属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经营道德 购买香蕉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能关税 太阳黑子
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-微软与隐私 转轨
1 | 乔发脾气说如果艾米去那她就不去了,并且把她的小妹妹大骂了一顿,然后把门砰地一声关上走了。艾米朝外喊道:“你会后悔的,乔·马奇!瞧你会不会后悔!” | Jo crossly declared she wouldn’t go if Amy did, and, furiously scolding her little sister, she slammed the door and went off, as Amy called out: “You’ll be sorry for this, Jo March! See if you ain’t!” | |
2 | 秦钟香怜二人又气又急,忙进去向贾瑞前告金荣,说金荣无故欺负他两个 | The two friends rushed furiously in to complain to Jia Rui of Jin Rong’s uncalled-for insult. | |
3 | 说时手使劲拍着床 | She pounded furiously on the bed as, she spoke | |
4 | 他大吼一声向敌人猛冲上去。 | He furiously gave upon the enemy with a great shout | |
5 | 他喝着苦汁,无情的海水前仆后继,定要把他淹没,浩瀚的泽国拿他的垂死挣扎来取乐。 | he drinks in the bitterness,the cowardly ocean attacks him furiously , to drown him,the enormity plays with his agony | |
6 | 他们互相猛烈攻击. | They went at each other furiously . | |
7 | 他们猛烈地互扑打。 | They went at each other furiously . | |
8 | 他们猛烈进攻,企图得一分以打成平局。 | They attacked furiously in an effort to score a tying goal. | |
9 | 他们使劲地扭打起来。 | They set about each other furiously . | |
10 | 他气呼呼地测试着火花塞,眼睛盯着转换器。 | Furiously he tested the spark-plugs, stared at the commutator | |
11 | 他如此气愤,两只眼睛冒着怒火。 | He was so angry that his eyes sparked furiously | |
12 | 王后狂怒着说,并把桌上的墨水缸扔到了壁虎比尔的身上。 | said the Queen furiously , throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke | |
13 | 我放下枪,感到无比轻松。我跟爸爸跪在地上,帮忙解开博吉。博吉欣喜地蹭着我俩,短尾巴使劲地晃动。 | A tremendous relief overwhelmed me as I put down the gun. I knelt down with Dad and helped untie Bogy, who wriggled against us happily, his stub tail wiggling furiously . | |
14 | 我军猛攻这座城市。 | Our army fell furiously upon the city. | |
15 | 我看到巨额帐单时简直火冒三丈. | When I saw the size of the bill I simply erupted,ie became furiously angry. | |
16 | 我现在仍能感受到自己站在舞台上,满脸绯红,透过舞台脚灯看父亲使劲鼓掌和开怀大笑时的心情。 | I can still feel myself standing on that case stage, blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see .my father’s grin as he applauded loudly. | |
17 | 卧洛猎狗汪汪地乱叫。 | The Wuolo dog was barking furiously | |
18 | 辛楣狠命把牙齿咬跟唇,因为他想着“Mating”跟“梅亭”也是同音而更有意义。 | Hsin-mei furiously bit down on his lips, for it occurred to him that the word "mating" was also homophonous with "Mei-t’ing" and had a meaning as well | |
19 | 雨又急又猛,象激流一般从茅草顶上泻下。 | The rain beat fast and furiously and ran down in plashing streams from the thatched roof | |
20 | 在六月地方选举遭受不光彩挫败的新千年民主党,一直为是否更换其总统候选人卢武铉及是否组成新党而激烈内斗。 | The MDP, which was defeated ignominiously in the local elections in June, has been fighting inside furiously for whether to change its presidential candidate Roh Moo-hyun and whether to form a new party | |
21 | 赵辛楣以为他讲了俏皮话而自鸣得意,一时想不出回答,只好狠命抽烟。 | Chao Hsin-mei, quite pleased with the wisecrack he had made a moment ago, was for the moment unable to say anything in reply and puffed away furiously on his pipe | |
22 | 这对夫妇对该轮到谁做晚饭而激烈争吵着 | The couple was quarreling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner | |
23 | ||1:环保组织"森林伦理"(ForestEthics)发起环保运动后,奇基塔公司11月承诺不再从加拿大焦油砂中提取燃油。||2:提取这种燃油是一个污染环境的过程。||3:环保人士竭力阻止加拿大通往美国的Keystone XL输油管道的修建。||4:奇基塔公司告诉环保组织"森林伦理"(ForestEthics),在其船运中他们不再使用这种燃油,同时也避免将这种燃油使用于陆运。 | ||1:After a campaign by a green group called ForestEthics, Chiquita agree d in November to avoid fuel from Canadian tar sands.||2:Extracting this oil is a dirty process.||3:Environmentalists have worked furiously to block a pipeline, called Keystone XL, which would carry it from Canada to America.||4:Chiquita told ForestEthics that it does not use such fuel in its ships and agreed to avoid its use in lorries. | |
24 | ||1:与此同时,塔纳资本愈发重视投资日益繁荣的消费品和农产品行业。同时,也在慢慢涉足建筑材料领域、健康领域和教育界。||2:娜塔丽珍,这位家族的发言人声称,家族获得的资金会投资到这些行业中。||3:除此之外,基础设施和能源领域是作为撒哈拉沙漠南部最热门的行业,海默家族也在考量着对这两个领域进行投资。||4:据说,尼克四处打探消息,寻找可以投钱的最佳场所。 | ||1: At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education. ||2: The new money could go into any or all of these areas, says James Teeger, a family spokesman. ||3: And the Oppenheimers may also look at infrastructure and energy, two of the hottest businesses south of the Sahara. ||4: Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash. | |
25 | ||1:这个已经很让那些高造价的厂商苦恼,最近主要由于欧洲和美国政府削减补贴而带来的市场对光伏板需求的减缓更令其苦恼加剧。||2:许多中国和其他国家的太阳能公司亏着本拼命甩卖库存(掉价中的产业祸根)。||3:最近一些厂家已破产,包括一批曾是行业先驱的德国公司,如Solarhybrid, Solon, Solar Millennium 以及 Q-Cells。 | ||1:This has brought misery to higher-cost producers, which a recent slowdown in demand for solar panels, caused mostly by reductions in European and American subsidies, has greatly exacerbated.||2:Many solar firms, Chinese and otherwise, are now furiously selling inventory-the bane of an industry where prices are falling-at a loss.||3:Some have gone bust, including recently a clutch of once-pioneering German firms such as Solarhybrid, Solon, Solar Millennium and Q-Cells. | |
26 | 许多人对于自己的在线行为被监控的做法毫不在乎,但有些人则强烈反对。 | Many people give scarcely a thought to being electronically snooped on as they browse, but some object furiously . | |
27 | 在长期的争辩中,最后的一个环节便是争吵。广告商可以认为用户乐于被跟踪并被发送广告吗?或者他们需要显式的授权?很多人浏览时根本不介意被电子跟踪,但也有人言辞激烈的提出了反对。 | The quarrel is the latest round in a long-running argument. Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads? Or should they have explicit permission? Many people give scarcely a thought to being electronically snooped on as they browse, but some object furiously . | |
28 | “从来没有!”王后狂怒着说,并把桌上的墨水缸扔到了壁虎比尔的身上。 | ’Never! ’ said the Queen furiously , throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke. | |
29 | “看你做的好事!”他拿着那根断了的短鞭,怒吼着。 | ’Look what you’ve made me do! ’ he said furiously , holding the broken crop. | |
30 | “什么第三代,胡说八道!”甘德怒不可遏地回答道。 | "The third Generation be Goddamned" answered Gant furiously . |