1 | (六)集中兵力各个歼敌的原则,是我军从开始建军起十余年以来的优良传统,并不是现在才提出的。 | The principle of concentrating our forces to wipe out the enemy forces one by one has been a fine tradition of our army ever since its founding more than a decade ago; This is not the first time it has been put forward | |
2 | 1949年,中华人民共和国成立,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,从而为中国天主教和基督教实现独立自主自办提供了历史条件。 | The founding of the People’s Republic of China put an end to the era of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in China, thus providing the historical conditions for Chinese Catholicism and protestantism to become independent and self-managing | |
3 | 1949年宣布中华人民共和国成立。 | In1949the founding of the People’s Republic of China was proclaimed. | |
4 | 1949年以前,看电影的多为城市有钱人家,解放后,政府组织的放映队送片下乡。到1955年为止,已有2,300个这样的放映队。 | Before 1949 the film audience had been the urban middle classes; now after the founding of New China, mobile projection teams were sent into the countryside. By 1955 there were 2,300 such teams. | |
5 | 1949年中华人民共和国成立,给苦难深重的西藏人民带来了希望。 | The founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 brought hope for the deeply distressed tibetan people | |
6 | 1951年六个创建国签订了巴黎条约,组建欧洲煤炭钢铁联营,签约国之间建立了单一的煤炭钢铁市场。 | Six founding countries signed the Treaty of Paris in 1951 to form the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).A single market in coal and steel was to be set up among signatory countries | |
7 | 3年前,多才多艺的程京凭借北京清华大学的技术,牵头在圣迭戈成立了一家生物技术公司。他在1999年被聘为清华大学的教授。 | Three years ago the ferociously versatile Cheng spearheaded the founding of a San Diego biotech company based on technology from Tsinghua University in Beijing, where he was named a professor in 1999 | |
8 | 阿富汗民主共和国律师协会成立会议 | Founding Conference of the Association of Lawyers of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan | |
9 | 贝蒂·弗里丹(1921-),美国作家,美国妇女组织第一任主席(1966-1970)。 | Betty Friedan (1921--), American writer, the founding president of the National Organization for Women (1966--1970) | |
10 | 本房产公司成立一周年,特价优惠十套商品房,花费不多,便能实现您梦中所求。 | In celebrating the 1st anniversary of the founding of this real estate company, we offer 10 commodity houses at special favorable prices. It doesn’t cost you much but will let your long-cherished dream come true. | |
11 | 从防止新墨西哥州野外的奇里卡瓦豹蛙灭绝,到创立一个有影响力的核不扩散协会,特纳有各种各样的拯救世界的计划。 | He has various worldsaving projectsfrom preventing the extinction of the Chiricahua leopard frog in the wilds of New Mexico to founding an influential nuclear nonproliferation institute | |
12 | 从一九四九年十月中华人民共和国成立的时候起,到一九五二年,这三年多一点的时间,是为完成恢复我国经济的任务度过了的。 | The period of a little over three years from the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October 1949 to 1952 was spent on rehabilitating the national economy | |
13 | 大家都看到,十一届三中全会以来的将近七年,是建国以来最好的、关键性的时期之一。 | As is clear to everyone, the period of almost seven years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee has been a crucial one and one of the best since the founding of the People’s Republic. | |
14 | 党从成立那一天起,就是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,肩负着实现中华民族伟大复兴的庄严使命。 | Since the very day of its founding , it has been the vanguard of the Chinese working class and also of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, shouldering the grand mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. | |
15 | 地区性旧习自从美国确立起就成为它的一部分…西部人时髦,中西部人木讷,东北部人机智,南方人懒惰(布拉德·埃德蒙森) | Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding .Westerners are trendy,Midwesterners are dull,Northeasterners are brainy,and Southerners are lazy(Brad Edmondson) | |
16 | 第一次是辛亥革命,第二次是中华人民共和国的成立,第三次是改革开放。 | The first change was represented by the Revolution of 1911, the second change was marked by the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the third change was featured by the reform, opening… | |
17 | 而我们有这本指南,那就是《有线》杂志的创刊编辑凯文·凯利最近发表的《新经济之新规则》一书。 | We do, in the recently released New Rules for the New Economy by Kevin Kelly, a founding editor of wired magazine | |
18 | 非电力铸铅字炉,铸字设备用 | non-electric type-metal furnace for type-founding machines | |
19 | 菲尔兹生前的个人捐赠和1924年多伦多大会经费的结余成为设立该奖的基金。 | The fund for the founding of the medals is constituted by Fields’ donation and balance left over after financing the toronto congress held in 1924 | |
20 | 费克纳,古斯塔夫·狄奥多里克1801-1887德国心理学家及物理学家,他对刺激力量与感情强烈程度之间的关系进行研究,进而创立了物理心理学 | German psychologist and physicist who studied the relationship between strength of stimulus and intensity of sensation,thereby founding psychophysics. | |
21 | 芬兰人、撒丁岛人和巴斯克人是人口繁衍很少的另一个群体,也具有很高的特异性遗传谱系。 | Finns, Sardinians, and Basques are among other groups with small founding populations that also have highly distinctive genetic pedigrees | |
22 | 共同体的一些创始者曾认为,美利坚合众国可以是共同体的模式。 | Some of the founding fathers of the community thought that the United States of America might be its model | |
23 | 还需要五六十年的时间,如果从中华人民共和国建立算起要用上百年的时间。 | It will take another 50 to 60 years, or about 100 years from the time of the founding of the People’s Republic, for us to do that. | |
24 | 坚守我们创始者的梦想是重要的。 | It is important that we adhere to the vision of our founding fathers. | |
25 | 建国初期,重庆是中共中央西南局和西南军政委员会所在地,为中央直辖市。 | In the early years of founding , Chongqing was the seat of the Southwestern Bureau and the Southwestern Military and Political Committee of the Central Committee of the CCP and a municipality directly under the Central Committee | |
26 | 建国后,我们在农村进行了土地改革和合作化 | After the founding of the People’s Republic, in the rural areas we initiated agrarian reform and launched a movement for the cooperative transformation of agriculture. | |
27 | 建国后的前八年我们搞得不错。 | In the first eight years after the founding of the People’s Republic we made great progress. | |
28 | 建国后的头八年,我们进行了社会主义改造,建立了一些基础工业。 | During the first eight years after the founding of New China we carried out the socialist transformation of ownership of the means of production and set up some basic industries. | |
29 | 建国后的头八年,也就是从一九四九年到一九五七年上半年,我们的发展是健康的,政策是恰当的。 | During the first eight years after the founding of the People’s Republic--that is, from 1949 through the first half of 1957--our development was sound and our policies were appropriate. | |
30 | 建国后完成了土地改革,又进行了农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造,建立了社会主义经济基础 | After the founding of the People’s Republic, we completed agrarian reform and conducted the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce, thus establishing the socialist economic base. |