属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最强拍档 Friends united
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙及市场 Spain and the market
1 | 不但股票市场大不景气,成交额之低足使一个老到的经纪人落泪,而且悲观气氛深深弥漫于专业投资顾问之间,以至抱怀疑态度唱反调的人开始认为:下一个令人惊奇的事很可能是情形好转。 | Not only are the markets in a deep funk ,with volume low enough to make a grown stockbroker cry,but pessimism so profoundly pervades the ranks of professional advisors that skeptical contrarians are beginning to think that the next major surprise could well be to the upside. | |
2 | 布鲁.芬克新灌录的唱片在流行音乐最畅销的每周目录上排名很高 | Blue Funk ’s new hit has had good ratings in the charts | |
3 | 差不多每次他在报上或电视上看到可悲的经济状态时,他就感觉泄气。 | Nearly every time he reads the newspaper or watches television about the sad state of the economy he gets into a blue funk . | |
4 | 大为恐惧. | be in a funk | |
5 | 当竞争太激烈时他总是畏缩不前. | He always funk ed when competition grew too keen. | |
6 | 假如我是你,我也会吃惊的。 | If I were you,I should be in a funk myself. | |
7 | 她害怕变换工作. | She was in a funk about changing jobs. | |
8 | 老板叫我到他办公室去时,我心中忐忑不安。 | I was in a blue funk when my employer called me into his office. | |
9 | 没有这样狂妄的事,我的朋友,我必要生活和弄我的计算。 | All rot and funk , my boy. I must live and do my calculations. | |
10 | 纽伦堡法庭上被判徒刑的有七个被告:赫斯、雷德尔和丰克被判无期徒刑,斯佩尔和席腊赫被判二十年,牛赖特被判十五年,邓尼茨被判十年。 | Seven defendants at nuremberg drew prison sentences: Hess, Raeder and Funk for life, Speer and Schirach for twenty years, Neurath for fifteen, Doenitz for ten | |
11 | 怕痛. | funk pain | |
12 | 如果你长期陷于沮丧状况时,可能会使你生病。 | If you remain in a blue funk too long,it can make you ill. | |
13 | 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。 | He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him. | |
14 | 天哪,你真是丧魂落魄了。 | By George, you are in a blue funk | |
15 | 我们都怕告诉她真实情况. | We all funk ed telling her the truth. | |
16 | 我一直惊恐不安,这时传来那令人震惊的消息。 | I had been in a blue funk ,when the shocking news reached me. | |
17 | 游资;外逃资金[英国]:由利率差别、升值期望或贬值恐惧所驱使的短期国际资本流动。 | hot money; funk money [UK]: Short-term international capital movements, motivated by interest rate differentials or revaluation hopes/devaluation fears. | |
18 | 约翰在明天的拳击比赛中将迎占杰克逊,他十分畏惧。 | John is in a blue funk about fighting Jackson in the boxing tournament tomorrow. | |
19 | 在被告席上还有沙赫特的继任者,目光躲闪、无足轻重的人物瓦尔特·丰克。 | There was Walther Funk , the shifty-eyed nonentity who had succeeded Schacht | |
20 | 这里的环境充满了乡土气息(尼娜·马丁) | The setting is country funk (Nina Martin) | |
21 | 只要一想起坐飞机旅行就使我极为恐惧。 | Just the thought of travelling by air puts me in a blue funk . | |
22 | ||1:拉詹对印度的看法也是正确的。||2:2010年,随着该国自大情绪的高涨,他警告说“增长永远不能被视为理所当然”,并且“自欺欺人是走向灾难的第一步。”||3: 当他准备在9月份接替杜武里·苏巴拉奥(Duvvuri Subbarao)担任印度储备银行(RBI)行长时,这种谨慎似乎是有先见之明的。 ||4:印度经济陷入恐慌,面临国际收支平衡恐慌。||5:过去三个月,卢比兑美元汇率下跌了12%。 | ||1: Mr Rajan has also been right about India. ||2: In 2010, as hubris in the country soared, he warned that “growth can never be taken for granted” and that “self-delusion is the first step towards disaster.” ||3: As he prepares to succeed Duvvuri Subbarao at the helm of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in September that caution seems prescient. ||4: India’s economy is in a funk and it faces a balance-of-payments scare. ||5: The rupee has fallen by 12% against the dollar in the past three months. | |
23 | ||1:如果不巧妙处理,这样的题材可能会落入很多固定套数。||2:相反,影片在两个人的缺陷中触及到了喜剧元素:一个是身体上的;一个是社会上的。||3:抛开感情色彩,他们比他们周围任何人都更了解对方。||4:这种不太可能的化学反应发生在开场一幕:迪瑞斯将朋克音乐开到最大音量,驾驶着玛莎拉蒂轰鸣着穿过夜晚的巴黎街道时,他为他的雇主、坐在乘客位子上的菲利佩带来了这部他拥有的却没法开的豪车所带来的快感。 | ||1:Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.||2:Instead, the film’s light touch finds comedy in both men’s handicaps: the one physical, the other social.||3:Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do those around them.||4:This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Driss roars through the streets of night-time Paris, funk music at full blast and Philippe in the passenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive. | |
24 | ||1:如果没有巧妙的处理的话,这类题材的电影可能会落入俗套。||2:然而,这部电影的喜剧亮点放在了两个男人各自的缺陷上,一个是身体残疾,另一个是社交障碍。||3:但彼此都没有感情冲动,都比周围其他人能更好的读懂对方。||4:这种独特的味道在影片开场就有所展现。菲利普坐在副驾驶上,让Driss激动的开着自己拥有却无法驾驶的玛莎拉蒂,在夜晚的巴黎街头驰骋的时,车里充斥着劲爆的音乐。 | ||1:Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.||2:Instead, the film’s light touch finds comedy in both men’s handicaps: the one physical, the other social.||3:Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do those around them.||4:This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Driss roars through the streets of night-time Paris, funk music at full blast and Philippe in the passenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive. | |
25 | ||1:由于仍需努力的西班牙政府似乎开始掌控局面,这种市场恐惧就更令人感到不安了。||2:公共债务快速上升,但去年西班牙公共债务占GDP的69%这一比例远远低于意大利的120%——甚至还低于德国的81%。||3:预算赤字居高不下(2011年占GDP的8.9%),但就在市场恐慌一周前,西班牙总理马里亚诺.拉霍伊还宣布了更多严厉的紧缩措施。||4:7月20日,欧洲财政部长批准为西班牙银行提供价值1000亿欧元(1210亿美元)的第一批纾困资金。 | ||1: The market funk was the more troubling since a Spanish government with a lot going for it had appeared to be getting a grip. ||2: Public debt is rising fast, but at 69% of GDP last year was far lower than Italy’s 120%—and less even than Germany’s 81%. ||3: The budget deficit is high (8.9% of GDP in 2011), but only a week before the market panic Mariano Rajoy, the prime minister, announced more tough austerity measures. ||4: And on July 20th European finance ministers sanctioned the first tranche of a partial bail-out worth up to EURO100 billion (Dollor121 billion) for Spanish banks. | |
26 | 工党的下坡路 | The Labour Party’s funk | |
27 | 博客也提供意见给那些曾经不知名的、但能就美国的经济恐慌和欧洲的债务危机提出大胆解决办法的学者。 | They have also given voice to once-obscure scholars advancing bold solutions to America’s economic funk and Europe’s self-inflicted crisis. | |
28 | 但该计划从未得到过NASA承认,而现年72岁的职业飞行员Funk依旧痴心不改。 | The program was never recognized by NASA and now, at the age of 72, Funk , a professional pilot, is still waiting. | |
29 | 但拉霍诺知道,在市场患上了欧元恐惧症、债券收益率之高令人咂舌的时候,仅靠承诺无济于事。 | Yet Mr Rajoy knows that, with the markets in a euro funk and bond yields at eye-watering highs, mere promises count for little. | |
30 | 但力拓毕竟是在考虑竞购,这个事实表明,这家英澳矿商已经从收购加拿大铝业(Alcan)后的恐慌情绪中复元。 | But the fact that the Anglo-Australian miner is weighing a bid at all suggests it has emerged from its post-Alcan funk . |