属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应敌之策 Dealing with the enemy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亲密邻国彻底翻脸 誓言恶战到底
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-埃博拉迫使塞拉利昂学生通过广播学习
1 | 在春季徒劳的反击战中,他把所有的预备部队都用上了。 | He used up his reserves in fruitless counter attacks during the spring | |
2 | 战争的伤亡骤增,而向空中补充生手是无济于事的。 | Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless | |
3 | 这件事做得有点莽撞,但结果还是无用。 | Tins took some temerity, but it was fruitless | |
4 | 这件事做得有点莽撞,但结果还是无用。 | Tins took some temerity,but it was fruitless . | |
5 | 这些偶尔发生的偷袭事件既费力又常无结果,8世纪他们停止了这些活动,此时持续约两个世纪的北欧海盗时代开始了。 | These sporadic, laborious and often fruitless raids ended in the eighth century, when the Viking Age, which lasted about two centuries, began | |
6 | 这样一想,我就感到心平气和了。我不再自寻烦恼,妄想到海对面的陆地上去了。 | I say, I quieted my mind with this, and left afflicting my self with fruitless wishes of being there. | |
7 | 真爱无告的生命痛楚―读黄咏梅短篇小说《勾肩搭背》 | Life Bitterness of Fruitless True Love: An Opinion of Huang Yongmei’s Short Story of Gou Jian Da Bei | |
8 | ||1:1963年在湄公河三角洲,他做了一些无用的尝试,向越南人分发食用油和盖房用的稻草,想以此来争取他们对美国的支持,这时,肯尼迪总统“你能为你的国家做些什么”这句话,让他义无返顾的步入了外交事业之中。||2:他像一名记者一样—他本可以成为一名记者的,纽约时报拒绝了他—-总是试着和当地人交谈。||3:在巴基斯坦,他会以庞大的身躯用力挤进难民营—就像华盛顿的鸡尾酒晚会上在散步一样放松—-来听取普通人和受惊平民的苦难。 | ||1:Kennedy’s “ask what you can do for your country” had first got him into the foreign service, in the Mekong Delta in 1963, where he handed out cooking oil and thatching straw in a fruitless attempt to win the Vietnamese to America’s side.||2:Like the journalist he had meant to be, before the New York Times turned him down, he always tried to talk to locals.||3:In Pakistan he would squeeze his big frame into refugees’ tents in Swat, as relaxed as if he were cruising a Washington cocktail party, to listen to the misery of ordinary, frightened folk. | |
9 | ||1:而在那之前,乔治·凯南不过是美国外交界里颇有前途的小青年,之后则位列顶级战略家之层。||2:他的论据证实了杜鲁门政府继续与苏联战时合作的努力终究无果。||3:美国应当把苏联做为一个新的,一个试图摧毁“我们传统的生活方式”的敌人来认识,应当放弃传统的战争方式,坚决地包纳苏联的敌意并长期持之以恒。||4:随着美苏争霸的愈演愈烈,乔治·凯南意识到,对美国来讲最关键的是保持“我们这个社会的健康与活力”而不是变成一个堡垒式的国家。 | ||1: Before this, Kennan was a promising young officer in the American foreign service; after it, he joined the top ranks of American strategists. ||2: His arguments convinced the Truman administration that efforts to continue wartime co-operation with Russia were fruitless . ||3: America should recognise the Soviet Union as a new kind of enemy, one seeking to destroy “our traditional way of life”. Rather than fighting a conventional war, America would need to contain Soviet hostility firmly and consistently over the long term. ||4: As America resisted Moscow more and more, Kennan felt it was crucial that his country maintain the “health and vigour of our own society” and not become a garrison state. | |
10 | 国会唇枪舌战,基石刍议破产 | Congress has a fruitless fight over a modest proposal | |
11 | 然而现在叙利亚仍然是Erdogan总理最头疼的问题,而民意调查显示众多的土耳其人对当局政府在大马士革政权更替问题到目前为止的都没有任何结果表示了不满。叙利亚对平民的屠杀一直在持续进行着。在最近的一次统计中,约有80000在土耳其寻求庇护。 | Syria is now Mr Erdogan’s biggest headache, with opinion polls suggesting that most Turks are unhappy with his government’s so far fruitless attempts to change the regime in Damascus. The slaughter of Syrian civilians continues unabated. About 80,000 of them, at last count, had sought refuge in Turkey. | |
12 | 他说,“这是他们最大的责任之一。作为一个部门,我们能够提供广播服务,但如果在家的父母不参与进来,那么一切就将会是徒劳无功。” | "This has to be one of their greatest responsibilities. We can provide the service as a ministry, but if the parents who are at home do not participate, this is going to be a fruitless endeavor." | |
13 | 爱立信表示,自己是在与中兴为解决分歧谈判4年无果后,才采取这一法律行动的。 | The Swedish company said its legal action followed four years of fruitless talks to settle the disagreements. | |
14 | 把每条沟挖宽也无结果。于是,开挖六天后,他们转向两座有标识墓穴之间的一个新地点。 | Widening each trench proved fruitless , so on the sixth day of digging, they moved to a new site, between two marked graves. | |
15 | 但是如果这只是给管理这些自动化设备的维护部门带来更多的负担,那么节省测试工人也是没有意义的。 | But saving testing labour is fruitless if it only adds overburden to the maintenance department who look after this automated equipment. | |
16 | 对很多人而言,接下去几年里,他们可能还是会徒劳地寻找着工作,打劫是唯一可行的重新分配财富的方式。 | For many, this is the only form of economic redistribution they will see in the coming years as they continue a fruitless search for jobs. | |
17 | 而这可能是徒劳的。 | This is likely to prove a fruitless pursuit. | |
18 | 过去为改革保加利亚脆弱的司法体系所做的努力收效甚微。 | Past efforts to reform Bulgaria’s creaky justice system have been largely fruitless . | |
19 | 绝不会再做毫无意义的心扉复苏,或听911报话员声嘶力竭地说请小点声,太太,我没听懂你说的话。 | Never again the fruitless CPR, or the screaming 911 call with the operator saying Lower your voice, ma’am, I can’t understand you. | |
20 | 目前,越来越多像她这样的德国民众发现,寻觅一份全职永久工作是一种没有结果的诉求。 | More and more of her fellow citizens are finding the search for full-time, permanent employment a fruitless quest. | |
21 | 那是徒劳的,即使我是个劝导者:没有人会被不喜欢的想法改变信仰。 | That’s fruitless , even if I were a proselytizer: Nobody’s converted by unwelcome ideas. | |
22 | 迄今为止欧洲的政策都渗透到乌克兰的政治阶层,这证明其做法虽然费用巨大但是硕果累累。 | The European policy so far has been engagement with Ukraine’s political class. This has proved expensive, and mostly fruitless . | |
23 | 如果6个月的磋商没有结果,我们提议美国暂停对该国产品和服务的联邦采购。 | If six months of consultations are fruitless , we propose that the US suspend federal purchases of the country’s goods and services. | |
24 | 如果实际的大笔资金能支配总市场,那么频繁的交易活动是徒劳的,甚至在这之前就会亏损。 | If the big funds in effect own the market in aggregate, then frenetic trading activity is fruitless , even before costs. | |
25 | 试图将这种对未来预期与意想不到的政策行为进行博弈的做法往往是无果而终的。 | Attempting to game those expectations about the future with policy surprises is usually fruitless . | |
26 | 他的论据证实了杜鲁门政府继续与苏联战时合作的努力终究无果。 | His arguments convinced the Truman administration that efforts to continue wartime co-operation with Russia were fruitless . | |
27 | 他们的机关终将算尽,如同你将看到的那样短暂。 | And fruitless all their grafted guile, as shortly ye shall see. | |
28 | 他也同样放弃了那毫无结果的、对他的不情愿的孩子们教授文法的做法,而代之以和我一道读《沙恭达罗》。 | He likewise gave up the fruitless task of teaching grammar to his unwilling pupil, and read Sakuntala with me instead. | |
29 | 我曾经尝试过,我认为是没有结果的(至少是在软件开发方面)。 | I’ve tried it before, and I believe it to be fruitless (at least in the software development world). | |
30 | 学着放下焦虑,焦虑是世界上最没有用的了。 | Learn to let it go. Worry is the most fruitless expenditure of energy on the planet. |