属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小本生意的旺市与淡市 繁文缛节让人忧郁
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-突尼斯首次民主选举后的政党联合与动荡
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-商业规程 改革流派
1 | ||1:从短期看,条规的变化对经济增长无影响,而周期性的影响因素比如房地产市场的状态或者一个特定行业的财富积累(加州的高科技,德克萨斯州的石油),却更重要。||2:但是,从长期看,商业友好型却有不同:一项研究发现,排除行业类别组成与天气因素影响,税收、成本和监管指数排名较前的州享有更强的就业增长。||3:全球范围内,在世界银行一项关于做生意的方便性的调查中,排名更靠前的过家发展更快。 | ||1:Changes to regulations have little effect on economic growth in the short run—cyclical influences such as the state of the housing market or the fortunes of a particular industry (high-tech in California, oil in Texas) matter more.||2:But in the long run, business-friendliness makes a difference: one study found that states that rank better on indices of taxes, costs and regulations enjoy stronger job growth, after filtering out the influence of industry composition and the weather.||3:Globally, countries that rank higher in the World Bank’s surveys of the ease of doing business grow faster. | |
2 | 复兴党领袖人拉希德·加努希(Rached Ghannouchi)周五表示,复兴党将组建一个“友好”、“团结”的新政府。 | Party leader Rachid Ghannouchi said Friday that his party would work to form a new government in "friendliness " and "brotherhood." | |
3 | 鉴于王妃一套衣服的成本就高达数千美元,因此民众也不会因王妃的节俭和环保而有所抱怨。 | Considering each piece she wears usually costs thousands of dollars, no one should complain about her frugality and eco-friendliness . | |
4 | 这使得德国领先于爱沙尼亚和智利这些作为友好型商业模范的国家。 | This puts Germany above such paragons of business-friendliness as Estonia and Chile. | |
5 | (年轻人装出友好的神情。)联想一: | The young man put on an air of friendliness . | |
6 | “环境友好”生存智慧的思想渊源 | On the Ideological Origin of the Survival Wisdom of "Eco- Friendliness " | |
7 | 阿拉巴马州养老院协会的约翰马特森称,是她的友善和热情使她夺冠。 | But it was her friendliness and warmth that won her the title, John Matson of the Alabama Nursing Home Association said. | |
8 | 帮助他人解决问题,以及友好对待他人,这些因素都有助于和同事建立积极的工作关系。 | Factors contributing to positive working relationships included helping others to solve problems and friendliness . | |
9 | 边界:建立睦邻友好国家关系的纽带和桥梁 | Borderline: the Tie and Bridge to Build the National Relations of Good - neighborhood and Friendliness | |
10 | 波兰的在适合经商指数排名中靠后。 | Poland ranks low on most indices for friendliness towards business. | |
11 | 诚信友爱:社会主义和谐社会的一个基本特征 | Sincerity and friendliness : a basic characteristic of socialist harmonious society | |
12 | 从操作任务谈产品的易用性设计 | Discussion about Design of Products’User-Friendliness from the Aspect of Operation Task | |
13 | 从而可显著提高发动机的动力性、经济性和环保性。 | The invention can remarkably enhance the dynamic property, the economical efficiency and the environmental-friendliness of the engine. | |
14 | 从衡量市场亲善程度的大多数指标来看,印度经济落后于拉美甚至撒哈拉以南的非洲地区。 | On most measures of market friendliness , it lags behind Latin America, and even sub-Saharan Africa. | |
15 | 当一个乌克兰人对波兰人讲波兰语,或者当一个波兰人对乌克兰人讲一些乌克兰语时,那就是一种表示友好或迎合的姿态。 | When a Ukrainian speaks Polish to a Pole, or a Pole some Ukrainian to a Ukrainian, it is a gesture of friendliness or ingratiation. | |
16 | 对于每个协议,我们列出其用法,并提供一些关于防火墙友好性的信息 | For each protocol, we list the usage and also provide some information on firewall friendliness | |
17 | 对于元模型,工具友好性是指为特定元模型(DSL)设计和开发工具的容易程度。 | With the metamodel, tool friendliness refers to how easy it is to design and develop a tool for a specific metamodel (DSL). | |
18 | 而同学也许会说「我们找一天聚聚」,但是美国人的友善并不意谓真正的友谊。 | Schoolmates may say, "Let’s get together sometime. " But American friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship. | |
19 | 该党领导人RachedGhannouchi周五表示,他所在的政党将组建一个“友好”、“团结”的新政府。 | Party leader Rachid Ghannouchi said Friday that his party would work to form a new government in "friendliness " and "brotherhood. " | |
20 | 该反应的反应时间短,产率高,环境友好,后处理方便。 | The reactions easily work up with short reaction time, high yield and environmental friendliness . | |
21 | 会有一些怀疑者的声音觉得AgCLIR只不过是在测试贫穷国家对美国投资者的友好度,但是范围远不止这么大。 | Suspicious types may think AgCLIR is just a way of testing the friendliness of poor countries to American investors; but the scope is wider. | |
22 | 检讨其他相关范畴,使政府服务更方便食物业的经营; | Review other relevant areas to enhance the business- friendliness of government services to facilitate the food business; | |
23 | 建筑材料的绿色化初探 | Discussion of Environment Friendliness of Architectural Material | |
24 | 建筑结构图自动识别中的用户友善性设计 | User-friendliness design in automatic recognition of architectural drawings | |
25 | 她们的友好态度使她离过去的自己便远了,她们的活泼精神富有感染力,因此她差不多也变得快活起来。 | Their friendliness won her still farther away from herself, their lively spirits were contagious, and she became almost gay. | |
26 | 可能是安全与用户友好性的折衷吧。 | Without any password - probably a compromise between security and user-friendliness . | |
27 | 绿色建筑的环境友好性研究 | Studies on Environment-friendliness of Green Buildings | |
28 | 伦·斯威廷同他一起走到门口,又恢复了那副友好的神情,一只手搭在年轻人的肩膀上。 | Len Sweeting came with him to the door, his friendliness returned, his arm around the younger man’s shoulders. | |
29 | 缅甸人以慷慨、好客、平静和友好著称。 | Myanmar People are known for their generosity, simple hospitality and with a blend of serenity And friendliness . | |
30 | 那是一只干瘦冰冷的手,那紧紧的一握使我感到的不是友好的情意,而是觉得触到一把骨头。 | more. . . than. . . It was a dry, cold hand, and the grip was severe, with more a feeling of bones in it than friendliness . |