够在学习上取得进步。 | No one there cherished the forlorn hope that boys of our sort could make any advance in learning. | |
12 | 只有孤独的我在空空的家里,作为最后献给你的祭品。 | and in my desolate home only my forlorn self will remain as my last offering to thee. |