属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-安拉与女人 God-daughters
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-金钱和快乐 更明智方式消费
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-驼鹿和人 Of moose and men
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-零售业 传统采购与网购
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-零售业 传统采购与网购
1 | 他的身体不好,这是他完成计划的一个障碍。 | His poor health is an obstacle to the fulfilment of his plan | |
2 | 天文文献全文检索系统的研究与实现 | Exploration and Fulfilment of Astronomical Literature | |
3 | 为此目的,技术法规对贸易的限制不得超过为实现合法目标所必需的限度,同时考虑合法目标未能实现可能造成的风险。 | For this purpose, technical regulations shall not be more trade-restrictive than necessary to fulfill a legitimate objective, taking account of the risks non-fulfilment would create. | |
4 | 为胜利地完成第一个五年计划而斗争! | Strive for the successful fulfilment of the First Five-Year Plan ! | |
5 | 我国和法国如今履行义务向波兰伸出援手,它正在英勇抵抗这次对它人民发动的恶毒无端的攻击。 | We and France are today, in fulfilment of our obligations, going to the aid of Poland, who is so bravely resisting this wicked and unprovoked attack on her people | |
6 | 五年计划的完成. | the fulfilment of the Five-Year Plan | |
7 | 现在他是不是传唤我按照他那最恶毒的想象力所设想出来的每一个恶行去履行契约呢?" | And does he now summon me to its fulfilment , by suggesting the performance of every wickedness which his most foul imagination can conceive? | |
8 | 要争取这三个条件,需要相当的时间,大约需要三年时间,或者还要多一点。 | The fulfilment of these three conditions will take some time, say three years or a little longer | |
9 | 有机会(充分)发挥自己的能力的工作 | A job with(a lot of)scope for self-fulfilment | |
10 | 原产地规则不得提出过分严格的要求或要求满足与制造或加工无关的条件,作为确定原产国的先决条件。 | They should not pose unduly strict requirements or require the fulfilment of a certain condition not relating to manufacturing or processing as a prerequisite for the determination of the country of origin. | |
11 | 原产地规则不得提出过于严格的要求或要求满足与制造或加工无关的某一条件,作为确定原产国的先决条件。 | They shall not pose unduly strict requirements or require the fulfilment of a certain condition not related to manufacturing or processing, as a prerequisite for the determination of the country of origin. | |
12 | 争端解决机构可有自己的主席,并制定其认为履行这些职责所必需的议事规则。 | The Dispute Settlement body may have its own chairman and shall establish such rules of procedure as it deems necessary for the fulfilment of those responsibilities. | |
13 | ||1:阿雅按安·希尔西·阿里和阿菲亚·西迪基都是性格坚强、头脑聪明的女性,40年前出生于传统伊斯兰世界心脏地带的显赫家庭,而后又移民美国。||2:与数以千万计有相同经历的人一样,她们必须将来自其故土的移民亚文化与一个存在巨大选择差异的自由世界进行调和对接。||3:在两种尖锐对立的价值体系,两种关于道德、成功和成就的定义完全相反的理念面前,她们不得不做出自己的选择。 | ||1: Ayaan Hirst Ali and Aafia Siddiqui are forceful, intelligent women who were born around 40 years ago in the heart of the conservative Islamic world, into families of some prominence. Later, they moved to America. ||2: Like tens of millions of others who made similar journeys, they had to negotiate the interface between an immigrant sub-culture that harked back to the homeland and a liberal society where very different options existed. ||3: Presented with two sharply contrasting value systems, two diametrically opposed ideas about the meaning of virtue, success and fulfilment , they had to make their choices. | |
14 | ||1:如果你有5.9亿美元,你会想做什么?葛罗瑞亚·马克肯泽尔正面对这个问题。她是一位84岁在弗罗里达拥有一座小房子的寡妇,最近获得了有史以来最大的彩票头奖。||2:博客上到处是给这位幸运强力球奖金领取者的建议。||3:但如果她希望她新得到的财富会让她产生持久的满足感,她可能需要读读伊丽莎白·唐恩和迈克尔·诺顿合著的《快乐理财》。 | ||1:WHAT would you do with590m? This is now a question for Gloria MacKenzie, an 84-year-old widow who recently emerged from her small, tin-roofed house in Florida to collect the biggest undivided lottery jackpot in history.||2:The blogosphere is full of advice for this lucky Powerball pensioner.||3:But if she hopes her new-found lucre will yield lasting feelings of fulfilment , she could do worse than read “Happy Money” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. | |
15 | ||1:上乘小说总是招致读者追捧,运用肉体吸引读者,使读者沉浸在完全迥异的世界。||2:对比而言,短篇小说依靠即时吸引力和直接的满足感。||3:小说如是能吸引读者,读者渴望遭遇下一次火花碰撞。||4:短篇小说时常使读者动摇,以获得更大的满足。 | ||1:A good novel woos its readers, tantalizes them with glimpses of flesh and gradually lures them into a world from which they later emerge changed.||2:Short stories, by contrast, rely on instant attraction and immediate gratification.||3:If they are good they leave one hungry for the next encounter.||4:More often, though, they leave the reader slightly jarred, looking for greater fulfilment . | |
16 | 他预计Ocado公司,这将与莫里森公司共享其第二物流中心,于明年实第一次实现适当的利润。 | He expects Ocado, which will share its second fulfilment centre with Morrisons, to achieve its first proper profit next year. | |
17 | 在那里购物都是从免下车超市自行选取商品。随着业务量的上升,选购的方式可能慢慢演化成看不见人流的隐形商店,并逐渐变成类似于Ocado的高效、自动化物流中心。 | As volumes rise, picking will shift to shopperless dark stores and to automated, super-efficient fulfilment centres like Ocado’s. | |
18 | “当你工作了很长时间,如果你不能在工作中得到深层次的成就感,那你就是在浪费生命。” | "When putting in long hours, if you don’t get a deep sense of fulfilment at work, you’re wasting your life. " | |
19 | 2006年国家级火炬计划项目执行情况 | Fulfilment of the State Torch Programs in 2006 | |
20 | 20世纪90年代末,皮特深陷名人陷阱之中,但是他渴望更大的关注和成就。 | By the end of the 90s, Pitt was awash in the trappings of celebrity but says he hankered after greater focus and fulfilment . | |
21 | Gap将与当地合作伙伴上海奕尚网络信息公司合作,由奕尚处理订单的配送和执行。 | Gap is working with a local partner, Shanghai Yi Shang, which will handle distribution and fulfilment of orders. | |
22 | 成年人追求个人成就的文化使得许多孩子都没有上一代或上两代孩子快乐了。 | The culture of individual fulfilment for adults was making the lot of children much less happy than a generation or two ago. | |
23 | 传统的动机方法包含了个人目标的达成,并鼓励防御与隐藏。 | Traditionalmotivation methods which involve personal goal fulfilment encouragedefensiveness and cover up. | |
24 | 大学生素质教育与图书馆教育职能的发挥 | On Quality of Undergraduates and Fulfilment of Education Function of Library | |
25 | 但是现在大多数女性,或是对钱的需求或是自我实现的渴望等等各种原因,她们都会选择在外工作。 | But these days most of them, for reasons ranging from money to the desire for self-fulfilment , want to work outside the home. | |
26 | 当代大学生知识结构的优化与成才 | Optimization of Knowledge Composition and Self-fulfilment of Contemporary College Students | |
27 | 对国际货物销售合同履行“根本违约”的探讨 | On Fulfilment of "Fundamental Breach of contract" in Contracts for the International sale of Goods | |
28 | 对许多这样的家庭来说,送一个孩子上大学是一生梦想的实现。 | For many such families, getting a child into university was the fulfilment of a lifelong dream. | |
29 | 格里辛格用最清晰的论述表明了,美好愿望的实现是梦与精神错乱所共有的幻象特征。 | which reveals, with the greatest clarity, wish-fulfilment as a characteristic of the imagination common to dreams and to the psychoses. | |
30 | 贯彻黑龙江省民委信息工作会议精神的关键在于抓落实 | The key Lies in Stress Fulfilment in Implement the Informational Work Conference Spirit of the Nationalities Committee |