属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-船舶技术 探索未知之旅
1 | 船长只要移动驾驶室座椅边的操纵杆就能控制这些推进装置,这个拥有360°全方位视角的驾驶室看起来更适合进取号星舰,而不仅仅是普通的货船,因为后者只不过是加了马力的船舶而已。 | All of these propulsion systems are handled by moving one of the joysticks next to the captain’s chair in a bridge with a 360° view that looks more suitable for the starship Enterprise than what is, after all, a souped-up freighter . | |
2 | 在ESL艾缔思的总部,装饰有舷窗和模型船,ESL的总裁埃姆拜初 阿布拉哈自豪地回忆其在示巴女王货轮上作为一名工程师的日子。 | At ESL’s Addis headquarters, complete with portholes and model ships, the outgoing boss, Ambachew Abraha, remembers proudly his days as an engineer aboard the freighter Queen of Sheba. | |
3 | 不!我父亲未参战,他是香料运输船的飞行员。 | No, my father didn’t fight in the wars. he was a navigator on a spice freighter . | |
4 | 持有厦门太古飞机工程有限公司股份,该公司提供747的客改货服务。 | Has a stake in Taikoo (Xiamen) Aircraft Engineering, which offers 747 freighter conversion services. | |
5 | 第二部曲中,有几个货船乘客,街头临时演员和至少一名绝地武士是比思族人。 | In Episode II, a number of freighter passengers, street extras and at least one Jedi were of the Bith species. | |
6 | 货车里面走出几个人,他们登上货轮,过了几分钟他们拖着几个大集装箱装到货车里。 | The men boarded the freighter and appeared a few minutes later pulling large carts that carried numerous shipping containers. | |
7 | 货船的控制系统突然爆炸,导致船体一头撞进帕尔帕廷皇帝的私人博物馆。 | A blown out control system sent Stanton’s freighter careening into a private museum owned by no less than the Emperor Palpatine. | |
8 | 货船启航,驶往非洲海岸。 | The freighter launched out, on a journey to the coast of Africa. | |
9 | 货运机队未来发展与构成 | Future Development of Freighter Fleet | |
10 | 美国海军在六七月份的三个星期间追踪了可能再有违禁货物的可疑朝鲜货船。 | The United States Navy tracked a North Korean freighter suspected of carrying banned cargo for about three weeks in June and July. | |
11 | 那一天有一列货车闯进了客车的轨道,两列火车头相撞爆发出一个大火球。 | A freighter cut into the path of my passenger train. When the two collided the Amtrak locomotive erupted in a giant fireball. | |
12 | 确认你的旅行保险包含搭货船旅行。 | Check that your travel insurance covers freighter travel. | |
13 | 我们将要介绍的搭货船旅行是一段往返于澳大利亚和新西兰之间为期5天的短期航行。 | Our introduction to freighter travel was a relatively short 5-day sailing between Australia and New Zealand. | |
14 | 一个恶果就是:“马士基阿拉巴马号”货轮的船长依然被扣押在海盗手中成为人质。 | One result: the captain of the 17, 000-tonne Maersk Alabama freighter is still a hostage in the pirates’ hands. | |
15 | 一个欧洲的货运火箭将于本周四到达,加入日本和俄罗斯联盟号货运飞船的停靠序列中来,同时作为两艘联盟号船员的太空舱。 | A European freighter is due to arrive Thursday, joining Japanese and Russian cargo ships and two Soyuz crew capsules. | |
16 | 一种优秀的内河散货船-河南船 | One kind of outstanding inland river bulk freighter - Henan ship | |
17 | 在孟加拉国吉大港(Chittagong),工人们拆解一艘货轮,拆得的零件可作为废品卖掉。 | In Chittagong, Bangladesh, workers take apart a freighter so the parts can be sold for scrap. | |
18 | 在与火箭分离之后,货运飞船将利用自身的助推器进入轨道位置。 | After separating from the Ariane, the freighter will use its own thrusters to get to the orbiting outpost. |