1 | 所以,只是为本地艺术工作者提供经济资助和建立一个栖身之所是不够的。 | So funding local artists and building a structure to house art is simply not enough. | |
2 | 他们的答案采用以下形式,即建议和拨款要求,以扩大全球疾病监视、诊断试剂、通信和应急反应体系、全球培训计划、以及一个全球基金会。 | Their answers have been in the form of proposals and funding requests to expand global disease surveillance, diagnostics, communications, and emergency response systems, a global training program, and a global stable funding base. | |
3 | 他们可能还对DNA实验室拥有股份,或者接受来自公共或私人机构的资金捐助。 | They may have financial holdings in DNA labs or may have received grant funding from public or private agencies. | |
4 | 它亦会向立法会申请拨款。 | It would also apply for funding from the Legislative Council. | |
5 | 为大学的理科多提供些经费 | More funding for science in the universities | |
6 | 我刚提出筹集基金的问题, 他急忙插嘴说问题已经解决了 | When I brought up the question of funding , he quickly interjected that it had been settled | |
7 | 我国贫困学生资助体系的困境与对策研究 | A Study on the Problem of Funding System for Poor Students and Its Countermeasures | |
8 | 我们可以回到最初有关集资的问题上吗 | Could we get back to the original question of funding ? | |
9 | 我们要断绝恐怖分子的财路,使他们相互反目,把他们从一个地方驱赶到另一个地方,直到无可逃循,无处藏身。 | We will starve terrorists of funding , turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or rest. | |
10 | 现在最主要的困难就是资金的筹集。伯尔尼当局仍需为拨款举行投票,而为了应对巨大的财政预算赤字,伯尔尼州正处于节省开支时期。 | Now the main obstacle is funding . Local authorities have yet to vote on the appropriation, which comes after a period of belt-tightening in the canton of Bern to deal with a huge budget deficit. | |
11 | 新的加氢站将由同济大学全面负责,壳牌提供技术咨询和部分资金。 | Tongji University is responsible for the development and operation of the new hydrogen station with Shell contributing technical advice and funding .? | |
12 | 研究小组是由大学基金促成的。 | The research was made possible by funding from the university. | |
13 | 养老金对于第二阶段改革的成败至关重要。官方统计数据表明,国有企业支付的薪酬中,30%多是各种养老金。在2000年到2050年间,根据传统的离职付款体系所支付的养老金将达到2000年国内生产总值的71%。 | Pension funding will be the key to the success of Stage II reforms. Official statistics show that pension payments account for over 30% of SOE payrolls. The old pay-as-you-go system for the period 2000-2050 totals 71% of 2000 GDP. | |
14 | 要加快发展农村教育、卫生、文化等社会事业, | The development of educational programs, sanitation services and cultural activities funding sources for agricultural development must be speeded up | |
15 | 要深化支出管理改革,提高基础设施、信息、设备的综合利用率,提高资金使用效益。 | The reform for expenditure management shall be deepened to raise the comprehensive utilization ratio of infrastructure, information and equipment and to improve the funding returns. | |
16 | 一些经济拮据的学校晚上把教室出租给补习学校,以此来另辟财源 | Some money-tighted schools opened up new funding channels by letting classrooms to schools of continuing education in the evenings | |
17 | 已有四家大学决定下周罢课,抗议削减大学拨款。 | A total of four universities have decided to boycott classes next week to protest against the proposed education funding cuts. | |
18 | 引荐其它国际国内的投资机构,为企业提供更多的融资渠道 | Introduce international and domestic investors who can provide additional sources of funding . | |
19 | 英国工党政府称他们将在2004至2006年间检讨BBC的收费结构,看看是否能以另一种方式来"养活"BBC。 | Britain’s Labor government has said it will conduct a full review the BBC’s funding structures between 2004 and 2006, looking at alternative financing methods to sustain "BBC" | |
20 | 英国文化媒介及体育管理局局长约维尔6月5日宣布,英国广播公司(BBC)将在至少10年内不会改变其资金来源方式。 | The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)is very unlikely to see any dramatic change to its funding structure for at least the next decade, Culture Media and Sport Secretary Tessa JOWELL said on Wednesday | |
21 | 英国政府对大学科研的资助体系 | UK Government Research Funding System for University | |
22 | 由国家核拨经费的事业单位、科技性的社会团体从事经营活动或者设立不具备法人条件的企业,由该单位申请登记 | Administrative institutions depending on State funding or scientific and technological social bodies must apply for registration if they engage in business operations or establish enterprises not qualified as legal persons | |
23 | 由联合国赞助发起的年度筹款呼吁被称作为统一代理机构呼吁,以确保资金能够到达最需要的地方。 | This annual process sponsored by the UN and known as the consolidated inter-agency appeal, is an attempt to steer global funding where it is most needed. | |
24 | 有官员表示,监管部门将结束对数百家党政报纸、期刊的资金支持,并禁止强制订阅,让数百份党政报刊自生自灭。 | Regulators are set to consign hundreds of party and government newspapers and periodicals to the dustbin by ending their state funding and mandatory subscription schemesofficials said | |
25 | 有机高分子材料重要研究领域展望与国家自然科学基金高分子领域资助概况 | Overview on Organic and Polymeric Materials Research in China and Brief Introduction on Funding from NSFC | |
26 | 有越来越多的艺术表演团体,要求大笔的资助到国外演出。 | It is increasingly common for the arts companies to seek large funding for overseas performances. | |
27 | 在建项目后续资金 | additional funding for projects under construction | |
28 | 在联合国开发计划署、英国国际发展部等其他国际组织在资金、经验、技术等各方面的支持下,中国财税体制改革领域的国际合作一定会取得丰硕成果。 | the support from the UNDP, the DFID and other international organizations in terms of funding , experience and technology, the international cooperation in the field of fiscal reform in China will definitely be fruitful. | |
29 | 在依照国家规定设立的中小企业发展基金中,应当根据需要安排适当数额用于支持中小企业实施清洁生产。 | Funding from the Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Fund established in accordance with national regulations shall be set aside to support cleaner production for small-and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with their needs. | |
30 | 在资金允许的情况下,网络项目最终应力求包括代表更有差异的气候区和土地使用。 | The project intended that other sites representing more variable climate zones and land use will eventually join the network as funding becomes available. |