属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-北极 龙舌兰日落
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-全球房价 喜忧掺杂
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-北极海域 龙舌兰日落
1 | 他应该生活在对外敌内奸感到仇恨、对胜利感到得意、对党的力量和英明感到五体投地的那种狂热情绪之中。 | He is supposed to live in a continuous frenzy of hatred of foreign enemies and internal traitors, triumph over victories, and self-abasement before the power and wisdom of the Party | |
2 | 它跳着,狂喜地舔他的脸。 | She bounded up to the boy and immediately began licking his face in a frenzy of joy | |
3 | 我感到有信心,这种信心压倒了狂乱的感觉 | I felt faith rather than frenzy | |
4 | 我无法向你描述我们置身于其中的大选是如何疯狂。 | I can’t begin to describe to you the frenzy of mad electioneering that we find ourselves tipped into | |
5 | 我一时昏了,故作姿态,竟然拿起手里一根棒,使劲敲着竖放我爱妻遗骸的那堵砖墙。 | Through the mere frenzy of bravado, I rapped heavily, with a cane in my hand, upon that very portion of the brickwork behind which stood the corpse of the wife of my bosom | |
6 | 演讲者煽动起群众疯狂的情绪. | The speaker worked the crowd up into a(state of)frenzy . | |
7 | 一半人在飘洋过海的途中丧生,有一些一有机会就愤而跃身跳进大海,宁死不当奴隶。 | some jumping into the sea in their frenzy , when they had a chance to choose death in place of slavery | |
8 | 一股仇恨涌上心头,他杀死了他的敌人。 | In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. | |
9 | 因此;使人觉得是被磁禁在一个围子里,老是在围子里。生命老是象个梦幻或疯狂,被关禁在一个围子里。 | So that it was like being inside an enclosure, always inside. Life always a dream or a frenzy , inside an enclosure. | |
10 | 在失望和狂暴的气氛中,在他的周围,闪现出红色革命的轮廓。 | Around him in the atmosphere of despair and frenzy glared the lineaments of Red Revolution | |
11 | 在我们抓住它之前,考比已经到了卡莱布跟前。它跳着,欣喜若狂地立即开始舔他的脸。 | Corby reached Kaleb before either of us could grab her. She bounded up to the boy and immediately began licking his face in a frenzy of joy. | |
12 | 在一时狂怒中 | in the frenzy of the moment | |
13 | 在一阵绝望(热情)的狂乱中. | in a frenzy of despair (enthusiasm) | |
14 | 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。 | In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. | |
15 | 这次会谈使半数人极为愤慨。 | The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage. | |
16 | 这一次会谈使半数人极为愤慨。 | The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage. | |
17 | ||1:美国反对这些理想、支持拥有反共产主义武装力量的联盟,不论这些武装力量何其腐败和不民主,汤普森都感到美国的行为辜负了他。||2:如今身处对外关系委员会的乔舒亚?科兰滋克将他描述为在战后华盛顿的一场斗争中失利的一方,因为麦卡锡主义者的狂怒令美国的外交政策转变为讨伐共产主义的“不支持我们,即与我们为敌”的模式。||3:因此,在印度支那及泰国,美国通常会发现自己和坏人一伙。||4:荒诞可笑的是,对国内的选民和被派到国外的士兵来说,这些复杂的国家被简化了。||5:肯尼迪总统故意将“老挝”误读为“Lay-os”,以免美国人认为他想与一个星斗小国开战。 | ||1:Thompson felt betrayed by America’s rejection of these ideals in favour of alliances with anti-communist forces, however corrupt and undemocratic.||2:Joshua Kurlantzick, now at the Council on Foreign Relations, portrays him as on the losing side in a battle in post-war Washington, as McCarthyite frenzy turned American foreign policy into a “with-us-or-against-us” crusade against communism.||3:As a result, in Indochina, and in Thailand itself, America usually found it was on the side of the bad guys.||4:Complex nations were grotesquely simplified for the voters back home and the boys sent to fight abroad.||5:President Kennedy deliberately mispronounced Laos as “Lay-os”, lest Americans think he wanted to go to war with a small bug. | |
18 | 但是,认为全球变暖不会使北极成为巨大“经济资源”最重要的原因是,它可能会加剧海洋的分层化。 | The most important reason, though, for thinking that global warming will not produce an Arctic feeding frenzy is that it may increase ocean stratification. | |
19 | 关于房市的好消息在其他地方有些许听闻,特别是德国。这个国家避开了之前的危机。 | Brighter signs gleam elsewhere, especially in Germany, which avoided the pre-crisis frenzy . | |
20 | 其他地方则有好消息,尤其是在德国,德国避开了危机前的房产狂热。在过去的一年里,德国房价上涨了5.1%,扩大了国内需求并有利于欧元区的经济复苏。 | Brighter signs gleam elsewhere, especially in Germany, which avoided the pre-crisis frenzy . Prices there have risen in the past year by 5.1%, which should bolster domestic demand and help support the economic recovery in the euro zone. | |
21 | 然而,全球变暖无法为北极地区带来大量鱼类养料的真正原因在于海水分层现象的加剧。 | The most important reason, though, for thinking that global warming will not produce an Arctic feeding frenzy is that it may increase ocean stratification. | |
22 | “人们陷于兴建体育馆和运输道路的狂热中,将碳足迹抛之脑后。”他说。 | "Amidst the frenzy of getting stadiums and transport routes built, the carbon footprint was largely ignored, " he said. | |
23 | “熊猫外交”是一种象征性举动,在锣鼓喧天和媒体的疯狂之中,北京希望借这对毛茸茸的礼物暖化海峡两岸关系。 | In a symbolic move of "panda diplomacy, " Beijing marked warming cross-strait ties with the furry gifts, amid fanfare and a media frenzy . | |
24 | 《黑暗骑士》一直高潮迭起;它总是处于剑拔弩张的状态,不曾间断。 | "The Dark Knight" is constant climax; it’s always in a frenzy , and it goes on forever. | |
25 | 按从众心理角度来说,这种疯狂状态是由供求简单法则引起的。 | The frenzy is as much the result of simple laws of supply and demand as the herd mentality. | |
26 | 不管现场是怎样狂热和充满能量,仍然需要抓住狂暴中的一瞬间。 | No matter how frenetic and energy-filled the scene is, there still needs to be a moment among the frenzy . | |
27 | 不久,他将其全部推翻,以铺天盖地的不断革命淹没了刚刚步入正轨的中国现代化进程。 | He soon knocked them down, overwhelming the gradual processes of China’s modernization with the frenzy of permanent revolution. | |
28 | 不只在“黑色星期五”而是在所有节日季都加入我们每年都会参加的购物狂潮,你,准备好了吗? | Are you ready to participate in the mad shopping frenzy that we partake in every year, not only on Black Friday but all holiday season long? | |
29 | 长时间的竞选要求付出持久的努力,一分钟疯狂的电话和广告是远远不够的。 | A prolonged voting season requires a sustained effort, not just a last-minute frenzy of phone calls and ads. | |
30 | 出于习惯,他径直跑到家门口,因为每当他在外大发雷霆之后,总喜欢站在那里消消气。 | From habit he went toward the house, where he was used to being soothed when he had worked himself into a frenzy . |