1 | 此后网民们疯狂地冲向街上,寻找“犀利哥”,试图更新关于他的新图片。 | The frenzy peaked when netizens went onto the streets in search of "Brother Sharp" . They wanted to update his latest photos. | |
2 | 此外,从澳大利亚到台湾,一系列并购交易的失败,可能预示着推动股价上升的并购狂潮已接近尾声。 | And a handful of scuttled deals, in markets from Australia to Taiwan, could signal an end to the M&A frenzy that has helped spice up prices. | |
3 | 大规模兴建保障性住房旨在平息民众的怒火,因为他们对房地产投机行为使其远离商品房市场而感到愤怒。 | The building frenzy aims to placate citizens angry that property speculation has priced them out of the non-subsidized housing market. | |
4 | 但是,在中国,由于低成本的配送和高企的物价使得网购呈现井喷。 | But in China the low cost of delivery and the high cost of property are feeding an e-tailing frenzy . | |
5 | 但是1998年8月俄罗斯无力偿还债务(即中止了国债交易),造成金融市场崩溃。 | But in August 1998 Russia defaulted on its debt, sending financial markets into a frenzy . | |
6 | 但在这种热潮中,大量注册商标也难免遭殃。 | But a lot of trademarked names are also getting caught in the frenzy . | |
7 | 当黑猩猩们大限已至或是意外死亡,他们的同伴就会陷入一种特别的情绪之中。 | DEATH OF A FRIEND: When chimpanzees die of untimely, accidental deaths, their companions have been known to go into a frenzy . | |
8 | 当明星们步下豪华汽车,走过红地毯时,人群瞬间陷入一片疯狂。 | As the stars step from their limos and navigate, the red carpet, the crowds erupt in full frenzy . | |
9 | 当这些氮到达了海洋时,就会引起海洋藻类生物在短时间内疯狂生长,就会耗进水里的氧气。 | When this nitrogen reaches the sea it causes a brief frenzy of algal growth which depletes the water of oxygen. | |
10 | 而奥巴马于上周五在接受记者采访时回应称:“哦,天!现在这可是个最高机密。” | The president had embraced the frenzy : "Oh, man, now, that’s top secret, " Obama joked on Friday to reporters. | |
11 | 而我的用词失当非但没有说明问题,反而促成了媒体更大的狂热,我认为这是令人遗憾的。 | So to the extent that my choice of words didn’t illuminate, but rather contributed to more media frenzy , I think that was unfortunate. | |
12 | 而这也许仅仅是一个开始,因为国会山越来越盛的怒气已经爆发,他们承诺了这些额外花销。 | And that may be just the starting point since the promise of additional spending has set off a feeding frenzy on Capitol Hill. | |
13 | 二者都避免了其同侪所沉溺其中的信贷扩张,消费过度,房价泡沫以及贸易赤字。然而,谨慎并未使他们免受其害。 | Each avoided the credit expansion, consumer frenzy , house-price bubbles and trade deficits indulged in by many of their peers. | |
14 | 发酵茶只是在中国经济繁荣发展的年头里全国热衷的投资项目之一。 | Fermented tea was hardly the only caffeinated investment frenzy that swept China during its boom years. | |
15 | 疯狂:三月在纽约第五大街苹果店外,人们排队等候为了购买iPad2。 | Frenzy : People queued up outside Apple’s Fifth Avenue New York store to get their hands on an iPad 2 in March | |
16 | 讽刺的是,大陆的人们经常抱怨来自香港到大陆的购房团。 | Ironically, mainlanders often blame buyers from Hong Kong for their own property frenzy . | |
17 | 各种图像融合到一起,以一种有节奏的狂乱转化成别的图像,就好像是会移动的油画般。 | The images fuse together and transform into other images in a rhythmic frenzy , as if they were moving oil paintings. | |
18 | 共和党全国代表大会开幕之夜,主要的亮点是帕特.布坎南,他对我的抨击使得代表们义愤填膺。 | The main attraction on the Republicans opening night was Pat Buchanan, who sent the delegates into a frenzy with his attacks on me. | |
19 | 购房狂潮席卷上海整个城市,造就了上海去年土地拍卖收入高达10亿美元,以及长长的待房名单。 | A buying frenzy has gripped the city, leading to billion-dollar land auctions and long waiting lists. | |
20 | 几个月前的一次疯狂行动中,埃尔·特奥的手下在短短45分钟内就杀害了7名警察并打伤了另外3名。 | El Teo’s men had already, in a frenzy a few months earlier, killed seven cops and wounded three in the space of forty-five minutes. | |
21 | 甲型流感起源于墨西哥的一个小镇,于今年四、五月份席卷全球,令无数记者及一些市民陷入狂乱状态。 | Beginning with a small town in Mexico, swine flu swept the globe in April and May, sending journalists and some citizens into a frenzy . | |
22 | 金融市场有这样一种习惯:当经济迅速发展时让自身陷入狂热,结果导致灾难。 | Financial markets have a way of working themselves into a frenzy during rapid economic development, which ends up leading to disaster. | |
23 | 尽管篮球明星姚明等名人都呼吁停止捕杀鲨鱼,但他们的行动收效甚微。 | Pleas by celebrities likebasketball star Yao Ming to stop the killing of sharks have done little toquell the feeding frenzy . | |
24 | 尽管他们仍旧被疯狂的交易着,但是两房已经沦为末流。 | Despite the trading frenzy , Fannie and Freddie have become pariahs. | |
25 | 就算是那些以慈善为名的机构和人员也不能幸免。 | Even those working in the name of charity are not excluded from the frenzy . | |
26 | 卡梅隆先生要是聪明,他就会在竞选的盛况到来之前断绝任何有可能影响选举的关系。 | If he is wise, Mr Cameron will sever any awkward associations before the frenzy of the campaign. | |
27 | 看到债务抵押债券的热潮,那么这种说法也许听起来就不那么荒谬了。 | Given the frenzy over C. D. O. s at the time, that claim may not be as ridiculous as it sounds. | |
28 | 考虑到音乐产业的现状,韩国流行音乐(也叫K-pop)的火爆超过我们的预期。 | The frenzy of Korean pop (aka K-Pop) today might be hard to believe considering the state of the music industry. | |
29 | 克里克为他的信件被其“效率过高”的秘书在一次大清扫中被扔掉而惋惜了许久。 | Crick had long bemoaned how his letters had been thrown out after a cleaning frenzy by his "over-efficient" secretary. | |
30 | 克认为那是对的要废掉同性恋禁令但让媒体狂热震惊他。 | Crowe believed that it was right to put an end to the gay ban, but the media frenzy appalled him. |