1 | 盖洛普9月20日发表的一项民调显示,支持对富人提高税率的人远多于反对者,比例分别为66%和32%。 | A Gallup poll published on September 20th found that those who supported raising the taxes of the rich outnumbered opponents by 66% to 32%. | |
2 | 盖洛普把对现在和未来的生活满意度评分合为一份,其中感觉生活“蒸蒸日上”的比例与在皮尤调查中给出高分人数的比例基本相当。 | Gallup combines present and future life ratings, with "thriving" roughly equivalent to a "high" score in Pew’s survey. | |
3 | 盖洛普把拉美和撒哈拉以南非洲上升的对气候变化的关注归因于极端的气候事件。 | Gallup attributes the increasing concern in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa to extreme weather events. | |
4 | 盖洛普的调查称,91%的印尼人认为政府的腐败现象非常普遍。 | The Gallup survey found that 91 percent of Indonesians believe corruption is widespread throughout the government. | |
5 | 盖洛普的调查工作包括一个钟头的采访,发问者通常和回答者同性、同国籍。 | Gallup ’s field-work consists of hour-long interviews in which the questioner is usually the same sex and nationality as the respondent. | |
6 | 盖洛普的调查还显示,最近对气候变化的担心在加拿大、西欧和中东都有所下降。 | The Gallup surveys also shows recent drops in public concern in Canada, Western Europe and the Middle East. | |
7 | 盖洛普的就业不足指数统计包括了传统意义上的失业人口,还有那些到处找打零工的人口。 | Gallup ’s Underemployment Index captures traditional unemployment, as well as those who are employed part-time but seeking additional work. | |
8 | 盖洛普的就业不足指数也和一国的人均GDP有着密切的负相关。 | Gallup ’s Underemployment Index also has a strong negative relationship with GDP per capita. | |
9 | 盖洛普的最新民调数据显示,共和党重回执政之路看上去险峻而漫长。 | THE road back to power for the Republican party looks long and steep judging by the latest polling data from Gallup . | |
10 | 盖洛普调查数据显示,20世纪90年代早期,在18到29岁人群中,36%的人表示堕胎应该“在任何情况下都合法化”。 | In the early 1990s 36% of those aged 18-29 said that abortion should be "legal under any circumstances" , according to Gallup . | |
11 | 盖洛普公司和健康管理公司Healthways的最新联合调查发现,年收入不少于9万美元的人群中,有28%的人说自己感觉昨天没有休息好。 | A new Gallup -Healthways survey found that 28% of individuals with incomes of $90, 000 or more said they didn’t feel well-rested yesterday. | |
12 | 盖洛普公司上个月的调查显示,85%的调查对象反对他的统治。 | In a poll last month by Gallup , 85% of respondents disapproved of his administration. | |
13 | 盖洛普还对两名打哈欠过度频繁的慢性病人进行了研究。 | Gallup had also studied two women who suffer from chronic bouts of excessive yawning. | |
14 | 盖洛普暨罗宾逊调查公司最近的一项调查便凸显了这种自立感。 | A recent survey from the research firm Gallup & Robinson highlights that sense of independence. | |
15 | 盖洛普将此归结至共和党人对他们观点的净化:70%的共和党员现在认为自己是婴儿生命权主义者,并且这个数字在以每年10个百分点的速度上升。 | Gallup attributes the new numbers to Republicans’ purifying their views: 70% now call themselves pro-life, up 10 points in a year. | |
16 | 盖洛普民意调查中问到一个简单问题:你目前是否恰巧在读些什么书或小说之类的? | I am cheered by the Gallup poll that asks a simple question: do you happen to be reading any books or novels at present? | |
17 | 盖洛普婉拒了五角大楼要求在伊拉克发起工作的提议。 | Gallup declined a proposal from the Pentagon to sponsor its work in Iraq. | |
18 | 盖洛普一月调查发现约有61%的民众看好资本主义,并且同样有61%的人不看好社会主义。 | Gallup found in January that 61% had a positive view of capitalism and about the same percentage had a negative view of socialism. | |
19 | 盖洛普指,这些国家的国民基本需要得到较大满足,所以比较幸福。 | Gallup pointed out that national basic needs in these countries have been met to a large extent, so people feel happy. | |
20 | 盖洛普咨询公司于2008年以电话方式展开了调查,当时接受调查人群的年龄分布在18到85岁之间。 | The Gallup Organization questioned them by telephone in 2008. At that time, the people were between the ages of 18 and 85. | |
21 | 盖洛普最新调查显示,丹麦再次被评为世界上最舒适的国家。 | Denmark is the most contented country in the world, according to a new Gallup study. | |
22 | 根据盖洛普的调查,公众对他处理外交事务的支持率从二月份的54%上升到了三月底的61%。 | Public approval for his handling of foreign policy rose from 54% in February to 61% at the end of March, according to Gallup . | |
23 | 根据盖洛普调查,在过去数年里,乌里维的支持率稳固地保持在70%到80%之间。 | According to Invamer-Gallup , a pollster, Mr Uribe’s approval rating has remained steady at between 70% and 80% over the past year. | |
24 | 根据盖洛普调查结果,美联储支持率从2003年的53%下滑到仅有30%,低于所有其它联邦机构。 | The Fed’s approval rating stands at just 30%, lower than any other federal agency and down from 53% in 2003, according to Gallup . | |
25 | 根据盖洛普民意测验的结果,91%的共和党,71%的无党派人士,甚至48%的民主党都预期税单将增加。 | Some 91% of Republicans, 71% of independents and even 48% of Democrats expect their tax bills to rise, reckons Gallup . | |
26 | 根据盖洛普民意测验显示:认为同性婚姻应以合法化的调研美国人的比例由90年代中期的27%上升至40%。 | And according to Gallup , the proportion of Americans who think gay marriage should be legal has risen to 40% from 27% in the mid-1990s. | |
27 | 根据盖洛普在全国范围内进行的每日民意测验,六、七两个月里,奥巴马平均领先麦凯恩三个百分点。 | In Gallup ’s national daily tracking [poll] for June and July, Obama has averaged a three percentage point lead over John McCain. | |
28 | 根据一项来自盖洛普的新的投票结果,废除合法持有手枪的公众支持率已经下降到了28%,为50年来的最低点。 | Public support for a ban on handguns has fallen to 28%, the lowest level in nearly 50 years, according to a new poll from Gallup . | |
29 | 关于幸福这一话题已经有许多数据,例如,美国一般社会调查,欧盟民意调查以及盖洛普都收集过。 | There are already a lot of data on the subject collected by, for instance, America’s General Social Survey, Eurobarometer and Gallup . | |
30 | 呵欠传染被认为是进化出来用于保持群体的警惕性使群体“在危险面前保持警觉,”盖洛普说。 | Contagious yawning is thought to be an evolved mechanism for keeping groups alert so they "remain vigilant against danger, " Gallup said. |