1 | (2)用来包装易碎物品的夹层胶料。夹在胶料中的气珠就是包装的护垫。 | (2)A sheet of plastic holding bubbles of air which form a cushion of protection for packing fragile materials. | |
2 | “虚拟水”的概念是对这一手段的补充。水资源稀缺、环境脆弱的地区,可以依赖从水资源丰富的国家进口粮食实现食品保证。 | This approach is complemented by the concept of “virtual water”. Where water is scarce and the environment fragile , achieving food security may depend on food imported from countries with an abundance of water. | |
3 | 〞薄缘:十分薄而易碎的边缘,尤指木板尖细的边缘.〞 | featheredge:a thin fragile edge, especially a tapering edge of a board. | |
4 | 〞易碎品,小心轻放!〞 | Fragile ; handle with care! | |
5 | Barron必须根据alexander的老照片为他恢复整个面部和毛发,并把它戴在他新移植的、尚且脆弱的皮肤上。 | Barron had to build an entire face and hair from photos of alexander’s old face, and suspend it above his fragile skin grafts | |
6 | EPS 最适合于易碎性较低的货件。 | EPS is well suited for less fragile shipments. | |
7 | 本公司承接易碎品特快专递业务,如有损坏,照价赔偿。 | We offer courier service for fragile goods. and we’ll pay the full price for anything damaged. | |
8 | 薄玻璃容易碎。 | The thin glass is fragile . | |
9 | 薄缘十分薄而易碎的边缘,尤指木板尖细的边缘 | A thin fragile edge,especially a tapering edge of a board. | |
10 | 不确定状态滞后线性跳跃系统的时滞相关鲁棒非脆弱H(下标 ∞)控制 | Delay-dependent Robust and non-fragile H-infinity Control for Uncertain state-delayed Jump Linear Systems | |
11 | 从光盘到Mark Levinson独立拓扑功率放大器都采用了全数码信号路径-细腻的声音信号通常以模拟的格式从汽车前排传到后排. | All Digital Signal Path from the Disc to the Mark Levinson Discrete Topology Power Amplifiers-Fragile audio signals are often transmitted from the front to the back of the car in an analog format. | |
12 | 从耐久性和价格上看,纤维包括了从强度较低但十分昂贵的蚕丝到强度较高但价格便宜的尼龙这样一个范围。 | In both durability and cost, the fibers extend across the spectrum from the relatively fragile yet expensive silk to the tough and relatively inexpensive nylon. | |
13 | 脆弱类杆菌荧光定量PCR法检测 | Detection Bacteria Fragile by SYBR Green real-time PCR | |
14 | 脆弱生态环境的综合评判物元模型研究 | A Research of matter-element Model of Comprehensive Evaluation on Fragile eco-environment | |
15 | 但是,我们的一些双边关系出现了紧张或脆弱的局面,新的安全问题扑面而来。 | But some of our bilateral ties are frayed or fragile and new security challenges cloud the horizon | |
16 | 当我们选择尊重彼此间的不同,意识到生命的脆弱,我们便能取得和平。 | The act of achieving peace lies in us when we choose to respect our differences and appreciate that all our lives are fragile | |
17 | 第二十六条 普查、勘探易损坏的特种非金属矿产、流体矿产、易燃易爆易溶矿产和含有放射性元素的矿产,必须采用省级以上人民政府有关主管部门规定的普查、勘探方法,并有必要的技术装备和安全措施。 | Article 26 In conducting general surveys and prospecting for special fragile nonmetallic minerals, fluid minerals, combustible, explosive and soluble minerals and minerals containing radioactive elements, methods prescribed by the relevant departments under the people’s governments at or above the provincial level must be used, and necessary technical installations must be provided and safety measures applied. | |
18 | 第十六条 剧毒、危险、易碎、储运中不能倒置以及有其他特殊要求的产品,其包装必须符合相应要求,有警示标志或者中文警示说明标明储运注意事项。 | Article 16 The packages of poisonous, dangerous or fragile products, or products that should be kept upright during storage and transportation, or other products with special requirements must meet the corresponding requirements and carry warning marks or warning statements in Chinese indicating directions for storage and transportation. | |
19 | 对名誉不切实际的欲望 | a fragile claim to fame. | |
20 | 对生存环境恶劣和生态脆弱的贫困地区,搞好易地扶贫搬迁试点工程。 | The pilot project to resettle residents in poor areas with a harsh substantial environment and fragile ecology will be carried on | |
21 | 多层纸(非新闻纸或白报纸)衬垫,最适合于包装中等尺寸到大尺寸的非易碎物品以及那些可能需要吸收湿气的物品。 | Multi-layered (not-newspaper or newsprint)paper padding ideal for wrapping medium to large sized, non-fragile items and those that may require moisture absorption. | |
22 | 多时滞不确定广义系统的非脆弱H(下标 ∞)保成本控制 | Non-fragile H(subscript ∞)Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Singular Systems with Multiple Time-Delay | |
23 | 而且私营军事公司与美国一项较大的政策相吻合,即:鼓励军队与军队之间紧密联系,希望一支职业军队能够使脆弱的民主得以巩固。 | And PMCs dovetail with a larger US policy of encouraging military-to-military ties, in the hope that a professional army can stabilize a fragile democracy | |
24 | 分别包装每个物品,然后放入足够强度的包装箱内。 | Wrap each item separately and place in a strong container. Fragile items will need suitable separation from each other, as well as from the corners, sides, top, and bottom of the box. | |
25 | 粉彩笔:一种易碎、如手指粗细的绘画粉笔,采用粉状颜料与最低量的非油脂胶调制而成(通常是用托拉甘树胶,从20世纪中叶起,改用甲基纤维素调制)。 | pastel :Drawing medium consisting of fragile , finger-size crayons called pastels, made of powdered pigments combined with a minimum of nongreasy binder (usually gum tragacanth or, from the mid-20th century, methyl cellulose). | |
26 | 根据规定,食品、易燃品、贵重物品和易碎品我们都不予以保管。 | According to the regulations, we don’t accept food, combustibles, valuables and fragile objects. | |
27 | 河北坝上生态脆弱区的土地退化及生态重建 | Land Degradation and Ecological Reconstruction of Eco-fragile Region in Bashang of Hebei Province | |
28 | 鸡蛋原来是易碎的。它薄薄的外壳保护着它呈液体的内脏。但是经开水一煮,它内脏变硬了。 | The egg had been fragile . Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. | |
29 | 基于GIS的红壤丘陵区脆弱生态系统土壤侵蚀研究-以长沙市为例 | Soil and Water Erosion of Fragile Ecosystem in Red Soil Hilly Region Based on GIS: A Case Study in Changsha City | |
30 | 基于JPEG应用于图像认证的半脆弱数字水印 | A Semi-fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication Based on JPEG |