1 | 白色的小东西毛茸茸的,很是骨感,学者们写过大量文章论述貂代表着纯洁无瑕。 | The creature is white, furry and bony. Scholars have written reams about this ermine’s significance as an allegory of purity. | |
2 | 并不是说我想让自己变成一个胖嘟嘟的小孩或者毛茸茸的小猫,而是因为我也想好好享受一下这种沉睡的感觉。 | Not because I want to be a small child or a furry kitten. Because I want to enjoy that same sort of rest! | |
3 | 大约60英尺开外,一张毛茸茸的脸从一间空屋边的垃圾堆上朝我张望,那是一头熊的脸。 | About 60ft away a furry brown face was peering up from a pile of rubbish that was piled by an empty house. The face belonged to a bear. | |
4 | 但是,如果您把这些可爱的、漂亮的东西弄湿了,那么它们可就帮不上您的忙了。 | They can’t help you if you get those lovable cute furry things wet, though! | |
5 | 但是除了Splash胡吃海塞的坏习惯以及对网球的热爱之情之外,我对它的了解甚少,对于我来说,它就像是个毛茸茸的谜团。 | But beyond Splash’s indiscriminate eating habits and love of tennis balls, he was little more than a furry mystery to me. | |
6 | 但它们绝对不是怪胎,事实上,这些友好善良、毛茸茸的有袋动物叫做蜜袋鼯。 | But far from being an oddity, these friendly furry marsupials are in fact a type of possum known as a sugar glider. | |
7 | 当然成人人类不应该喝母乳从四条腿的,毛茸茸的动物。 | And certainly adult humans are not supposed to be drinking the mother’s milk from a four-legged, furry animal. | |
8 | 冬天的时候,光光的树枝附上了毛茸茸的一层霜,在太阳底下发着光,你都害怕一不小心碰到它们就散落一地。 | In winter, the bare branches grow furry with frost. They sparkle in the sun, and you’re afraid to touch them in case they shatter. | |
9 | 毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。 | Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. | |
10 | 红毛丹是一种很有趣的水果,外表长的像长满毛的草莓,而果肉又和荔枝相似。 | Rambutan is an odd fruit that looks like a furry strawberry from the outside, and much like a lychee on the inside. | |
11 | 即使不想了解,你也一定要看喔,因为视频里面有可爱的毛茸茸的小动物甩水动作的慢放镜头。 | If you don’t want to, you must watch anyway: It’s full of cute furry animals shaking in slow motion. | |
12 | 接住飞盘!这只毛绒绒的猎犬用爪子抱住飞盘,跃过一个女人和她女儿的头顶。 | Got it! This furry competitor clasps his paws around the disc, leaping over the heads of a woman and girl | |
13 | 她的四肢为能再次到室外而充满喜悦,因为能远离她那原木小木屋的四壁,它们在漫长的春雨中,长满青苔,横行霸道。 | Her limbs rejoiced to be outdoors again, out of her tiny cabin whose log walls had grown furry and overbearing during the long spring rains. | |
14 | 今年少了平日那些魁梧的猎人猛击海豹毛皮稀少的头部以及鲜血流淌于冰川之间的场景。 | This year there has been less of the usual footage of burly men bashing small furry skulls and of blood smeared across the ice floes. | |
15 | 就像一只小动物处在一条高速公路的快车道上的场景一样,2009年,卡车制造业遭受了一次严重的冲击。 | LIKE a small furry animal in the fast lane of a motorway, the lorry industry suffered a severe pounding in 2009. | |
16 | 据估计,这种毛茸茸的袋类动物每年给澳大利亚的旅游经济带来10亿美元收入。 | It is estimated that the furry marsupials generate $1 billion a year to the Australian economy in tourism. | |
17 | 老鼠很适用于这样的研究,但她不忍心伤害毛茸茸的小动物。 | The mouse is a standard organism for such studies, but she did not like hurting furry animals. | |
18 | 里面盛满了毛茸茸的橙黑相间的小脸。 | The basket was full of furry orange-and-black faces. | |
19 | 例如,在药物实验室“鼠”是一种小的有毛动物,而在计算机实验室中,它却是一种定位设备。 | For example, while ’mouse’ is a small furry animal in a pharmaceutical lab, it is a pointing device in a computer lab. | |
20 | 另外一件很偶然的事情是遇到了“幸运兔”,一只会算命的长毛兔子。 | Another random encounter was with the "fortune rabbit" , a furry bunny who apparently possesses the ability to predict the future. | |
21 | 马克说用圣诞帽子和饰品来装扮这些毛茸茸的小动物是一项很大的挑战,尤其是很多时候它们都会想咬玩这些小道具。 | Mark said using Christmas hats and props with his furry subjects was a challenge especially as most of the time they tried to eat them. | |
22 | 毛茸茸的考拉据说每天要睡上18个小时,当时正在树上酣然入睡,结果被浇水的园丁没注意淋了它一身。 | The furry creature, which rests for up to 18 hours a day, was fast asleep in a tree when it was soaked by a gardener watering his trees. | |
23 | 蒙在我嘴上的围巾,温温的湿湿的。 | My mouth felt furry , for the scarf over it was wet and warm. | |
24 | 其它发现包括有毛的甲壳类(如题图所示)和体长与成年男子手臂相近的虾。 | Other finds included furry crustaceans (pictured above) and lobsters as long as a man’s arm. | |
25 | 起价149美元,养宠物的人就可以把他们的动物朋友送上飞机,附送登机前散步和洗澡一次。 | Starting at $149, pet owners can send their furry friends on flights that provide a pre boarding walk and bathroom break. | |
26 | 如今,更多的人选择将自己毛茸茸的伙伴从他们的小屋中解放出来,一起去度假。 | Today, more pet owners than ever are foregoing the kennel in favor of bringing their furry friends along on vacation. | |
27 | 谁邀请的这个毛茸茸的花生怪物? | So who invited the giant furry peanut ? | |
28 | 所有的车轮现在都成了碎片;而且大多数碎片都进入了泰迪熊毛茸茸的肚子里了。 | All of the car wheels were now in little fragments; Mostly inside furry bear bellies. | |
29 | 他把自己的书包和蒂姆的放在一起,接着沿着被蒂姆踩过的草地走了进去。 | He set his book bag beside Tim’s and stepped among the crushed weeds. Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. | |
30 | 他发现这样做的并非只有他一人,他说:“你能看到很多人在巴黎为他们的毛绒玩具照相,其中很大一部分人不是孩子了。” | "You see a lot of people taking pictures or furry toys around Paris, " he says. "And a lot of them are not kids. " |