属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-他不是一个推销员 Death of a non-sal
1 | 一般上生活都十分俭朴,粗茶淡饭过日子,奢侈浪费不是他们的长处。 | By and large, they live a frugal and simple life and are not given to extravagance. | |
2 | 一家老少,都围着桌子坐下,几样简单的冷食,摆在他们面前。 | The family sat down to table,and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited beforethem. | |
3 | 一家老少,都围着桌子坐下.几样简单的冷食,摆在他们面前。 | The family sat down to table, and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited before them | |
4 | 再没有比那种晚餐更简单的了。 | Nothing could be more frugal than this repast | |
5 | 这位节俭的主妇对于这次聚会该采取怎样的形式煞费了一番苦心。 | This frugal woman had been somewhat exercised as to the character that should be given to the gathering. | |
6 | 职业上勤于学习,你就会精通。勤劳俭省,你就会富裕。节制适度,你就会健康。凡事讲德性,你就会幸福。--富兰克林 | Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. be industrious and frugal , and you will be rich. be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.--B. Franklin | |
7 | 只有面包和奶酪的便餐. | A frugal meal of bread andcheese | |
8 | 只有面包和奶酪的晚餐 | a frugal supper of bread and cheese | |
9 | 子曰:"管仲之器小哉。"或曰:"管仲俭乎"曰:"管氏有三归,官事不摄,焉得俭" | Confucius said: "Kuan Chung was quite limited in capacity."Someone asked: "Wasn’t Kuan Chung frugal ?"Confucius said, "Kuan had three sets of wives and his officers never worked overtime. How can he be considered to have been frugal?" | |
10 | ||1:他这样做一方面依据的是著名的节约成本结构。||2:另一方面则是那段非同寻常的长时期记录帮助了他。||3:据报道称,停止为一些门外汉理财后,他的收益已经达到了年均16%,比市场回报率高出六个百分点。||4:除此之外,他还有另外一些策略。||5:1999年,他的证券投资组合中全是没人要的股票,有人问他,即使拥有坚定信念,他是如何确保投资者对他的支持。||6:他说道,作为一个真正的逆向投资者只要具备一条:“不要告诉自己的客户他们拥有什么样的股票。” | ||1: In part, he could do so because of a famously frugal cost structure. ||2: In part, he was protected by an extraordinary long-term record. ||3: When he ceased managing money for outsiders, his returns were reported to have averaged 16% annually, six percentage points higher than the market. ||4: He had other tactics, too. ||5: In 1999, when his portfolio was composed of everything no one wanted, he was asked how, even if his own convictions were unshaken, he could ensure that his investors stuck with him. ||6: Being a true contrarian required just one rule, he said: “Never tell a client what they own.” | |
11 | 古登堡计划里的书其貌不扬,用最普通的ASCII编码形式打成的文本,看上去无法分辨是否由老打字机做出来的。 | Project Gutenberg books had a frugal look, with their Plain Vanilla ASCII format, which might have been produced on an old typewriter; | |
12 | 结果,中国对富裕国家的海外投资份额从2002年的十分之一猛增到去年的三分之二。要是像之前的日本,中国可能已经遇到重创。但是从挥金如土并寻求资源的国企到节俭并追求市场和创新的私企在投资方面的转变是一个好的迹象。 | As a result, the share of Chinese ODI going to rich countries has shot up from just a tenth in 2002 to two-thirds last year. Like Japan before it, China could yet experience a crash.|| But the shift in investment from free-spending state firms seeking resources to frugal private ones chasing markets and innovation is a positive sign.|| | |
13 | 通过仔细聆听用户需求,海尔敏捷的工程师设计出的智能产品,如内置于电脑桌中的小冰箱,冷冻机上带有一个小暖室,还有一个带有两层抽屉的水平冷藏器。 | By listening closely to demanding consumers, his firm’s fast and frugal engineers came up with clever products like mini-fridges built into computer tables, freezers with a slightly warmer compartment and horizontal deep freezers with two tiers of drawers. | |
14 | 易捷航空二季度运送旅客达1640万人次,与去年同期相比增加了2.6%。由于节俭的旅客提前抢订假期机票,其二季度应收增加了10.5%,达到了11.4亿英镑,也就是17.5亿美元. | EasyJet flew 16.4m passengers in the three months to June, up 2.6% on last year. The budget airline’s revenue grew by 10.5% in the second quarter, to £1.14 billion ($1.75 billion), as frugal consumers snapped up cheap holiday flights well in advance. | |
15 | (我们来面对吧节俭的人不会有这么多笔记本或移动硬盘) | (Let’s face it, a frugal person wouldn’t have so many laptops or external hard drives ) | |
16 | “我一直都很节俭,但是如此极端的生活方式,却是在被一家网络公司解雇后才开始的。”桥本这样解释道。 | "I’ve always been frugal , but it was when I was laid off in the dot-com crash that I became extreme, " Hashimoto explained. | |
17 | 本土企业正逐渐进化为“廉价工程技术”的专家。 | Indigenous conglomerates are evolving into experts in "frugal engineering" . | |
18 | 编制预算并不意味着你要过简朴的生活,如果你不喜欢那样的话。 | Budgeting doesn’t have to result in a frugal lifestyle, if that’s not your interest. | |
19 | 部分原因是因为,很多国家的消费者为了应对经济衰退和房屋价格下跌,已经比较节俭。 | In part, this is because consumers in many countries have become more frugal in response to the recession and the decline in house prices. | |
20 | 此外,我们应该提倡一种更加节俭的生活方式,以减小垃圾污染的增长规模。 | Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution. | |
21 | 从消费伦理观念的转换看节俭消费 | Study on Frugal Consumption from Shift of Consumption Ethics | |
22 | 大量的新兴市场企业在没有反向创新与节能生产的前提下,事业仍能蒸蒸日上。 | Plenty of emerging-market companies are flourishing without either reverse innovation or frugal production. | |
23 | 大萧条催生出了一批节俭的消费者,他们为了支付各种账单而放弃了外出吃大餐的奢侈。 | The Great Recession has created a newly frugal consumer willing to forsake the luxury of eating out in order to pay the bills. | |
24 | 但事实并非如此:节俭者要依靠挥霍者。 | It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate. | |
25 | 但是,如果你喜欢节俭,但也没有理由将好习惯扔在家中。 | But if you enjoy frugality, there’s also no reason to leave your frugal habits at home. | |
26 | 但是,这样一种情况也是可能的:政府中会出现更注重节俭更脚踏实地的领袖。 | But it’s also possible that more frugal , realistic leadership will emerge in Washington. | |
27 | 但是我建议他:别想着借钱.保持无债务的节俭生活,你可以把收入存进银行,过无信贷的生活。 | But I advised him: forget about borrowing money. Stay debt-free and frugal , and you can bank your income and live a credit-free life. | |
28 | 但也许更为重要的是一个久经沧桑、更为成熟、不再狂热、不再物质主义并且更为节俭的社会将出现在我们面前。 | But perhaps more important will be the emergence of an older, more mature, less frenetic, less consumerist, and more frugal society. | |
29 | 但中国政府并不完全像它自己所描述的那样,是一个勤俭、审慎的借款者。 | But the Chinese government is not quite the frugal , prudent borrower it portrays itself to be. | |
30 | 当人们试图节约开支时,如果有免费的交友网站,收费网站很可能就是被削减的对象。 | When you are trying to be frugal , a dating site might well be one of the things you cut back on if there are free sites on offer. |