属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 6350-1983
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食用油产业怎么了? What’s cooking?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(下)
1 | 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。 | I cracked two eggs into the frying pan | |
2 | 我一开门就闻到一股煎火腿的香味。 | The smell of frying ham hit me as I opened the door. | |
3 | 我一开门一股炸火腿的香味就朝我袭来。 | The smell of frying ham hit me as I opened the door. | |
4 | 我用普通油还是黄油来炒洋葱呢 | Shall I use oil or butter for frying the onions? | |
5 | 我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼 | I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan | |
6 | 无油木瓜脆片加工工艺 | Processing Technology of non-frying Crisp Chip of Chaenomeles | |
7 | 熏猪肉是在煎锅里烧的。 | Bacon is cooked in a frying pan. | |
8 | 一种适合于煎炸的调和油实验研究 | Study on a Kind of Mixed Oil for Frying | |
9 | 用cook一词时,一般是指用(1)沸水(置于深锅中)或(2)热的动[植]物油(置于煎锅中)或(3)直接加热(置于烤炉中或烤架上). | When cooking we generally use 1 boiling water(in a saucepan)or 2 boiling fat/oil(in a frying -pan)or 3 dry heat(in an oven or under a grill). | |
10 | 油煎放在油煎锅或长柄平底锅中用少许油煎 | To fry in a frying pan or skillet with a small amount of fat. | |
11 | 油炸马铃薯片中丙烯酰胺形成的影响因素的研究 | Study on Influence Factor on Acrylamide Formation during Frying of Potato Crisps | |
12 | 油炸时土豆色泽变暗,所以我们就根据色泽来判断油炸终点。 | Potatoes darken in color as they are fried and we judge the endpoint of frying by color. | |
13 | 油炸香芋片的研制 | Study on the Processing of Frying Fragrant Taro Clips | |
14 | 鱼在煎。 | The fish is frying . | |
15 | 欲加之罪,何患无辞 | If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying -pam | |
16 | 欲加之罪,何患无辞。 | If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying -pam. | |
17 | 在煎锅中毕剥作响的香肠 | Sausages sputtering in the frying -pan | |
18 | 在另一方面,一想到用动物油煎马铃薯,你便会作呕。然而在许多北欧国家里,这是为大家接受的通常习惯。 | On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fatDDthe normally accepted practice in many northern countries | |
19 | 炸丸子时把手给烫了,现在手上全是泡 | He had his hand scalded when frying meat balls and now the scalds come up in Blisters all over his hand | |
20 | 炸油飮食降低血浆与肝臓维生素A含量 | Dietary Oxidized Frying Oil Decreased Plasma and Liver Vitamin A in Rats | |
21 | 炸鱼和炸土豆块用的燃气灶规范 | Specification for gas heated fish and chip frying ranges | |
22 | 治大国若烹小鲜 | governing a big country is as delicate as frying a small fish | |
23 | 猪肉炼出的油可用来煎炸食物. | The grease from pork can be used for frying . | |
24 | 自98年7月正式投产以来,其主要产品有精制动、植物油脂、烘焙加工用高、中、低各档次的人造奶油,起酥油,各种油炸专用油,饼干、糖果冰品及其他特殊用途油脂、客户专用油脂。 | As of July 1999, attention has been paid to the development of animal and vegetable oil refinement, high, medium and low artificial oil for baking, shortening, frying , as well as oil for cookies and confectionery products. | |
25 | ||1:炒菜和酱沙拉的价格一直呈高企态势。||2:过去十年间,植物油的价格几乎翻了两翻。||3:与其它商品一样,它的价格在2008年创下了历史新高。||4:随后的价格暴跌现已被人们淡忘:现在价格又反弹至高点附近。||5:全球最大商品交易商(瑞士)嘉能可国际公司将向人们证实该行业的吸引力有多强:坊间盛传该公司正在考虑投资印度食用油企业“KS食用油公司”。 | ||1:The price of stir-frying and dressing a salad has rarely been higher.||2:Over the past decade the price of vegetable oils has all but quadrupled.||3:Like other commodities, prices hit records in 2008.||4:The subsequent slump is now forgotten: prices are back close to the peaks.||5:Glencore, the world’s biggest commodity trader, may be about to confirm the industry’s allure: rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils, an Indian edible-oil firm. | |
26 | ||1:当上映内容与中国的军事英雄主义无关时,审查者们往往都倍加严格。||2:在今年6月的上海电影节中,一部日本动漫电影《进击的巨人》或许就由于其暴力内容被撤。||3:儿童动漫《喜羊羊与灰太狼》----中国版的《猫和老鼠》,在2013年时因为其中的粗俗语言和暴力画面被国家媒体抨击;他们称那只狼为了将羊抓回家让老婆煮被平底锅击中了9500多次。||4:审查中没有明显地对性别的刻板印象提出异议。 | ||1:Censors more often pounce if the context is not related to China’s military heroism.||2:A Japanese anime film, “Attack on Titan”, was pulled from the Shanghai film festival in June, probably because of its violent content.||3:A children’s cartoon, “Pleasant Goat and the Big, Big Wolf”, a Chinese “Tom and Jerry”, was criticised by state media in 2013 for its “vulgar” language and violent images; they said that the wolf was assaulted with a frying pan over 9,500 times in his attempt to bring a sheep home for his wife to cook.||4:There were no apparent objections to the gender stereotypes. | |
27 | 才出狼穴…? | Out of the frying pan…? | |
28 | 他们称那只狼为了将羊抓回家让老婆煮被平底锅击中了9500多次。 | they said that the wolf was assaulted with a frying pan over 9,500 times in his attempt to bring a sheep home for his wife to cook. | |
29 | 脱离苦海,明星经济学家接手印度央行 | Out of the frying pan.A star economist is put in charge of India’s central bank | |
30 | 2007年的时候,中国有关研究工作者发现用竹子提取物可以有效的去除由于油炸产生的鸡翅里的有害成分。 | In 2007, Chinese researchers discovered a way to help rid deep-fried foods of a toxic frying byproduct using a bamboo extract. |