属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
1 | 遇上劲敌与一名出乎意料难对付的对手拼搏 | To grapple with an unexpectedly formidable opponent. | |
2 | 在女子铁饼比赛中,新西兰选手比翠茜·佛缪娜以66.82米的成绩为新西兰夺得首枚世界田径锦标赛冠军。 | In the women’s discus.New Zealand’s beatrice Faumuina was a formidable contender, she threw a distance of 66.82 metres to claim New Zealand’s first gold medal at an athletics world championship. | |
3 | 在我们的文明里,有许多令人寒心的时刻,那就是刑法令人陷入绝境的时刻。 | There occur formidable hours in our civilization,there are moments when the penal laws decree a shipwreck | |
4 | 这个工程非常艰巨。 | This is a formidable project. | |
5 | 这个女人太年轻,还未达到作一位贤惠的妻子的标准。 | This woman was too young to be on the formidable level of wifehood | |
6 | 这可以看成新加坡面对强大竞争时,采取务实、灵活应对措施的缩影。 | PSA’s success epitomizes Singapore’s ability to respond with pragmatic and flexible measures to formidable challenges. | |
7 | 这是个非常艰巨的工程。 | It is a formidable project. | |
8 | 这是个了不起的力量。二野所以能锻炼成这么样一个了不起的部队,主要靠的这一条。 | It was mainly thanks to them that the Second Field Army grew into such a formidable combat force. | |
9 | 这是一个非常艰巨的任务,但是我们决不退缩。 | It is a formidable task,but we are determined not to shrink from it. | |
10 | 这是一个非常艰巨的事业,不是一代人能够完成的 | This is and extremely formidable task, not likely to be accomplished within a span of only one generation | |
11 | 这是一个重大但难以预测的步骤。 | Here was a formidable and measureless step | |
12 | 这位老师对纪律抓得很严. | The teacher is a formidable disciplinarian . | |
13 | 这位老师对纪律抓得很严。 | The teacher is a formidable disciplinarian | |
14 | 这样看来,要促使新加坡人多多沟通,须要克服许多困难。 | In light of the factors mentioned earlier, these are formidable obstacles to promoting greater social interaction among Singaporeans. | |
15 | 这座大岩山象巨人亚达麦斯脱似的气势汹汹地俯视着小船,遮住了太阳,而太阳又染红了它的山巅。 | this mass of rock, like the giant Adamastor, rose dead ahead, a formidable barrier, and intercepting the light that gilded its massive peaks so that the voyagers were in shadow | |
16 | 振兴中华民族的伟大事业,民间外交责无旁贷,任务艰巨 | In the great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, there is no shirking the responsibility on the part of the CPAFFC, and the task before us is quite formidable | |
17 | 至少在大多数人的心里会编排出一份“应做什么”和“不应做什么”的令人生畏的单子。 | Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of ’ do’s’ and’ don’ts ’. | |
18 | 重任千钧惟担当 | The most formidable tasks demand the greatest sense of mission. | |
19 | 重要外科手术将要发生的可怕的事 | the formidable prospect of major surgery. | |
20 | 助手们发出了一片震天的欢呼声。 | The assistants raised a formidable hurrah | |
21 | 助手们发出了一片震天的欢呼声。 | The assistants raised a formidable hurrah. | |
22 | ||1: 弗兰克·辛纳特拉(FRANK SINATRA)知道自己受到的待遇不公正。 ||2:他歌唱得好,但写歌不在行;因此,虽然他大约300首单曲中的大部分在美国广播电台播放,他却从来没拿到过一分钱。||3:一项1909年的版权使用费法要求电台对歌曲作者付款,但不必对歌者付款。他多年游说国会修改这项法律,但毫无成效。广播公司的游说比艺术家或唱片公司更强大;他们长期以来反对对这项法律的任何修改,理由是广播免费宣传了歌唱家。||4:但本月歌手与唱片公司终于听到了些好消息。 | ||1: FRANK SINATRA knew he was getting a raw deal. ||2: He could sing but he was not much of a songwriter, so he never saw a cent when most of his 300 or so singles were played on American radio. ||3: He spent years fruitlessly lobbying Congress to change a 1909 royalties law, which requires radio broadcasters to pay composers but not performers. Broadcasters-a more formidable lobby than artists or record labels-have long fought any change, arguing that airtime gives singers free publicity. ||4: But this month the artists and labels have had some good news. | |
23 | ||1:不论是本书还是贝拉方特的一生中,总有两朵阴霾不肯散去:一个是他的母亲米勒。这女人让人敬畏,而且永不知满足。另一个则是保罗·罗贝孙,他将娱乐与政治激进主义糅合,铺下前路,好让贝拉方特遵循。||2:然而,正是他的激进行为,让其猛然栽入早期冷战妄想与麦卡锡主义中,并在各种黑名单上记录在案,与之相比,贝拉方特幸运多了:其职业生涯的崛起,多多少少与美国民权运动相连。 | ||1: Looming over both this book and its subject’s life are two ghosts: Millie, his formidable , perpetually dissatisfied mother; and Paul Robeson, whose combination of entertainment and political activism⑾ forged a path that Mr Belafonte would follow. ||2: But whereas Robeson’s activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia, blacklists and McCarthyism, Mr Belafonte was luckier: his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement. | |
24 | ||1:日军在中国(安东尼·比弗视1937年南京大屠杀后开始的中日军事冲突为第二次世界大战的真正开端)以及其他不幸被他们纳入所谓“大东亚共荣圈”的国家对无辜平民犯下的暴行与德国纳粹的行径一样是有组织有系统的战争罪行。||2:日军的司令积极鼓励士兵采取灭绝人性的行动,相信这样会使士兵更加勇猛。||3:数千战俘在大柴堆上被烧死,杀死本地人取其肉为食的行为也得到日本军方的认可。 | ||1:The cruelties perpetrated by the Japanese against civilians in China (Mr Beevor sees the Sino-Japanese conflict that began with the Nanking massacre in 1937 as the true opening chapter of the second world war) and any of the countries unfortunate enough to come within the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” were nearly as systematic as any of the crimes committed by the Nazis.||2:Japanese commanders actively encouraged the dehumanisation of their troops in the belief it would make them more formidable .||3:Prisoners were burned on huge pyres in their thousands and killing local people for meat was officially sanctioned. | |
25 | ||1:虽然Santorum在三连胜中获得了多数选票,但这对选举的大趋势却没什么影响。||2:Romney在代表人数上的领先地位依然巨大。||3:他在过去的一周里一步一个脚印,在关岛、北马里亚那群岛、美属维尔京群岛和美属萨摩亚都大获全胜,即使那里的选民不能在大选中投票,他们依然派了代表去参加政党代表大会。||4:3月13日,在夏威夷的投票中,他继续秒杀了Santorum。||5:在总统竞选初选日的后一周(3月6日),Romney比Santorum增加了更多的代表,达到了496个,比他竞争对手的总和还多。||6:虽然现在仅剩下24个州(包括华盛顿特区)还没有投票,但赢得党内提名需1144票,这依然还很大一段距离。 | ||1:A plurality of those broke for Mr Santorum.||2:Even so, his trifecta did little to alter the direction of the race.||3:Mr Romney’s delegate lead remains formidable , and he has padded it during the past week by sweeping the board in Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, the US Virgin Islands and American Samoa, all of which send delegates to the party conventions even though their citizens cannot vote in the general election.||4:He crushed Mr Santorum in Hawaii, which also voted on March 13th.||5:Overall, in the week after Super Tuesday on March 6th, Mr Romney added more delegates to his haul than Mr Santorum did.||6:His total now stands at 496, comfortably more than all his rivals combined, though with only 24 states (plus Washington, DC) yet to vote he is still a long way off the 1,144 he needs to win the nomination outright. | |
26 | ||1:在书中及主人公的生活中投下阴霾的鬼影,是Millie,令他畏惧的永远不满足的母亲;以及Paul Robeson,以政治激进主义为乐,并为Belafonte打造了一条政治道路。||2:然而,尽管Robeson的激进主义使他盲目崇尚早期冷战偏执、黑名单、以及麦卡锡主义,Belafonte则更幸运:他事业的成就或多或少与他参与美国人权运动有关。 | ||1:Looming over both this book and its subject’s life are two ghosts: Millie, his formidable , perpetually dissatisfied mother; and Paul Robeson, whose combination of entertainment and political activism forged a path that Mr Belafonte would follow.||2:But whereas Robeson’s activism ran headlong into early cold-war paranoia, blacklists and McCarthyism, Mr Belafonte was luckier: his career rose more or less in tandem with the American civil-rights movement. | |
27 | “可怕而难以触及的”两极的历史和浪漫主义吸引了希曼将其作为摄影主题。 | The history and romanticism of "formidable and difficult to reach" places drew Seaman to the poles as a photographic subject. | |
28 | 巴拉克•奥巴马是一个可畏的活动家和筹款人。 | Barack Obama is a formidable campaigner and fund-raiser. | |
29 | 毕竟,为了阻止局势恶化,这是我们必须承担的一项艰巨的任务。 | After all, it is a formidable task we have to undertake so as to prevent the situation from worsening. | |
30 | 不过,除了眼下严峻的政策挑战之外,他还面临着塑造政策程序方面的藩篱。 | But in addition to the formidable policy challenges ahead of him, Donilon faces obstacles in shaping the policy process. |