属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-威斯敏斯特宫 纸牌屋
1 | 思想陈腐的老教授. | A fusty old professor | |
2 | 他的科学知识有点陈旧了,因为他自从三十年前离校以后就根本没有再学过. | His knowledge of science is a bit fusty , as he hasn`t studied it at all since he left school 30 years ago. | |
3 | 这毯子有点儿发霉的味儿. | This blanket smells a bit fusty . | |
4 | ||1:国会大厦修葺一事将在大选之后马上进行投票决议。||2:议员们很可能谋求更好的安身之地。||3:伯科先生提出警告,若是未来十年议会大厦得不到修复,那么议员们将不得不“抛弃此地另觅良居”。||4:而这也并不是一件坏事。||5:老旧的威斯敏斯特宫并不能完全满足其议员办公之用:比如,若不经翻修,老旧的下议院议事厅根本不能容下所有议员参与会议。||6:也不能改变下议会大厦的陈腐氛围—相较于一个现代民主的中心它更像是一间外貌平平的乡村旅馆。 | ||1:Parliament is expected to vote on the matter not long after the general election.||2:It may consider leaving for good.||3:Mr Bercow warned that if the palace is not repaired in the next decade, legislators will have to “abandon this site and look elsewhere”.||4:But that might not be such a bad thing.||5:The palace is poorly suited to its purpose: no amount of repairs will make the House of Commons chamber big enough to let all MPs sit down, for example.||6:Nor will they remove the fusty atmosphere of the place—more mid-market country hotel than hub of modern democracy. | |
5 | ||1:试想资金管理行业的顶层,浮现脑海的是日内瓦或伦敦梅菲尔区的私人银行,大理石大厅、仿照乡间别墅的会客室,力求让其超级富豪客户感到宾至如归。||2:但这样的印象已过时。||3:实际情况是,美国加州和新加坡,成千上百玻璃装修的私人办公室专注投资加拿大债券、欧洲房地产和中国初创企业(中国初创企业的黄金赞助人正梦游般卷进一场政治风暴)。 | ||1:Think of the upper echelons of the money-management business, and the image that springs to mind is of fusty private banks in Geneva or London’s Mayfair, with marble lobbies and fake country-house meeting-rooms designed to make their super-rich clients feel at home.||2:But that picture is out of date.||3:A more accurate one would feature hundreds of glassy private offices in California and Singapore that invest in Canadian bonds, European property and Chinese startups—and whose gilded patrons are sleepwalking into a political storm. | |
6 | ||1:许多会议都是通过Zoom和其他应用程序进行的,老板们可能会认为这比把所有人都聚集在一个破旧房间里更好。||2:据估计,有210万人在3月23日下载了Zoom应用程序,这一天,英国进入了禁闭状态,世界卫生组织警告称,新冠病毒大流行正在“加速”。||3:即使当人们开始返回办公室办公时,许多没有感染病毒的人也会在与同事亲密接触时感到紧张。 | ||1:So many meetings have been conducted via Zoom and other apps that bosses may decide that this is a better approach than gathering everyone together in one fusty room.||2:One estimate is that 2.1m people downloaded the Zoom app on March 23rd, the day Britain went into lockdown and the World Health Organisation warned that the pandemic was “accelerating”.||3:Even when people start returning to o?ces, many of those who did not catch the virus will be nervous about being in close proximity to their colleagues. | |
7 | 几年前,东京的大部分五星级酒店都很破旧。 | Until a few years ago, most of the five-star hotels in Tokyo were fusty affairs. | |
8 | 如果这些评论来自那些随时准备投身于抵制高科技风潮的保守派电影制作人,那大可不必理会。 | Such talk could be easily dismissed if it came only from fusty film-makers known for digging in their heels against new technology. | |
9 | 他为观众带来了各类俗气的娱乐节目以及进口肥皂剧,一扫了当时传媒行业的古板守旧作风。 | He gave people brash game shows and imported soaps, sweeping away the fusty piety that had previously dominated the media. | |
10 | 因此,尽管领结似乎仍然意味着发霉的老一代,但对年轻人来说,它们已成为反文化的象征。 | So, while bow ties still seem fusty for older generations, for young men they have become a symbol of counter-culture. |