1 | 冉阿让从他的背心口袋里摸出一个值五法郎的钱币。 | Jean Valjean fumbled in his fob and pulled out a five-franc piece. | |
2 | 仍不无疑问.瑞士在今年稍早刚结束为期15个月的单方面干预,对于压制瑞郎涨势几无成效。 | A 15-month solo effort by Switzerland which ended earlier this year did little to tame the Swiss franc . | |
3 | 日元和瑞士法郎通常会受益于投资者的避险情绪。 | Both the yen and Swiss franc tend to be beneficiaries when investors are in risk aversion mode. | |
4 | 瑞郎上涨,受益于瑞士央行总裁的乐观讲话及瑞士一项信心调查结果高于预估.[ID:nCN1776043] | The Swiss franc was buoyed by upbeat comments from the Swiss National Bank’s chairman and an above-forecast Swiss sentiment survey. | |
5 | 瑞士的公债仅为其GDP的12%,且其瑞士法郎是其他国家外汇储备中的货币。 | Swiss net public debt is just 12% of GDP and the franc is a currency that other countries hold in their reserves. | |
6 | 瑞士法郎的币值激增使得驻瑞士机构的工资开支更加昂贵(见图表)。 | The sharp rise in the Swiss franc has made it costlier for Swiss-based outfits to pay their wages (see chart). | |
7 | 瑞士法郎兑欧元达到了历史最高点,十年期德国国债收益率跌至2.6%,为八个月来最低。 | The Swiss franc reached an all-time high against the euro and yields on ten-year German Bunds dropped to an eight-month low of 2. 6%. | |
8 | 瑞士法郎和日元等低息货币汇率上扬,而波动普遍加大。 | Currencies with low interest rates, such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen, rose and volatility increased all round. | |
9 | 瑞士法郎仍是全世界最昂贵的货币。 | The Swiss franc remains one of the world’s dearest currencies. | |
10 | 瑞士法郎是欧洲唯一没有被欧元取代的法郎,通行于瑞士与列支敦士登。 | The Swiss franc , the only European franc not to have been replaced by the Euro, is used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. | |
11 | 瑞士法郎通常被认为是非常坚挺的通货。 | The Swiss franc is usually seen as a very strong paper currency. | |
12 | 瑞士法郎也是被投资者视为相对的避难所,在世界金融不稳定的时期依然可以升值。 | The Swiss franc is also seen by investors as a relative haven and has also strengthened amid global financial unrest. | |
13 | 瑞士法郎在1970年代确实是很风光,那个年代也是战略家们面对最近的乱局时经常提及的榜样。 | The Swiss franc certainly did well in the 1970s, an era that strategists are frequently citing as the model for recent events. | |
14 | 瑞士国家银行8月表明“瑞士法郎的估值过高对其经济的发展是个威胁。” | In August the SNB said that "the massive overvaluation of the franc poses a threat to the development of the economy. " | |
15 | 瑞士国家银行已经将利率降到零,并且通过购买外汇来压低瑞士法郎的汇率。 | Having cut its rates to zero, the Swiss National Bank has bought foreign currency to drive down the Swiss franc . | |
16 | 瑞士央行(SwissNationalBank)采取措施遏制瑞士法郎的涨势,让交易人员大吃一惊,此后,在周三,外汇市场的注意力转向东京。 | After the Swiss National Bank stunned dealers with its move to curb the franc , the focus in currency markets on Wednesday switched to Tokyo. | |
17 | 瑞士央行表示,瑞郎被大幅高估对瑞士经济构成严重威胁,并可能造成通货紧缩。 | The SNB said the massive overvaluation of the Swiss franc posed an acute threat to the Swiss economy and carried the risk of deflation. | |
18 | 瑞士央行采取了类似的措施来制止瑞士法郎升值,败得很惨,代价很大。 | Similar efforts by the Swiss central bank to stop the rise of the franc failed miserably and expensively. | |
19 | 瑞士央行上周四入场干预时,欧元兑瑞士法郎汇率正达到1欧元兑1.48瑞士法郎的水平。 | Last Thursday’s move came as the euro-franc exchange rate reached SFr1. 48. | |
20 | 瑞士央行一度试图在不放弃对国内货币政策控制的情况下,将瑞郎汇率保持在低位。 | For a while the SNB tried to keep the franc down without giving up control over domestic monetary policy. | |
21 | 瑞士中央银行宣布为防止瑞士法郎对欧元进一步升值,会对外汇市场进行干预。 | The national bank vowed to intervene in the currency markets in order to prevent the Swiss franc from appreciating further against the euro. | |
22 | 瑞士最大企业之一的ABB最近形容瑞士法郎的坚挺是为令人头痛的。 | ABB, one of Switzerland’s largest companies, recently described the franc ’s strength as a headache. | |
23 | 瑞银(UBS)外汇策略师曼努埃尔•奥里弗利(ManuelOliveri)称:“他们主要关心的是守住瑞士法郎对欧元的汇率上限。” | Manuel Oliveri, a foreign exchange strategist at UBS, said: "Their key interest is to keep the Swiss franc -euro exchange rate capped. " | |
24 | 萨尔瓦多科郎埃塞俄比亚比尔斐济元芬兰马克法国法郎德国马克 | EL Salvadoran Colon Ethippian Birr Fiji Dollar Finnish Markka French Franc German Deutsche Mark | |
25 | 他证实,随着人们对欧元区的担忧加剧,瑞郎面临越来越大的压力。 | He confirmed that the country had seen increasing pressure on the Swiss franc as concerns over the eurozone have grown. | |
26 | 同2010年初相比,黄金的价格以瑞士法郎计算,上涨了17%。 | Gold is 17% higher in Swiss-franc terms than it was at the start of 2010. | |
27 | 同4月22日货币相比,下降最多的是瑞士法郎,今年下降了8. | Comparing currencies on April 22nd, the biggest loser has been the Swiss franc , which has fallen by 8. 4% this year. | |
28 | 同时,另一种避险货币瑞士法郎对欧元走低。 | Meanwhile, the Swiss franc - another popular haven currency - weakened against the euro. | |
29 | 同时,美元已跌破1英镑兑2美元大关,兑瑞士法郎与日元的汇率也均下挫。 | It dropped below the $2 level against sterling and lost ground against both the Swiss franc and the Japanese yen. | |
30 | 投资者寻找一个安全的地方来投入他们的钱在瑞士法郎来寻求庇护。 | Investors looking for a safe place to put their money have sought refuge in the Swiss franc . |