属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国经济不咋地 China’s economy not
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-历史的遗骨 卡梅伦如何看待"血腥星期日"
1 | ||1:民主党乐见瑞恩先生又使共和党像去年那样重新陷于困境,那时议院共和党人以压倒性的姿态支持他的预算草案,却被民主党以“正如我们都知道的那样会终结医疗保险制度”和以削减富人缴税为先而不是造福于穷人为理由痛斥。||2:一位民主党人去年因坚持这份提案而赢得了递补选举,稳稳地称为了纽约北部的一名共和党人。||3:民主党今年又发起了一场类似的竞选,公开谴责共和党是“医疗保险制度疯子”。||4:对于共和党人来说,则坚持认为他们鲜明的立场会为他们赢来选民的尊重,这与参议院民主党人三年都未能通过一项预算形成鲜明对比。||5:大有希望的共和党候选人米特?罗姆尼似乎非常同意这点——他热切支持瑞恩先生的提案。 | ||1: Democrats are delighted that Mr Ryan is returning to the limb he put his party out on last year, when House Republicans overwhelmingly backed his budget proposal only to be lambasted by Democrats for “ending Medicare as we know it” and prioritising tax cuts for the rich over benefits for the poor. ||2: A Democrat who stuck to that script won a by-election in what had long been a safe Republican seat in upstate New York last year. ||3: The party has already launched a similar campaign this year, denouncing the Republicans’ “Medicare madness”. ||4: Republicans, for their part, insist that their forthright stance, in contrast to the Senate Democrats’ failure to pass a budget for the past three years, will earn them respect from voters. ||5: Mitt Romney, the probable Republican nominee seems to agree: he has heartily endorsed Mr Ryan’s approach. | |
2 | 不过毫无疑问,如果中国房地产市场是破裂的泡沫,就算是直接放松管制也不会让它再膨胀的。美国房地产价格开始下跌之后,政策制定者们试了好几年来重振它们都于事无补。日本试着恢复价格都已经试了20多年了。 | But surely if China’s property market was a burst bubble, even a forthright relaxation of controls would not reflate it? After America’s property prices began falling in earnest, policymakers tried in vain for years to revive them. Japan has been trying to perk up prices for more than 20 years. | |
3 | 在处理由北爱尔兰的争端引起的历史议题时,大卫·卡梅隆证明自己擅长使用简单而不是强词夺理的有效策略。他关于英国军方在1972年造成的“血腥星期日”的深刻而坦率的道歉令他在爱尔兰备受赞誉。 | David Cameron has proved adept, in dealing with historical issues arising from the conflict in Northern Ireland, at employing the simple but effective tactic of declining to defend the indefensible. His handsome and forthright apology over the Bloody Sunday killings by British forces in 1972 earned him much kudos in Ireland. | |
4 | 波兰当年曾是普京政府所面对的最尖锐的批评者。 | Poland used to be the most forthright critic of Mr Putin’s regime. | |
5 | 大家都知道他这个人有点儿心直口快。 | He had a reputation for being a bit forthright . | |
6 | 但是南非的民间组织比政府要坦率的多。 | But civil organisations in South Africa are being more forthright than the government. | |
7 | 但双方在会谈中坦率讨论了金融不稳定的起因以及两国监管机构应当汲取的教训。 | But the talks included forthright comments on the causes of financial instability and lessons for regulators in both countries. | |
8 | 但他的确在直率地质疑一切认为世界能够恢复如常的观点。 | But he does challenge, and in forthright terms, any notion that the world can go back to business as usual. | |
9 | 对指标文化最直接、最有说服力的抨击者之一,就是英国咨询公司Vanguard的总经理约翰•塞登(JohnSeddon)。 | One of the most forthright and persuasive critics of the targets culture is John Seddon, managing director of UK-based consultancy Vanguard. | |
10 | 额外的努力并没有提高他的销售业绩,但贝克福先生的工作积极性提高了,顾客对他的坦诚也纷纷表示感谢。 | The extra effort didn’t improve his sales, but Mr. Belkofer felt better about the work and customers thanked him for being forthright . | |
11 | 福特还是一个值得信赖的人,而最重要的是,他善于把直率和诚实引进政治生活中。 | A man to trust. But most of all, Ford brought a forthright honesty to politics. | |
12 | 关于代表中国先进文化前进方向的几个基本问题 | Some basic problems about representing the forthright direction of Chinese advanced culture | |
13 | 然而,很多党员,尤其是右翼,希望他能更直率、更有活力。 | Yet many in the party, especially on the right, wish he were more forthright and dynamic. | |
14 | 上了岁数的女人都会变得很坦诚,如果你是一个傻子或者你的行为很愚蠢,她们就会很直接的告诉你! | Older women are forthright and honest. They’ll tell you right off if you are a jerk or if you are acting like one! | |
15 | 甚至就在最近俄罗斯攻打格鲁吉亚之前,季莫申科对克里姆林宫也保持着克制而直率的态度。 | Even before Russia’s attack this week on Georgia, she has been measured but forthright in her attitude to the Kremlin. | |
16 | 他非常坦然地承认美军目前在伊拉克的艰难处境,并且为美国人对达尔富尔的干涉做了精彩的辩解。 | He was forthright about the difficulties of winding down the war in Iraq and gave an eloquent pitch for American intervention in Darfur. | |
17 | 他毫不隐瞒,直截了当的告诉K原因:他爱上了另外一个比他小的女人。 | He appeared to be honest and forthright about his reasons: he had fallen in love with another woman, a girl younger than he. | |
18 | 他认为化工公司应同他类似,行事坦率直接,并向公众解释他们“实际上造福于人类”。 | He thinks chemical companies need to be similarly forthright , and explain to the public that they "actually benefit humankind" . | |
19 | 他坦率地告诉我们他反对的理由。 | He told us forthright just what his objections were. | |
20 | 他直率的行为有时冒犯了别人 | His forthright behaviors sometimes offend other people. | |
21 | 坦白地说,对全球经济体系稳定性做出公正评估,需要两种独立性。 | Any forthright , disinterested assessment of the stability of the global economic system requires two sorts of independence. | |
22 | 威尔士亲王开放坦率的意见将再行展开转基因食品的大辩论。 | The Prince of Wales’s forthright comments will reopen the whole debate about GM food. | |
23 | 委员会很少得出果敢决策,也很少提供直截了当的解释。 | Boldness seldom comes out of committee, nor does forthright explanation. | |
24 | 一头褐发的汉密尔顿女士身材高大、肩膀宽阔、握手有力、为人直率。 | A tall woman with tawny hair, broad shoulders, a firm handshake and a forthright , direct manner | |
25 | 印度企业的高管们谈到中国迅速改善的基础设施和中央果断决策的模式往往心存敬畏。 | Indian executives speak in awe of China’s fast- improving infrastructure and what they see as forthright policymaking from the centre. | |
26 | 英格兰银行行长梅尔文·金直接得多,他告诉英国公众,他们的生活水准将会下降。 | Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, has been more forthright , telling the British that their standard of living will fall. | |
27 | 在王-奥会晤这样的外交场合之外,中国官员则表现得更直言不讳。 | Away from the diplomatic setting of Wang-Osborne, Chinese officials were more forthright . | |
28 | 这样做在某种程度上塑造了我坚强的性格和直率的本性,从此我的成年生活与从不同。 | I’m sure this was, in part, responsible for the strength of character and forthright nature that has set me apart for most of my adult life. | |
29 | 直率的说你在外面欠了多少债务,同时将你们的花销透明化。 | Be forthright and honest about things like your debt and adopt a policy of transparency when it comes to purchases. | |
30 | 中国在人民币汇率方面应更加开诚布公。 | China should be more forthright on the yuan. |