1 | 他好像无法相信自己的好运,静静等待有人将地毯从他毛茸茸的四肢下抽走。 | He acts like he can’t quite believe his luck and is just waiting to have the rug pulled from under his four furry feet. | |
2 | 图片以干净的白色衬底,抓拍到我们毛茸茸的玩伴儿各种可爱的动作和神态 | Photographed against a clean, white, background, the pictures capture our furry companions in a host of loveable poses | |
3 | 我们只是把那个家伙戳爆我们就走 | We’ll just take our furry pinata and go. | |
4 | 一旦这毛茸茸的家伙对人肉表现出兴趣,理论上说,再也不能相信它了。 | Once a furry inmate acquires a taste for human flesh, the theory went, it can never be trusted again. | |
5 | 一马平川的农耕地延伸到起伏的秃山脚下,那山黄得像皮毛,我忍不住想去抚摸它们。 | Flat farmland bordered by bald and furrowed hills so furry -brown I wanted to stroke them. | |
6 | 一些非营利组织试着干预,鼓励人们不要一开始就遗弃他们的毛绒朋友。 | Some non-profits are trying to step in and encourage people not to abandon their furry friends at shelters in the first place. | |
7 | 一只斧头和一对毛茸茸的粉红色手铐是目前伦敦特里斯坦·贝兹剧院展出的100多件展品之一。 | An ax and furry pink handcuffs are two of more than 100 artifacts currently on display at London’s Tristane Bates Theatre. | |
8 | 用豆子装满袋子,再给袋子装两只毛茸茸的耳朵,然后给它起个可爱的名字,比如:帕蒂鸭嘴兽或飞溅的鲸鱼。 | Fill a sack with beans, give it furry ears, and name it something cute like Patti the Platypus or Splash the Whale. | |
9 | 又厚又毛的身体上插着一条跟海狸一样扁的尾巴,还有水獭似的四肢,我们觉得这无伤大雅是因为他TM满身都是毛。 | It’s got a thick, furry body with a flat, beaver-like tail and otter-like feet and we’re cool with that because he’s so damn fuzzy. | |
10 | 在森林里,他遇到了一位可爱的老鼠女士,女士觉得他特别英俊,尤其是那条漂亮的毛茸茸的尾巴。 | While he was there he met a beautiful lady rat who thought that he was very handsome. She especially admired his fine, furry tail. | |
11 | 在我们的门边,带着灰点的绿色阔叶丛在铺路材料间重重叠叠长了起来。 | By our door, broad furry green leaves polka-dotted with grey pressed up between the pavers. | |
12 | 在亚洲和非洲贫脊干旱的沙漠中就有砂猫的踪迹,这种猫长有特殊的爪子,爪子上覆有皮毛可以让其免于受到灼热砂子的伤害。 | The sand cat is found in the arid deserts of Asia and Africa and has particularly furry feet to protect them from the scorching sands. | |
13 | 在这些展品中,有一副毛茸茸的、色彩浓烈的粉红手铐,一艘玩具船和一只假腿。 | Among the items on display are a pair of hot-pink furry handcuffs, a toy sailboat and a prosthetic leg. | |
14 | 这场秀以一件温暖的铁锈色细长毛皮马甲开场,运用包括蔚蓝色在内硬朗色调。 | An elongated furry vest in a warm rust opened the show, playing with a strong color palette that included bright blue. | |
15 | 这里有5个应用程序,可以帮助你在多个方面照顾好你那个毛茸茸的至亲朋友,包括从训练到急救。 | These five apps will help you take care of your best furry friend from dog training to first aid. | |
16 | 这三个可爱的毛茸茸的圆球可都是从中国借来的。 | The three furry balls of cuteness are on loan from China. | |
17 | 这是一头相当漂亮,锈褐色的,13个月大的利木赞牛,深色的眼睛和毛茸茸的外皮,有一个365的号码标记。 | It is a rather gorgeous, rusty-brown coloured, 13-month-old Limousin cow, dark of eye and furry of coat, and tagged with the number 365. |