属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"可可"债券 大规模转变
属类:经济金融-Arts & Culture 文化艺术-恐怖小丑让一些美国人担忧
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第168期:应该参军吗?
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-泰国政治动荡带来的经济不确定性
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-国营航空公司 不舒适的代名词
1 | 他不容易被吓住。 | He doesn’t frighten easily. | |
2 | 他夸大旅程中的危险,想吓得他们不敢去。 | He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them into not going | |
3 | 他夸大旅行的危险,是为了恫吓他们不敢去旅行。 | He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them into not going. | |
4 | 他夸张旅行的危险,目的是恫吓他们使他们不敢去旅行。 | He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them in to not going | |
5 | 他们企图吓唬公众顺从。 | They tried to frighten the public into obedience | |
6 | 他们企图吓唬群众使他们屈服。 | They tried to frighten the public into obedience. | |
7 | 他怕见女人;他说女人使他害怕。 | He fights shy of women; he says they frighten him | |
8 | 他这里自有兄弟奴仆在此料理,也并非为此些些小事值得他一逃走的. | Leaving his clansmen and servants here to settle the business. A trifling matter like taking a man’s life wouldn’t frighten him away. | |
9 | 提起美国帝国主义,人们似乎觉得它是强大得不得了的,中国的反动派正在拿美国的“强大”来吓唬中国人民。 | Speaking of U.S. imperialism, people seem to feel that it is terrifically strong. Chinese reactionaries are using the "strength" of the United States to frighten the Chinese people | |
10 | 我不会轻易害怕。 | I don’t frighten easily. | |
11 | 我们能以鞭炮驱邪,你相信吗? | Do you believe that we can use crackers to frighten away evil spirits? | |
12 | 我们所看到的事情使我们大吃一惊。 | The thing that we see makes us frighten . | |
13 | 我怕我会吓坏那些人,吓坏了他们或是使他们迷惑不解。 | I am afraid I may frighten the company, frighten or enthrall them | |
14 | 吓得某人魂不附体 | frighten [scare] sb. out of his senses | |
15 | 吓得某人屁滚尿流 | Frighten the piss out of sb. | |
16 | 显然他们正试图胁迫公众服从他们。 | They were evidently trying to frighten the public into obedience. | |
17 | 想必匆忙中,我们没把门关紧。我紧张得目瞪口呆。兴奋的考比会吓着卡莱布的,也许还会撞倒他。 | In our hurry, we must not have closed the door completely.I gasped. C0rby, in all her excitement, would frighten Kaleb-probably even knock him down. | |
18 | 妖怪一种想象出来的令人害怕的动物,尤指用来吓唬孩子的 | A fearsome imaginary creature,especially one evoked to frighten children. | |
19 | 一个“戒严令”也在无形中颁布了:乡农们即使平日是最好的,也不往来;人客来冲了蚕神不是玩的! | An unofficial "martial law" had been imposed.Even peasants normally on very good terms stopped visiting one another.For a guest to come and frighten away the spirits of the ripening eggs-that would be no laughing matter! | |
20 | 用爆竹吓走鸟. | use cracker s to frighten away the birds | |
21 | 用恐吓手段迫使某人做 [不做] 某事 | frighten sb. into doing sth. | |
22 | 用恐吓手段迫使某人做 [不做] 某事 | frighten sb. out of doing sth. | |
23 | 詹姆斯喜欢溜到妹妹身后吓她一大跳 | James loves sneaking up on his sister to frighten her | |
24 | 詹姆斯喜欢溜到妹妹身后吓她一大跳. | James loves sneaking up on his sister to frighten her. | |
25 | 罪犯向地面射击以为恐吓。 | The criminal shot down at the ground to frighten everyone. | |
26 | ||1:监管机构的确渴望一个更为简单的金融机构所以他们想知道是否cocos会使得处理银行破产变得更加棘手。||2:一个coco的失败将会作为一个触发点使得所有的投资者远离他们。||3:毫无疑问法律诉讼会随之而来在最尴尬的时候注入恐慌。||4:鉴于近期经验,对于监管者而言警惕任何银行热衷的事情是再必要不过了。 | ||1:Regulators, who crave a simpler financial system, wonder whether cocos will make dealing with failing banks even trickier.||2:The triggering of one coco will frighten investors away from all of them.||3:Lawsuits will undoubtedly ensue, injecting panic at the most awkward time.||4:Given recent experience, the watchdogs are right to be wary of anything banks are keen on. | |
27 | 但是自南卡罗拉纳州的新闻首次曝光以来,很多人承认他们认为小丑令人毛骨悚然。他们说小丑通常行为怪异,甚至会吓到其他人。 | But since the stories from South Carolina first appeared, many people are admitting they think clowns are creepy. They say clowns often act strangely and can even frighten others. | |
28 | 锻炼,强大起来,让人们感到害怕,这样你就成为终结者了。 | Work out, get strong, frighten people, and you’ll have it. | |
29 | 克里斯·贝克(Chris Baker)是泰国的一位商业专家。他说,国外主要投资者对泰国选举非常担忧。他们觉得缺少明确赢家会吓到投资者。他还表示,汽车制造商和相关企业都担心政府将无法出台重大政策决策。 | Chris Baker is an expert on business in Thailand. He says major foreign investors are concerned about the elections. They feel the lack of a clear winner will frighten investors. He also says car makers and related businesses are concerned the government will be unable to make serious policy decisions. | |
30 | ||其部分原因是,除了深陷于一个不停失败的重建循环之外,航空公司并没有多少更好的选择。私营化的案例很多,但成功的私营化案例却很少,而这是出于沉重的亏损、债务以及历史遗留成本,这些不利因素都令投资者惊慌而逃。||与接手一家航空公司相比,白手起家似乎更实惠些。就算是阿提哈德航空这样的国营航空里的“救世主”,也无法准时在北京机场起飞。 | ||Partly because there are few options beyond an endless cycle of failed restructurings. Privatisation plans are plentiful but rarely succeed because heavy losses, debts and legacy costs frighten investors away.|| It is cheaper to start an airline from scratch. Saviours such as Etihad are as rare as an on-time departure from Beijing airport. |