1 | FreeS/WAN构造VPN网关策略的实现方法 | The Way to Realize the Tactics of VPN Gateway through FreeS /WAN | |
2 | HUD 解放了驾驶者的“双眼”, Bluetooth 车载蓝牙电话系统则彻底解放了驾驶者的“双手” -- 该系统让您无须手持电话,仅通过方向盘快捷键即可接听 | The HUD frees up your eyes, while the bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, which permits you to receive calls through a hotkey on the steering wheel without holding the phone, frees up both your hands. | |
3 | 给予氨基酸及冻干血浆 | She was also given amino acid preparations and fluid with frees -dry human blood plasma. | |
4 | 凉粉水果冻,清凉香甜解暑热。 | Bean and fruit jelly, with cool, fragrant and sweet taste, frees you from the summer heat. | |
5 | 旅行能消除人们的偏狭观念。 | Travel frees us from provinciality. | |
6 | 灭菌处理是从处理对象排除一切活的生物体。 | sterilization is a treatment that frees the treated object of all living organisms | |
7 | 人类学释放我的灵魂-人类学学者访谈录之三十五 | Anthropology Frees My Soul-An Interview with Anthropologists (35) | |
8 | 柔软舒适的席梦思床垫,让您疲劳全除! | The soft and comfortable spring mattress frees you from fatigue. | |
9 | 三个解放出来?? | The Three Frees ; i.e. to free our minds from the shackles of the outdated notions; practices and systems; to free from the erroneous and dogmatic interpretations of Marxism; and to free from the fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics. | |
10 | 天地相合,以降甘露,民莫之令而自均。始制有名,名亦既有,夫亦将知止,知止可以不殆。 | Heaven and earth join, and gentle rain falls, beyond the command of anyone, evenly upon all. When civilization arose, names began. With names, one should know when to stop. Knowing when to stop, frees one from danger. | |
11 | 唯信仰论一种基督教教条或信条,认为福音书使基督徒们免于遵守任何律法,不论经文、民法还是道德准则,只有通过信仰和上帝的恩惠才能得到拯救 | The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law,whether scriptural,civil,or moral,and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace. | |
12 | 无风的一天。 | A day frees from wind | |
13 | 在这种情况下,经纱张力会增加,纬纱间距会小于正常值。 | When this happens, the warp tension will increase, and the pick-spacing will be closer than normal until the roller frees itself. | |
14 | 这种例外管理的方法使经理不必去考虑与计划相符的活动。 | This management-by-exception approach frees managers from an unnecessary concern with those operations that conform to plan. | |
15 | 真空不锈钢保温杯,出差良伴,有杯无患。 | A stainless steel vacuum thermos cup, a good companion on business trips, frees you from inconvenience. | |
16 | 整个手和手指均显示出很大的活动度和灵活性。人用两足行走,双手得到解放,可以用来抓握和操作。 | The hand has great mobility and flexibility to carry out precise movements. Bipedal locomotion in humans frees the hands for grasping and manipulation. | |
17 | ||1:除了这场疫情,美国妇女们还面临着两个有执照的助产士可以帮忙解决的问题。||2:首先,美国是仅有的在2000年至2017年之间孕妇死亡率上升的13个国家之一,是委内瑞拉同叙利亚的八分之一。||3:由于病人和卫生工作者之间缺乏信任,分娩期间死亡的风险可能会加剧。||4:在美国,黑人妇女尤其如此,她们死于妊娠相关并发症的比率是白人妇女的三倍多。||5:助产士不能为患有某些慢性健康问题的妇女进行复杂的外科手术或分娩。||6:但是他们可以帮助低风险的妇女分娩。||7:这样医生就可以做更难的事情了。 | ||1:Beyond the pandemic, American women face two problems that licensed midwives can help with.||2:First, America is one of only 13 countries where the maternal mortality rate increased between 2000 and 2017, putting it in the august company of Venezuela and Syria.||3:The risk of dying during childbirth can be exacerbated by a lack of trust between patients and health workers.||4:In America that is especially true for black women, who die from pregnancy-related complications at more than three times the rate that white women do.||5:Midwives cannot perform complex surgery or deliver babies for women with certain chronic health problems.||6:But they can support low-risk women through labour.||7:That frees doctors to do the harder stuff. | |
18 | 但SDRS不一定要被用来发挥什么作用。它们在资产负债表上的存在放开了美元。 | However, SDRS do not have to be used to be useful. Their very presence on balance-sheets frees up dollars. | |
19 | 每人驾驶的英里数可能也会增加,因为自主驾驶技术使乘客从开车的时间中解放出来,让他们可以利用这段时间工作或睡觉。 | Miles travelled per person might also rise, since self-driving technology frees passengers to use travel time for work or sleep. | |
20 | “扳机”泰勒说“松开击锤,击锤撞击底药”。 | "The trigger, " Tyler said, "frees the hammer, and the hammer strikes the powder. " | |
21 | “将军”总算挣脱了手铐,结果被一队刚刚抵达的警察逮捕了。 | Krantz finally frees himself from the handcuffs, only to be arrested by a team of cops who have just arrived. | |
22 | “人类心意相通的力量,”她说,“拯救生命,释放囚犯。” | "The power of human empathy, " she said, "saves lives, and frees prisoners. " | |
23 | Jindal宣布紧急状态后,整个州进入预警状态,充分调动所有资源以应对突发状况。 | Jindal’s emergency declaration is a precaution that frees up state resources for any emergency situations. | |
24 | Nike的Free按使用最少量的缓冲设计的,但它还是有传统鞋的内包头,而不是像Vibram那样五指分开。 | The Nike Frees are designed with minimal cushioning, but still have a traditional toe box, instead of the "fingers" of Vibrams. | |
25 | NIN并不依附于唱片公司的事实让他们得以试验这个新想法。 | The fact that NIN are not tied to a record label frees them to experiment with such new ideas. | |
26 | ROLLBACK还释放事务占用的资源。 | A ROLLBACK also frees resources held by the transaction. | |
27 | 不过,如果没有及时释放任何连接,连接请求将引发InvalidOperationException异常。 | However, if no connection frees up in time, the connection request trips an InvalidOperationException. | |
28 | 此堆可监视对象的整个生存期,并且仅当程序的任何部分都不引用这些对象时才将其释放。 | This heap monitors the lifetime of objects and frees them only when no part of the program references the objects. | |
29 | 此选项会释放空间,但是存在可能丢失数据的风险。 | This option frees space, but risks possible data loss. | |
30 | 此阈值是动态的,因为数据库引擎动态获取并释放内存以适应各种工作负荷。 | This threshold is dynamic because the Database Engine dynamically acquires and frees memory to adjust for varying workloads. |