1 | 盛夏时节,满塘荷花满湖菱,红娇绿艳、 清香四溢 | In the time of midsummer, full pool of water lilies and full lake of water chestnuts dress in lovely reds and bright greens and suffuse exquisite fragrance all around | |
2 | 6月在昨天开始了。这是我最喜爱的月份。为什么这么说呢?6月的天气不太热也不太冷。树又变绿了,蓓蕾正到处绽放,空气中弥漫着花香。 | June has fallen yesterday. It is my favorite month. Why does it say so? The weather in June is neither too hot nor too cold. The trees are green again and buds are in full bloom everywhere. Their fragrance fills the air. | |
3 | 爱彼之貌容兮,香培玉琢,美彼之态度兮,凤翥龙翔. | Sweet her face, compact of fragrance , carved in jade; and she bears herself like a phoenix or dragon in flight. | |
4 | 白丁香鲜花在不同开花期的香气化学成分研究 | Study on Chemical Constituents of Fragrance Released from Fresh Flowers of Syringa Oblata Var. Affinis during Different Florescences | |
5 | 百花香水,香气淡雅清郁,令您陶醉。 | Assorted flower perfume with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance intoxicates you. | |
6 | 包括《阿诗玛》(万里、黄田曲)、《边城》(扬天解曲)、《春香传》(朴瑞星、金正曲)、 | These included ashima (music by Wan Li and Huang Tian), Border Town (music by Yang Tianjie), The Story of Spring Fragrance (music by Piao Ruixing) | |
7 | 宝玉此时与宝钗就近,只闻一阵阵凉森森甜丝丝的幽香,竟不知系何香气 | He was now close enough to her to catch whiffs of some cool, sweet fragrance which he could not identify. | |
8 | 宝玉总未听见这些话,只闻得一股幽香,却是从黛玉袖中发出,闻之令人醉魂酥骨. | Baoyu was not listening, however, so intent was he on the fragrance emanating from Daiyu’s sleeve, which he found intoxicating--it seemed to melt the marrow of his bones. | |
9 | 本公园新辟玫瑰园,芳香馥郁,五彩缤纷,欢迎光临。 | The newly opened rose garden in this park, diffusing with fragrance and blazing with colors, is awaiting your presence. | |
10 | 本花圃曲径通幽,花香撩人,欢迎参观。 | Welcome to this garden, in which winding paths will lead you to serene sports, and flowers will stir you with their fragrance . | |
11 | 必要时,便会带着清新馥郁和露水般晶莹纯洁的思想迈步走出来,正如许多人所说,使他们感受到天使般的言辞。 | coming forth, when occasion was, with a freshness, and fragrance , and dewy purity of thought, which, as many people said, affected them like the speech of an angel. | |
12 | 步入本店,花香撩人,四时鲜花,任您选购。 | On stepping into our shop, you will be stirred by the fragrance of different fresh flowers, from which you are welcome to choose. | |
13 | 藏香的清芬又渐渐迷醉了她的心灵,她软软地靠在沙发背上,似睡非睡地什么也不想,什么都没有了。 | Lulled by the fragrance of the incense, she sank limply against the back of the sofa and fell into a trance, no longer thinking or conscious of anything | |
14 | 此茶出在放春山遣香洞,以仙花灵叶上所带之宿露而烹,此茶名曰`千红一窟’. | This tea grows in the Grotto of Emanating Fragrance on the Mountain of Expanding Spring. Infused with the night dew from fairy flowers and spiritual leaves, its name is Thousand Red Flowers in One Cavern. | |
15 | 此香乃系诸名山胜境内初生异卉之精,合各种宝林珠树之油所制,名`群芳髓’. | This is made from the essences of the different exotic young plants which grow in all famous mountain resorts. Distilled with the resin of every precious tree, its name is Marrow of Manifold Fragrance . | |
16 | 从此后薛家母子就在梨香院住了. | So Aunt Xue and her children moved into Pear Fragrance Court. | |
17 | 打开“阳光”牌蔬菜罐头,香气四溢,犹如身处阳光下的菜园。 | With the opening of the Sunshine brand vegetable can, you will find yourself in the place which is suffused with an exquisite fragrance all around, just like staying in a vegetable garden in the sunshine. | |
18 | 地力嫩菱羹香味自然,爽口好吃。 | The thick soup of tender water chestnuts with tender water caltrops has a natural fragrance and refreshing taste. | |
19 | 第六条 食品应当无毒、无害、符合应当有的营养要求,具有相应的色、香、味等感官性状。 | Article 6 Food shall be nontoxic and harmless, conform to proper nutritive requirements and have appropriate sensory properties such as colour, fragrance and taste. | |
20 | 芳香令人愉快的香味 | A pleasing aromatic fragrance . | |
21 | 风吹苜蓿偷香,雨洒烟叶送馥。 | The clover steals the fragrance of the wind, and the tobacco catches the quick aroma of the rain | |
22 | 刚上市的新疆香梨,香嫩可口,老少皆宜。 | With fragrance and tender taste, the Xinjiang pear in season is suitable for both the o(d and the young. | |
23 | 公园里飘溢着花香。 | The park is brimming with the fragrance of flowers. | |
24 | 孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子一生中五个芳馨可爱的年龄。 | Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman. | |
25 | 后半部右首一排窗,望出去就是园子,紧靠着窗,有一架高大的木香花棚,将绿荫和浓香充满了这半间房子 | In the right-hand wall of the interior section were windows looking out on to the garden; close to the windows stood a tall trellis covered with banksia roses, which afforded fragrance and shade to the whole room | |
26 | 花朵散发出芬芳(香气从花中散发出来)。 | Fragrance emanated from the flowers | |
27 | 花儿的芳香散发到四面八方。 | The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide. | |
28 | 花儿散发着清香。 | The flowers sent forth a delicate fragrance | |
29 | 花香吸取法制造香水的一道工序,此工序中无味的油脂及油吸取新鲜花的芬芳香味 | A process in making perfume in which odorless fats or oils absorb the fragrance of fresh flowers. | |
30 | 极好的琥珀样香气 | excellent amber-like fragrance |