属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能高速 道路开拓者
1 | 美国各地的社会风俗因地而异,但大致上,越往美国西部,人们越友好。 | Social customs vary somewhat across the country, but in general, people tend to be friendlier and more informal as you travel farther to the western part of the country | |
2 | 区别于上海通用汽车别克销售店,雪佛兰将体现温馨、亲切的风格. | Unlike the Shanghai GM′s Buick dealers, the Chevrolet sales and services centers will adopt a warmer and friendlier approach. | |
3 | 约翰成为大人物之前可比现在要友善得多,当时他是个极谦逊的人。 | Before he became the big banana John was a much friendlier and most modest person. | |
4 | 在他还是个无名小卒时,他比现在要友好和讨人喜欢得多。 | Before he became the top banana he was a much friendlier and most likable person. | |
5 | ||1:由于这项计划成本远低于传统的扩路项目,因此备受政客们的青睐,司机们也可以期待更多的进展。||2:M25公路项目将花费1.29亿英镑,相比之下,在四个路口间增加车道将耗资3.61亿英镑。||3:政府也以更友好的姿态对待公路项目,预计下届政府期间高速公路管理局的预算将翻上一番。||4:若资金充裕,智能高速计划或将进入高速时期。 | ||1:Motorists should expect more of this: politicians like the scheme, which is far cheaper than traditional road-widening programmes.||2:The M25 programme cost 129m. By contrast, adding more lanes between four junctions on that motorway cost 361m.||3:And the government is adopting a friendlier stance towards motoring groups. The budget for the Highways Agency is projected to double under the next government.||4:Flush with cash, the smart motorways scheme may move into second gear. | |
6 | 根据一项新的研究,饮用啤酒会使你更友好、快乐和自在。 | According to a new study, drinking beer does make you friendlier , happier and less inhibited. | |
7 | XQuery是一种更加友好的、无任何副作用的语言,专门用于将一种XML结构转换为另一种。 | XQuery is a friendlier , side-effect-free language tailored for transforming from one XML structure to another. | |
8 | Zsh缺省的情况与之很类似,但是通过设置几个选项,我们可以使之友好些。 | By default the behaviour of Zsh is very similar, but by setting a couple of options, we can make it friendlier . | |
9 | 从模式化上来说,美国人更亲切、更喜欢微笑,也更加开放。 | Americans, stereotypically, are friendlier , smile more, and are more open. | |
10 | 但是另外一些行业,包括和环境密切相关的技术行业,则称这将会创造新的产业和就业机会。 | But other businesses, including those that work with environmentally friendlier technologies, say it could create new industries and jobs. | |
11 | 但是他的存在似乎总能让事情更顺利,至少使周围的气氛变得友善些。 | But his presence somehow makes things go more smoothly or, at least, makes the atmosphere friendlier . | |
12 | 但维吾尔观察人士表示,张春贤除了一张略显友善的面孔外,不太可能带来什么变化。 | But Uighur observers said Mr Zhang was unlikely to bring change other than a slightly friendlier face. | |
13 | 当它处于强势时,俄罗斯变得反美;当它处于弱势时,俄罗斯就变成了一个更友好的地方。 | When that is strong, Russia turns anti-American; when it is weak, Russia becomes a friendlier place. | |
14 | 第二条则是人口统计学:由于南方人口正密集多样的增长,莫瑟认为对于民主党人这将更有利。 | The second is demography: as the South grows more populous and diverse, Mr Moser contends, it will become friendlier towards Democrats. | |
15 | 对Mandrake用户来说,完成同样的工作,DiskDrake是一个更友好和更灵活的基于GUI的工具。 | For Mandrake users, the tool DiskDrake is a much friendlier and more flexible GUI-based tool to do the same thing. | |
16 | 俄罗斯总统德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(DmitryMedvedev)为该国外交政策披上了略显友好的外衣。 | Dmitry Medvedev has given Russian foreign policy a slightly friendlier face. | |
17 | 而且,现在环境对母乳哺育比几十年以前更友善。 | Still, the environment is much friendlier toward breast-feeding that it was a few decades ago. | |
18 | 二者之中,system-config-lvm提供一个更为简单友好的用户界面;而它们都可以完成工作。 | Of the two, system-config-lvm provides a somewhat simpler and friendlier user interface; however, either will get the job done. | |
19 | 发动另一场格鲁吉亚战争的风险远未结束,经济危机也使得俄罗斯对西方未存任何好感。 | The risk of another war in Georgia is far from over, and the economic crisis has not made Russia any friendlier to the West. | |
20 | 该命令与前面的wget命令做的事情基本相同,但是使用稍微不同的、更加友好的语法。 | This command does basically the same thing as the previous wget command but with a slightly different and friendlier syntax. | |
21 | 干净,友好,亲密的界面可能听起来像一个倒退,但事实并非如此。 | Cleaner, friendlier , intimate UI may sound like a step backward, but it’s not. | |
22 | 更大更友善的国际货币基金组织给与新兴经济体提供了比以往更多的外部帮助。 | Thanks to the bigger, friendlier new IMF, emerging economies can count on more outside support than they used to. | |
23 | 公司可能更容易将它们的总部转移到更友好的国家。 | Firms would simply move their head offices to friendlier countries. | |
24 | 积极人士预言印度将成为下一个中国,只是会更友好和民主。 | Optimists predict that it will be the next China, only friendlier and more democratic. | |
25 | 可以带给饭店亲切及个人化服务的形象? | It gives an organization a friendlier and more personal image. | |
26 | 另一方面,即便监管环境变得更友好,还存在着一些技术上的挑战。 | Still, even in a friendlier regulatory environment, technical challenges remain. | |
27 | 难道这种新型的、友好的数据套餐账单就是苹果所谓的“迷人的”以及“革命性的”那部分? | I wonder if this new, friendlier data plan billing is part of what Apple means with that "magical" and "revolutionary" bit. | |
28 | 你可能会说这样一系列的天灾人祸下来会让人们更加阴郁于资本主义制度进而偏向让政府集团介入其中。 | You might expect this sequence of calamities to have made people sourer towards capitalism and friendlier to the state. | |
29 | 怒火中烧的代表们投了一个更加友好的总统的票,安德里贝尔津什。 | Furious deputies voted in a friendlier president, Andris Berzins. | |
30 | 欧洲版图的重划能够使生活变得更加井然有序,友好和谐。 | Rejigging the map of Europe would make life more logical and friendlier . |