属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国的消费大军 依旧活跃(下)
1 | 跟不同的人有约会并不表示男的轻浮也不表示女的胡搞. | Dating a variety of people does not indicate frivolity on the part of a man or promiscuity on the part of a woman | |
2 | 她象汉考克小姐一样使用巧计,伪装风流,来使她的邻人们相信她青春正茂。 | She resembled Miss Hancock attempting by archness and by an assumption of frivolity to persuade her neighbours that she was juvenile | |
3 | 她以比较作家们的不同风格而取乐,她从一位作家的庄重中获得感动,又为另一位作家的轻浮而动情。 | She obtained pleasure by contrasting different writers, getting emotions out of the gravity of one and the frivolity of the next | |
4 | 她怎能忍受得了那男人的轻浮? | How could she tolerate the men’s frivolity ? | |
5 | 就象胡格教徒心目中的罗马城一样,他幻想了一幅淫乱,堕落,腐化的图画。 | Like a Huguenot imagining Rome, he built up a picture of frivolity , viciousness and corruption | |
6 | 奈何万乘之主,而以身轻天下?轻则失根,躁则失君 | How can a leader of a great country behave lightheartedly and frivolously? In frivolity , the foundation is lost. In hasty action, self-mastery is lost. | |
7 | 青年时代总是过于认真的,而时下青年则过分轻薄。 | Youth is always too serious,and just now it is too serious about frivolity . | |
8 | 轻浮,轻率举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;轻佻 | Lightness of manner or speech,especially when inappropriate;frivolity . | |
9 | 轻浮的;轻薄的 | Given to frivolity ;flighty. | |
10 | 轻浮的;傻的或平凡的 | Characterized by frivolity ;silly or trivial. | |
11 | 轻浮的或愚蠢的 | Given to frivolity or silliness. | |
12 | 轻率的;愚蠢的 | Given to frivolity ;silly. | |
13 | 他的轻浮使办公室里的其他人感到不快。 | His frivolity annoys the other people in the office | |
14 | 无聊举动;琐事 | A frivolity ; a trifle | |
15 | 享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。 | Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days | |
16 | 一次严肃的政治演讲不应该充满轻浮的言词。 | A serious political speech should not be full of frivolity . | |
17 | 一篇严肃的政治演讲不该充斥着轻薄无聊的话。 | A serious political speech shall not be full of frivolity . | |
18 | 这使我大为惊诧,我无法想象这些死气沉沉的阿马哈格人何以能爱好这种轻松愉快的活动。 | I was astonished by this, imagining that the Amahagger were much too gloomy a folk to indulge in any such frivolity | |
19 | ||1:这样的公司都将期望寄予中国富裕的的中产阶级的增加。||2:到2020年,家庭年均收入达两万四千美元的数量将翻一番,达到一亿家,在所有的城市家庭中占比达30%。||3:他们还寄期望于那些挥霍无度的年轻人身上。||4:35岁以下的消费年增长14%,是那些节俭的老一代人的两倍。||5:但是除此以外,他们还寄期望与大数定律。||6:一项由波士顿咨询公司和阿里研究所(阿里巴巴的研究分支)合作的研究预测即使中国的年经济增长率跌到5.5%(远低于现在官方公布的近7%的增长率),中国的消费将在未来的五年里继续扩张两万三千亿美元。||7:即使中国的经济前景不济,但是消费经济依旧比如今的英国和德国要更具前景。 | ||1:Firms such as these are betting on the continued rise of the affluent middle class.||2:By 2020, the number of households earning above $24,000 per year is expected to double to 100m, making up 30% of all urban households.||3:They are also betting on the frivolity of the free-spending young.||4:Consumption is rising at 14% a year among under-35s, twice the level of frugal oldies.||5:But above all, they are betting on the law of large numbers.||6:A joint study, by the Boston Consulting Group, another consultancy, and AliResearch, the research arm of Alibaba, predicts that even if economic growth falls to only 5.5% per year (well below official claims of nearly 7% a year now), China’s consumer economy will expand over the next five years by some $2.3 trillion.||7:Despite the deficiencies in economic forecasts, that incremental gain would be bigger than the entire consumer economy in Britain or | |
20 | 实质上轻浮又是防止我们灵魂萎缩的一个元素。 | An element of frivolity keeps a soul from atrophying. |