属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-加州大学投票支持限制州外学生
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味观点React 第2期:最好的大学时光
1 | 我是新生那年;任期未满一年的议员 | In my freshman year;a freshman senator. | |
2 | 我在伍德罗·威尔逊第一届政府期间初次来到国会担任议员。 | I came to Congress as a freshman in the first administration of Woodrow Wilson. | |
3 | 我在耶鲁上大一时,有7个从中国内地来的本科生,如今有两人受聘于大名鼎鼎的华尔街投资银行。 | In my freshman year at Yale, there were seven undergraduates from mainland China, and now two of them are employed by big-name Wall Street investment banks | |
4 | 新生;一年级新生 | A freshman ;a plebe. | |
5 | 新时期高校新生教育初探 | Study on Freshman Education in New Period | |
6 | 新同学的出现使他的注意力分散了。 | The appearance of the new freshman called away his attention. | |
7 | 兴趣引领:MIT新生学习社区的构建及其启示 | Interest Oriented: On the Construction and Implication of MIT Freshman Learning Community | |
8 | 学监(非常生气):“现在你承认这可怜的新生被扔进这蛙池里浑身湿透?” | proctor (exceedingly angry): "So you confess that this unfortunate freshman was carried to this frog pond and drenched?" | |
9 | 一年级新生小于十八岁或大于十九岁是相当特殊的。 | It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen | |
10 | 医学新生多项人格特征的调查 | Investigation and Corresponding Research of MMPI for Medical Freshman | |
11 | 医专新生UPI测查结果分析 | Investigation of Mental Health of College Freshmen by UPI in Medical Freshman | |
12 | 以问题导向学习于医科一二年级时教授医学伦理之初步尝试 | Initial Trial of Problem-based Learning as a Method for the Teaching of Medical Ethics during the Freshman and Sophomore Years | |
13 | 因为这是一场教育游戏,我也问了19岁的女儿是否愿意一块儿去,她是本地大学的大一学生,她同意了。 | Because it was an educational game, I also asked my 19-year-old daughter, who was a freshman at a local university, if she would like to take part, and she agreed. | |
14 | 有一天,我的一个最要好的朋友打电话给我,告诉我下载一个“美国在线实时信息传递”的聊天软件。 | I was in my freshman year of college, and one day my best friend called me on the phone and told me to download "AOL instant messenger" | |
15 | 在一年级和二年级期间,我曾做过一名美国外交官的小孩的家庭教师,该小孩对我的教学很满意。 | In my freshman ’s and sophomere’s years, I was a tutor for an American diplomat’s child who was quite satisfied with my teaching. | |
16 | 这是我进入公司的第一年. | This is my freshman year with the company. | |
17 | 这是我进入学院的第一年,我是新生。 | This is my first year of college.I’m a freshman . | |
18 | 中国文化大学学生对“大一英文”课程的期望调查研究 | Student Expectations of the Freshman English Course at Chinese Culture University | |
19 | 中学或大学的一、二年级学生 | A student in the freshman or sophomore class at a secondary school or college. | |
20 | 作为新生,他不晓得如何交谈 | For a freshman , he does not know how to talk. | |
21 | ||1:而筹款对于肯尼迪三世可不是什么问题。||2:仅凭自己的姓名,募款者之位必定座无虚席。||3:换作其他地方,人们可能会对这个名字感到厌烦,就像曾经在纽约发生的那样,三年前肯尼迪总统的女儿卡洛琳?肯尼迪也打算在参议院谋个位置坐坐。||4:除了没什么政治资历,愤世嫉俗的纽约人对她那天经地义、非我莫属的感觉很看不顺眼。||5:而在马萨诸塞州,事情可就完全两样了。||6:尽管有三分之一的选民认为肯尼迪家族在海湾州的政绩势力过大,还是有高达73%的选民,包括共和党人,对他们很有好感。||7:选民们精明着呢。||8:他们很清楚在国会山图腾柱下,一个初出茅庐的代表有更多的可能让他们的要求得到回应,条件是这位年轻的代表得姓肯尼迪。||9:爱德华?肯尼迪的前新闻秘书,现身为政治顾问的斯科特?福尔森表示,选民希望他们的代表能够脱颖而出。||10:公开自己同性恋取向的弗兰克也是个直言不讳的人,肯尼迪三世的叔祖父爱德华?肯尼迪生前也是参议院的自由之狮。 | ||1:Raising money will not be a problem for Mr Kennedy.||2:The name alone is bound to fill seats at fund-raisers.||3:Elsewhere it may put people off, as it did in New York, when Caroline Kennedy, JFK’s daughter, explored running for the Senate three years ago.||4:Cynical New Yorkers resented her apparent sense of entitlement and her lack of political experience.||5:But things are different in Massachusetts.||6:Even though a third of voters think the Kennedys have too much influence in Bay State politics, a hefty 73% of them, including Republicans, view the family favourably.||7:Voters are astute.||8:They know a freshman representative at the bottom of Capital Hill’s totem pole is more likely to get a call returned if his name is Kennedy.||9:They want their representatives to stand out, says Scott Ferson, a political consultant and Ted Kennedy’s former press secretary.||10:Mr Frank, who is openly gay, is also notably outspoken, and Ted, Mr Kennedy’s great-uncle, was the liberal lion of the Senate. | |
22 | 当局称,一名弗吉尼亚理工学院的大一新生周六晚上被指控谋杀罪,一名13岁女孩在家失踪,尸体在北卡罗来纳州发现。 | Authorities say a Virginia Tech freshman was charged with murder Saturday night after the remains of a 13-year-old girl who disappeared from her home were found in North Carolina. | |
23 | 该校报告称,加州大学洛杉矶分校2017年新生班收到了10.2万份申请,这是首次有超过10万名学生申请入学。 | UCLA received 102,000 applications for the 2017 freshman class, the school reported. It is the first time that over 100,000 students asked to be admitted. | |
24 | 新生15磅这件事是真的,所以要确保经常锻炼。 | Freshman 15 is a real thing, so make sure you exercise often. | |
25 | 这位新上任的众议员以在社交媒体上与共和党人展开斗争而闻名, | The freshman representative, who has established a reputation for taking the battle to Republicans on social media, | |
26 | “我从来不让女孩买单,这会使我感到尴尬。”18岁的四川农业大学大一新生魏叙(音译)是这样认为的。 | "I never let a girl pay the bill, or I feel embarrassed, " said Wei Xu, an 18-year-old freshman at Sichuan Agricultural University. | |
27 | “我想知道是否真的存在这样一个大学新生的15磅。”Zagorsky告诉路透社。 | "I wondered if there really was a Freshman 15, " Zagorsky told Reuters. | |
28 | “在我更小的时候,我就想来美国读书,这是我的梦想。”王欣怡说,她是威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的新生。 | "It is my dream, when I was young, to study in the U. S. , " said Wang, a UW-Madison freshman . | |
29 | 18岁的罗郭新(音译)是东北师范大学企业管理系的大一新生,她曾经用帘子来保护自己的隐私。 | Luo Guoxin, 18, a freshman in business administration at Northeast Normal University, used to have a curtain to protect her privacy. | |
30 | 1910年,17岁的她在弗吉尼亚州伦道夫梅康女子学院开始了自己的大学生活。 | In 1910, she enrolled as a freshman at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Virginia. |